2013年8月31日 星期六
No decision in Hidalgo bus contract debate
Source: The Monitor, McAllen, TexasAug.迷你倉 31--EDINBURG -- Hidalgo's bus permit controversy finally received a court hearing Friday, but ended with a cliffhanger.Since July 22, temporary restraining orders have blocked Councilmen Gus Sanchez and Guillermo Ramirez from voting on Hidalgo's latest bus permit -- an application from S to N Transport, which would serve the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge. They've been sparring with Councilman Rudy Franz, who owns Hidalgo's only bus company and holds half the city's taxi permits."Why would Rudy file a lawsuit?" Ramirez said. "He's protecting his own interests and using his position as a commissioner to advance his agenda."After hearing arguments and witness testimony on Friday afternoon, 449th state District Judge Jesse Contreras extended the latest restraining order until Sept. 6. To date, three district judges have approved or extended the restraining orders.Taxi drivers and Rudy Franz have argued they're being targeted for political retaliation. Rudy Franz heads the Concerned Citizens of Hidalgo, commonly called the rojos for their trademark red shirts and signs. Ramirez and Sanchez recently broke with the rojos, and supported a rival slate during the May 2013 school board election."They are directly targeting the drivers and myself for not having voted their way," Rudy Franz said. "Every taxi driver had a sticker: red. They all had signs at their houses: red. They're getting singled out 'Oh, we're going to teach you and Rudy Franz a lesson.'"Allowing another bus company to serve the Hidalgo-Reynosa bridge would ruin local taxi drivers, Rudy Franz said文件倉 by increasing competition for passengers."It would completely demolish these people's lives. Immediately," Rudy Franz said. "In two weeks, they would be broke. The bottom is line is 'Hey, I can compete with anybody.' They can't. I'm their only buffer zone right now."Until September 2011, Rudy Franz's near-monopoly on Hidalgo's transportation and towing businesses didn't attract much attention. Rudy Franz's sister-in-law, Siglinde Franz, and his nephew, former Mayor John David Franz, served on the City Council and controlled local politics.The Hidalgo Police Department's towing rotation included just two contractors: National Tow Service, owned by Rudy Franz; and American Tow Service, owned by his wife, Yolanda Franz, according to business records from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Both operate from the same office at 418 S. Bridge St.The City Council recently added another towing company to the rotation.Rudy Franz also operated Hidalgo's only bus company, STS! Transportation, and held half the city's 14 taxi permits."Frankly, we don't know how it got to this point," Ramirez said. "It's been like that for years. But it doesn't mean we have to accept it."Last year, though, Ramirez and the City Council voted to reject several bus permits, ostensibly concerned about "congestion management issues." Afterward, both former police Chief Vernon Rosser and Mayor Franz said they were just covering for Rudy Franz.dhendricks@themonitor.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Monitor (McAllen, Texas) Visit The Monitor (McAllen, Texas) at .themonitor.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
Girl, 3, hit by car recovering
Source: The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo.迷你倉Aug. 31--A 3-year-old girl who was hit by a car Thursday night is recovering at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs."We are happy to report the female child does not have serious bodily injuries as thought," a Pueblo police press release said.The incident happened at 7:39 p.m. on the 1200 block of Bohmen Avenue.Moises Garduno, 55, was driving a Toyota Tacoma south on the street and hit the child, who was with her 6-year-old brother."It appears the actual cause of the wreck is based on the little girl running into traffic. She kind of darted into traffic," Sgt. Chris Noeller said. "The possibility of charges are still being investigated."THEFT/AUTO THEFTSOUTH SIDEA couple with four children were arrested early Wednesday for reportedly shoplifting and driving a stolen vehicle.Dominic J. Lujan, 26, and Rachel M. Martinez, 25, were arrested on suspicion of theft and contributing to the deliquency of minors.The incident happened about 1:45 a.m. at Walmart, 4080 W. Northern Ave.Officer Brian Laut said he was parked outside the store and saw Martinez acting suspicious outside the store. Soon, Lujan left the store carrying a purse. Employees told Laut that Lujan had stolen items.Lujan walked to a blue Chevy Suburban and placed the purse inside. Martinez also was at the vehicle speaking to children inside. Laut said he tried arresting Lujan but he fled on foot and was soon arrested 儲存倉y other officers.Inside the vehicle police found cold steaks and other food. The vehicle also was found to be stolen in July from the 2200 block of East Orman.Police released the children to a relative.Lujan was being held in Pueblo County jail in lieu of $50,000 bail. Martinez, who initially gave police a false name, was being held in jail in lieu of$25,000 bail.HOME INVASIONWEST SIDETwo men believed to be armed entered a home Friday, assaulted a woman and stole a purse.The incident happened about 10:15 a.m. in the 2200 block of West 12th Street.According to Cpl. John Guerrero, the suspects asked for "Erica," who owed them money. The victims, a 53-year-old woman and her caretaker, a 48-year-old woman, said the girl didn't live there.Guerrero said the suspects, who appeared to be armed with weapons by holding their hands behind their backs, were adamant they were in Erica's house.The suspects demanded money and pills. They took the caretaker's cellphone, pushed her into the door and ran out with older woman's purse.Both suspects wore jean shorts and are in their 20s, Guerrero said. One man is bald and wore a gray shirt. The other has short dark hair and wore a light blue shirt.The men are between 5 foot 5 and 7 inches tall.nickb@chieftain.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) Visit The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) at .chieftain.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢
馬灣 古島記憶
時為1997 年,迷你倉一條大橋從馬灣島頭頂劃過,令原來一個平靜、遺世、資源貧瘠漁村小島,有了翻天覆地的改變。馬灣島上曾發掘出有逾四千年歷史的「馬灣人」——極有可能是這個島上的最早的「原居民」。而發堀遺址沙柳塘,恰恰就在新建的大橋的橋墩旁邊,悄悄地任荒草叢生。青馬大橋旁邊卻築起了那一艘與島上歷史無關、跟周遭環境更是格格不入的挪亞方舟。島上「時空交錯」的發展,折射出這個城市的「發展歷程」——因為修橋建路而拆掉有半世紀、甚至八十多年歷史的碼頭,然後重建一件假古董取而代之。小島亦由大橋接駁至另一個島,不用只靠海路交通。「島」的過去只成為某一代人的記憶。此刻回首,從青馬大橋拍板興建的那一刻開始至今,島民可會在想: 「曾幾何時住的叫馬灣,現在住的只是一個叫馬灣/ 珀麗灣的地方」?文 蔡琇� 圖 葉嘉豪、蔡琇�、受訪者提供馬灣大街 那些年「落街就食」光天化日,走到曾經是馬灣的交通中心——最繁華的馬灣大街去。青馬大橋、馬灣公園、珀麗灣的興建,賠償加重新安置,將原來的馬灣居民的生活中心,通通變成「人去樓空」的示範單位。60 年代在馬灣出生的居民鳳姐說: 「小時候的馬灣大街好旺。每天起身我和家人就諗住食,一落街就係食,以前馬灣有幾間酒樓,仲有自製燒鵝喎。白粥、油炸鬼、豆腐花豆漿,又有婆婆擔小食來賣缽仔糕,還有消夜!碼頭那邊有好多�玩,好多外人都來游水、獨木舟、划艇等等,又有阿伯賣汽水。」現在走到馬灣大街,連汽水機也沒有一部,這些吃喝玩樂的景象只存於當年的居民與遊人的回憶。大街上那些丟空了的兩三層建築,好些油漆剝落的外牆上的老字號與招牌,或許還能成為想像昔日人聲鼎沸的線索。外牆灰色的「合祥」,歷史記載�她在上世紀二三十年代是茶樓,但依鳳姐的記憶卻是蝦膏蝦醬舖頭; 「大家好小食店Lucky Star House」據說由張姓旅英華僑當老闆,店內還有破爛的餐牌;那幢三層建築的頂樓外牆寫�「華廬」,曾是馬灣遊人的度假屋。居民口中三四十年前的大街,毋須「活化」,本就是香港人的旅遊勝地芳園書室 村小學摺飛機捉甲蟲芳園書室曾是馬灣島上唯一的村校小學,曾經作育英才,連大嶼山、青衣的學童都搖船來上學。可惜「隨�教育改革變遷」,於2003 年「光榮隱退」﹙芳園書室小冊子語﹚。剛考完中六文憑試的陳沛廷自稱是「馬灣通」,他出生後一直住在馬灣,屬田寮村的原居民陳氏。「小學一年級的班主任有點像蒙嘉慧,最記得小一開學第一天她逐個送我們回家。芳園的老師與學生像朋友多於師生。」學校停辦時他是小二生,當時全校約有廿多名學生, 「最懷念小息時到學校前的草地去摺飛機、捉甲蟲」。學校停辦後,他轉到馬灣新辦的正規小學升讀。芳園書室的建築分為兩部分,現被政府評為三級歷史建築及活化成「芳園書室」旅遊及教育中心暨馬灣水陸居民博物館,學生們都稱之為「大芳園」。博物館內的工作人員鳳姐,恰巧也芳園舊生,她在六七十年的芳園就讀, 「那時的體育課,全班都要替學校前的草地除草!當時的英文老師是何潔貞,就是後來當了新聞報道員那位」。芳園書室歷史悠久,不少學生家中三代人都是芳園舊生。樂意餐廳 一邊炒飯一邊建大橋從前的馬灣食肆聚在馬灣大街,現在的食肆則散落到馬灣鄉事會路旁的新建村屋去。樂意餐廳由田寮村姓陳的七姐妹經營,餐廳上下10 多年來見證�大橋興建下馬灣的變遷。「當時年紀大無人請,我們其實是『半途出家』回到馬灣開餐廳。2000 年的時候,餐廳就開在芳園書室旁邊,幫襯的人都是外來的建築工人。當時的原居民很多都搬出去了。」樂意餐廳的陳氏四家姐說,2005 年餐廳舊址要填高起路,新村落成,她們便搬到現址。文件倉90 年代初,我每天看�大橋,每天起一�、起一�,直到通車。」四家姐說。樂意餐廳內有兩大特色,一是牆上掛�的90 年代馬灣照片, 「當時有好多記者來馬灣影相,其中一個又真的將相片曬給我們留念」。照片上有坐滿建築工人的舊樂意餐廳、有迫滿人的舊碼頭、有曬蝦膏的情景,還有釣魚人面向還未建好的青馬大橋垂釣……都是不復存在的風景與人情。另一特色,是餐廳的「蝦膏炒飯」——她們說是用馬灣生產的蝦膏來炒,不過,隨�自今年初起漁民不能再拖網捕魚,馬灣汲水門的曬蝦膏蝦醬行業來到這個夏天亦戛然而止。天后廟前 「馬灣蝦膏靚過長洲大澳」半世紀以前,大部分馬灣人的經濟活動都依賴漁業。馬灣上共有兩間天后廟,當中又以位於馬灣大街的一間天后古廟歷史較久,據說建於清朝嘉慶年間﹙ 1796 至1820 年﹚。到訪馬灣當天恰巧遇上盂蘭節——馬灣天后古廟兩個大型節慶之一(另是農曆3 月23 天后誕)。那天天后廟旁放�兩大紙公仔「大樹王」及「海龍王」。居民說每逢7 月14 會請來「喃嘸佬」,當天早午晚都有打齋儀式,替居民祈福。天后廟前的一大片空地就是馬灣汲水門名物「蝦膏蝦醬」的生產場地。馬灣居民經常掛在口邊的是:「馬灣的蝦膏靚過長洲大澳。」原因是他們拖網捕捉附近海域特有的銀蝦來製作,蝦在凌晨收回來便立刻搗碎,然後鋪在「窩欄(竹織扁盆)」上,每年7、8月間,放在烈日底下曬大半天便成蝦膏。傳說中曬蝦膏的那種味道,足以成為馬灣人的集體回憶。「今年開始唔准拖網嘛,無蝦點曬�?」住在蝦膏棚旁邊的嬸嬸說。近兩年隨�銀蝦產量減少,加上政府禁止拖網捕魚,以本地海域的銀蝦來製作的蝦膏,應該會慢慢絕�江湖。金濤博藏 回收記憶展示記憶回憶無價,但在這個發展急速的城市,好像人人都要捨棄一部分的過去作為發展的代價。就在馬灣這曾經擁有古老遺蹟的地方,村屋群內有一幢三層的「懷舊文化互動博物館」——金濤博藏。館主是住在馬灣的兩夫婦James 與Yuri,他們希望藉�收藏舊物,以保留過去的記憶。館內的裝修有如一間酒吧,電視正在播放�黑白粵語片,館內的懷舊收藏包羅萬有,舊課本、80 年代的麥當勞文具、不同年代不同版本的可樂收藏等等等等…… 「有些老人家來到參觀,他們未曾到過酒吧的,但來到見到很多舊物,便開口跟我們說了很多故事。所以我們其實不只是在收藏舊物,還在儲故事、儲人情。」Yuri 說。館主James 說館內的收藏其實只是他個人收藏的二十分之一, 「我特別愛收藏玩具和銅器,因為銅器需要打造,打造需要技術,所以銅器往往保留�那種在這個世代漸漸失去的『匠人精神』」。他們希望設立這所博物館,可以讓下一代知道,傳統又獨一無二的工藝精神。藏館設在馬灣,兩夫婦也�意與本地社區連結起來。「我們認識了一位80 多歲的原居民婆婆,她竟然將她那個有60 多年歷史的嫁妝木篋送給我們。」Yuri 說,婆婆還告訴她關於木篋的故事, 「婆婆家境清貧,但她父親也不惜請來手工上佳的木匠,替女兒做出這個嫁妝木篋」。回收記憶,不止要保存舊物,最重要是將隱藏在物件之中的故事流傳下來——在這個記憶成為「奢侈品」的島上。馬灣為何是灣?「馬灣」這名字令人以為是眾多海灘的其中一個「灣」,實情她是一個面積約一平方公里的小島。1997 年青馬大橋通車以前,島上居民只能通過海上交通到島外去。馬灣島的原名是「銅錢灣」,又因為它毗鄰急水門而被稱為汲水門。「馬灣」原來是只是島上南部海灣停泊處﹙即現時天后廟一帶﹚的名稱,而外人即以「馬灣」來泛指全島﹙情�有如現在人將珀麗灣等同馬灣吧﹚。而「馬灣」之得名,島民都相信與天后廟﹙天后又稱為「媽娘」﹚有關。存倉
星期日周刊記者 謝嵐這個星球的確是很孤獨的。"孤獨星球"的創辦人托尼和莫琳在1990年代後期,迷你倉深深地體驗到了這一點。"下星期我就要去那些非常有趣的地方,我正在經營著一家非常成功的公司,正坐在自己的法拉利里,那為什麼我還這麼傷心呢? "托尼問自己。是這樣坦誠的自問,帶領著兩人面對事業和生活的困惑,做出了自己的選擇。上期提要:7月,旅遊指南書出版公司"孤獨星球"(lonelyPlanet)創辦人惠勒夫婦來到北京,並應《讀庫》雜誌的邀請,和中國讀者分享了他們的旅行、創業和人生經歷。上周,我們介紹了兩人是如何開始這一事業,又如何在激烈的競爭中生存下來,他們何以熱愛旅行。本周,聽他們說說成為行業領袖後,他們遇到了什麼樣的困惑,2006年出售經營了大半輩子"孤獨星球"時,心裡想些什麼,有什麼樣的感受。那幾年,一直都在興高采烈和垂頭喪氣之間變來變去"1994年,我們兩個人買了輛美國的老卡迪拉克,當時它已經三十五歲高齡了,剎車不太好,但是裡面有六個點煙器,前面三個,後座還有三個。我們從舊金山一直開車到波士頓,然後再開回到舊金山,這條路在美國叫'最孤獨的美國公路'。我們當時車上還帶了這樣一個筆記本電腦,我們可能是最早開始寫網上日記或者網志博客的人,現在說起來是十九年前了。這是1997年,在法國南部。你什麼都要試試看,比如在日本你要試試膠囊旅館;如果說是在法國南部的話,就要去吃吃這些好吃的法餐,遠處就是地中海。"托尼·惠勒 (TonyWheeler)一邊說,一邊展示了幾張1990年代的照片。從照片上看,1990年代沒什麼特別,他們還是在旅行,寫指南,出版指南,搞掂公司的大小事務。但事實上,1990年代對惠勒夫婦是難以忘記的。他們在享受成為行業領袖的同時,飽嘗了困惑、裂痕和痛苦。1990年代的後半段就是幸福的高潮和痛苦的低潮的混合體。沒有災難,沒有人死亡或者遭受可怕的悲劇,我們沒有面臨破產或者必須裁員的窘境,但是整個這個時段好像一直都在興高采烈和垂頭喪氣之間變來變去。很多次我早晨開車上班時就會想:下星期我就要去那些非常有趣的地方,我正在經營著一家非常成功的公司,我正坐在自己的法拉利里,那為什麼我還這麼傷心呢? (托尼)從很多方面看,1994年的lonelyPlanet21歲生日慶典標誌了一個高度。我們見證了公司的發展經歷了不同時期,從滿足生存需要,到成長壯大並成為這一領域的領袖。我和托尼的關係也反映了這一演變。我們一起成長,同時也允許彼此成長,即使有時可能要走不同的方向。孩子都十幾歲了,健康、聰明、已經成為真正的旅行同伴。多年來我們一直設法和孩子們一起旅行,無論是出差還是托尼為寫指南書所做的旅行。我也總是儘量接孩子們放學和他們在一起。我知道塔希(惠勒夫婦的女兒——編者注)小時候很不願和父母分開。"你想不到我們有多擔心你們。 "幾年後,她告訴我。塔希還告訴我,她很喜歡每次假期的旅行,但討厭在回來時告訴朋友她都去了哪裡,因為那樣聽起來像是在"炫耀"。由於每個假期都是在國外度過的,兩個孩子開始覺得自己失去了長長的慵懶的夏天,以及和朋友閑逛的時間。他們都想體驗下 "正常假期"的滋味。長途旅行回來後,他們總是覺得自己被疏遠了,新的圈子已經建立,友誼必須重新培養。當時我們並不理解這些——每個人都羨慕他們那些難以置信的旅行經歷——但是十幾歲少年的可是完全不同的。1997年從巴黎返回後,我們突然發現自己已經陷入了"青春期"父母的悲哀中。塔希和基蘭 (惠勒夫婦的兒子——編者注)都處於叛逆期,托尼或者我都沒法應付。起初我們組成聯合陣線,試圖和他們講理、設立界限、儘量理解,更靈活地處理。但是一切都沒有成效。接下來一兩年生活開始變得無法忍受;家里變成戰場,很多個晚上我都繞著街區開了幾圈後才鼓足勇氣回到家里。托尼更好不到哪兒去。某些方面我認為他比我更辛苦,因為他根本無法理解他的孩子們的行為怎麼能如此無理。當然不只是我們這樣,其他有著固定生活的朋友甚至經歷著更惡劣的青少年叛逆期的折磨。這種折磨的存在還有一個頗有價值的副產品——你可以看出誰是真正的朋友,而誰會在你落難時像你得麻風病一樣躲得遠遠的。很快,這種情況就影響了我們之間的關係。我很氣憤托尼可以利用旅行來逃避。雖然他去旅行很合理,但是這也太容易了。他可以"自願"參加任何有趣的項目,而我覺得自己已經一個人生活了很長時間,而且即使在這段危機時期也不例外。除此之外,我還擔心著公司的生意。人們都有些太得意了,太多的錢被花掉,我想,實際上是被浪費掉。我們的孩子和我們的公司一起經歷了青春期——對我們的管理能力和為人父母的能力是一次真正的考驗。(莫琳·惠勒)股權問題得到瞭解決(當時,從草創期就加入的合伙人吉姆決定出售他的股份,後由澳大利亞名人約翰·辛格頓買入——編者注),但是到1998年底時我們仍然覺得自己快瘋掉了。孩子、學校、生意等等煩惱都摻合到一起,使我們的關係出現了裂痕。不過即使在最糟糕的時期,我們通常還是可以回過頭來,仔細想想我們所經歷的事情和事情的起因。之後的一年,我們都同意在我們中間放塊大陸十個不錯的主意——明確地告訴孩子們父母要分開了,是多年來我們第一次引起他們的關注。我們也意識到我們已經到了穀底。當做出決定時,事情已經開始有了轉機。實際上,二十個小時的飛行時間並沒有像我們想像的那樣把我們分開。1999年,到了年底,我們在一起的時間遠比想像的多。盡管我們的狀況文件倉1999年確實有所好轉,但是年底仍是憂傷的結束。所有的家庭戰爭和過去幾年的工作似乎把我們壓倒了。新年前夜我們在12點之前就睡覺了,甚至沒有堅持到看新世紀的焰火。 (托尼)我走出了過去三十年深陷其中的那個世界,去學習其他行業是如何工作的"2006年,《當我們旅行:LonelyPlanet的故事》出了中文版。幾年前我和莫琳一起到中國,在一些大學做演講,介紹這本書進入中國,以中文出版。"托尼展示了書的封面,封面上一張兩人1972年的合影,年輕的托尼和莫琳挽著手,露出明朗的笑容。那一年,兩人決定暫不接受安穩的工作,去亞洲窮游一年。他們也沒想到,這趟行程成了事業的起點——他們寫了第一本旅遊指南書,成立了名叫"孤獨星球"的出版社。有意思的是,2006年,他倆的傳記在中國出版的那一年,他們做了一個重要的決定:出售"孤獨星球"。經常有人問我,今天如此多的信息可以在互聯網上立刻更新並免費獲得,指南書還有生存的空間嗎?"人們仍然會閱讀指南書"是我的一個回答,"我只是不知道它們是否會在紙上印刷。 "我不認為iPhone最適合將來的指南書,但我們時刻準備著向它靠攏。不管我們把這些信息放在怎樣的平台上,我們仍然會派調研員去考察餐館,跳上旅館的床躺一躺,確定哪些景點真正值得看。我們很清楚指南書這個行業正面臨轉型,面臨越來越大的挑戰。如果我們想在未來真正發展自己,那這種增長將會是來自那些"其他項目",而不是來自我們的核心產品——指南書。在這種情況下,莫琳和我越來越覺得我們沒有能力領導LP進入這個新世界了。2006年年底,我年屆六旬,對旅行的熱愛一如既往,但我也許該考慮一種新的旅行了。我們已經決定不會讓公司上市,所以我們只需要找一個投資銀行,告訴他們我們想賣掉公司。 (托尼)在某種程度上LonelyPlanet就是我們的第一個孩子,而且它需要我們的家庭付出太多的東西。讓孩子有旅行的經驗可以看作是個重大的禮物,但是我們所有人也都為此付出了代價。有一次,我意識到人們介紹我的時候總是說 "莫琳,LonelyPlanet",我不禁好奇,如果我們沒有創辦公司,我會是什麼樣的呢?當你的孩子很小的時候,你很難想像他們不和你一起生活的日子,你很難想像你每天看不到他們或者不知道他們在做什麼時會怎樣。當他們長大後,你漸漸把你"自己"同他們"自己"分開,直到有一天,當你打量自己的孩子時,看到一個獨立的成年人,於是意識到你在他們生活中扮演的角色將不再是最核心的那個。承認孩子獨立總是有困難的,但同時這也是不可思議的解脫。公司的成長也有很多相似之處。當時機成熟時,你會意識到自己對公司的成功甚至存在都不再重要,這既令你恐懼,也會感到解脫。當我意識到在孩子們獨立後我也可以有自己獨立的生活時,我也就同時認識到在LonelyPlanet之外還有很多其他事情我可以去參與,這既令人興奮,也令人不安。一想到不用去辦公室,我就覺得恐慌。我擔心如果沒有了LonelyPlanet的角色,我也許根本就找不到其他角色了。實際上,我已經有了其他角色。我擔任過旅遊局長,加入了澳大利亞一片領地的顧問委員會。還有一段時間,我 還 做 了 Ronald McDonaldHouse的贊助人,當孩子們在附近的醫療中心接受治療期間,病重的孩子們和他們的家庭就住在那裡。用各種各樣的方式,我走出了過去三十年深陷其中的那個世界,去學習其他行業是如何工作的,我非常享受這樣的感覺。 (莫琳)下轉B12版(文章的楷體部分出自托尼和莫琳的自傳 《當我們旅行:LonelyPlanet的故事》,有生活·讀書·新知三聯書店出版。 )1985年,惠勒夫婦帶著兩個孩子在南美旅 行 。 到 了1990年 代 後期,家庭溝通問題困擾著托尼一家。他們如今去什麼地方旅行2007年,托尼·惠勒在非洲,車壞了。星期日周刊記者 謝嵐上接B11版"我和莫琳最近有一次比較有意思的旅行,我們一幫人包租了這架飛機,飛機有五十年的歷史。我們沿著非洲的西岸往北飛,從南非的開普敦,一直到了摩洛哥的卡薩布蘭卡。去了很多地方,比如加蓬的大猩猩孤兒院,莫琳在那裡跟一隻幼年大猩猩說話。這些年比較有意思的一次旅行,是去哈薩克斯坦看聯合火箭的發射。俄國人發射飛船很有意思,他們能讓你站得很近來觀看。這次發射有意思的是什麼呢?有一個美國宇航局的飛行員,一個俄國的宇航員,第三個人是個遊客,他是花錢去太空空間待兩個禮拜。花了多少錢呢?兩千萬美元。他靠電腦遊戲賺的錢。為了上太空,他不但要花兩千萬美元,還要學俄語,並在俄國宇航員訓練中心待六個月,所以對我們跑去看的人來說很有意思。看看還有誰在那裡看?穀歌的兩個創始人LarryPage和SergyBrin,也是來看發射的。那個時候我覺得挺好玩,自己也想搞了一個宇宙飛船的發射。我在澳大利亞跟幾個朋友買了一個中國造的氣象氣球,大概只花了兩三百澳元,在上面綁上這些相機,放出去。然後我們估計出它會跟著風和氣流漂流的軌跡,在我的車後面放上跟蹤設備,去追這個氣球。氣球飛到那麼高,高度離地是三十五公里,然後氣球就炸了,我們的相機就跟著一個降落傘下來。"我們幾年前把生意賣掉,所以現在不是孤獨星球的員工了,但是我們建立了這樣一個基金會,以我們的姓命名的基金會 planetwheeler。我們的基金會做了各種各樣的項目,在海地首都建的兒童中心。在坦桑尼亞我們資助了一家學校,我爬乞力馬扎羅山之前在這個學校住了幾天。存倉
認定該事件構成內幕交易等多項違法違規行為,迷你倉價錢罰沒光大證券逾5億元,四人終身市場禁入 證券時報記者 于揚 中國證監會新聞發言人昨日公佈光大證券異常交易事件的調查處理情況,認定該事件構成內幕交易、信息誤導、違反證券公司內控管理規定等多項違法違規行為。為此,證監會決定沒收光大證券違法所得並處以5倍罰款,罰沒款總計5.23億元。對於投資者因光大證券內幕交易受到的損失,發言人表示,投資者可以依法提起民事訴訟要求賠償。 此外,證監會對徐浩明、楊赤忠、沈詩光、楊劍波等四人分別給予警告、罰款60萬元並採取終身證券市場禁入措施,宣佈上述4人為期貨市場禁止進入者;對梅鍵責令改正並處以罰款20萬元;停止光大證券從事證券自營業務,暫停審批其新業務,責令整改並處分有關責任人員。 另據瞭解,在光大證券異常交易發生後至上午收盤前,共有45萬多戶個人投資者跟風買入共計330億元股票,此外還有1613戶機構投資者的跟風盤共計65億元。但對於這些投資者因光大證券內幕交易帶來損失的認定目前仍有一定難度。 而根據相關調查,光大證券涉案錯誤程序被�動後,最終所下買單高達686億元。錯誤生成的訂單中先後有234億元訂單通過校驗進入上交所系統,有72.7億元實際成交。事件發生後,光大證券存在修改相關程序行為,想把"重下"功能修改為自動引發,而不是手動處理,意圖把責任全部推卸給銘創軟件。 發言人表示,這一事件是我國資本市場建立以來首次發生的一起因交易軟件缺陷引發的極端個別事件,對證券期貨市場造成的負面影響很大。事件發生後,證監會和有關交易所迅速反應、緊急處置,並對光大證券立案調查。鑒於該案屬新型案件,證監會在深入調查的基礎上,組織有關外部專家對相關問題進行了論證咨詢。該案現已調查審理終結,進入行政處罰事先告知程序。下一步,證監會將依照法定程序,作出正式處罰決定。 據介紹,光大證券相關違法違規事實主要有兩方面。一是在異常交易發生後、信息依法披露前轉換並賣出ETF基金、賣空股指期貨合約。在有關信息披露前,即8月16日11時40分至12時40分左右,徐浩明、楊赤忠、沈詩光、楊劍波等人緊急商定賣空股指期貨合約、轉換並賣出ETF對沖風險。13時至14時22分,光大證券賣空IF1309、IF1312股指期貨合約共6240張,獲利7414萬元。同時,轉換並賣出180ETF基金2.63億份、50ETF基金6.89億份,規避損失1307萬元。以上兩項交易獲利和避損合計8721萬元。14時22分,光大證券公告"當天上午公司策略投資部門自營業務在使用其獨立的套利系統時出現問題",其後繼續賣空IF1309股指期貨合約(截至收市新增賣開750張,買平200張)。 二是光大證券內控缺失、管理混亂,自營業務套利系統存在的技術設計缺陷導致異常交易發迷你倉。經查,光大證券策略投資部自營業務使用的策略交易系統,包括訂單生成系統和訂單執行系統兩個部分,均存在嚴重的程序設計錯誤。其中,訂單生成系統中ETF套利模塊的"重下"功能(用于未成交股票的重新申報),在設計時錯誤地將"買入個股函數"寫成"買入ETF一籃子股票函數"。訂單執行系統錯誤地將市價委託訂單的股票買入價格默認為"0",系統對市價委託訂單是否超出賬戶授信額度不能進行正確校驗。 由於其策略投資部長期沒有納入公司風控體系,技術系統和交易控制缺乏有效管理。訂單生成系統中ETF套利模塊的設計由策略投資部交易員提出需求,程序員一人開發和測試。策略交易系統于2013年6月至7月開發完成,7月29日實盤運行,至8月16日發生異常時實際運行不足15個交易日。由於"重下"功能從未實盤�用,嚴重的程序錯誤未被發現。 8月16日上午,交易員進行了三組180ETF申贖套利,前兩組順利完成。11時02分,交易員發起第三組交易。11時05分08秒,交易員想嘗試使用"重下"功能對第三組交易涉及的171只權重股票買入訂單中未能成交的24只股票進行自動補單,便向程序員請教,程序員在交易員的電腦上演示並按下"重下"按鈕,存在嚴重錯誤的程序被�動,補單買入24只股票被執行為"買入24組ETF一籃子股票",並報送至訂單執行系統。錯誤生成的訂單中先後有234億元訂單陸續通過校驗進入上交所系統等待成交,有72.7億元實際成交。其餘161.3億元訂單被上交所交易系統根據預先設定的"最優五檔即時成交剩餘撤銷"的規則自動取消。 對於上述違法行為,證監會依法認定,光大證券在8月16日13時(公司高管層決策後)至14時22分轉換並賣出50ETF、180ETF基金以及賣空IF1309、IF1312股指期貨合約,構成內幕交易行為。徐浩明是直接負責的主管人員,楊赤忠、沈詩光、楊劍波是其他直接責任人員。事發當時,董事會秘書梅鍵對市場大幅波動的原因並不知情,但其輕率言論加劇了市場波動,對投資者造成了嚴重誤導。 針對市場對於光大證券涉嫌操縱市場的質疑,證監會表示,其巨額交易雖然在客觀上引起了市場大幅波動,但事件的起因是系統技術缺陷,調查沒有發現公司及相關人員組織、策劃、促使這一事件發生的證據,因而不構成操縱市場。 發言人強調,證券期貨經營機構要高度重視對新型交易方式、量化交易軟件和信息技術系統的管理,確保風險可測、可控,在創新業務中要平衡處理好交易效率和交易安全的關係。證券期貨交易所要進一步加強和改進一線監管,完善有關規則制度和應急處理機制,切實維護市場安全穩定運行。目前證監會已組織專門力量,正在抓緊研究完善有關監管制度規則,如針對高頻交易等活動研究"證券公司信息技術管理規定",以採取切實有效措施,提升市場穩定運行能力,防範系統性風險。 儲存
2013年8月30日 星期五
Rep. Ribble says higher minimum wage would hurt poor
Source: The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wis.迷你倉出租Aug. 30--APPLETON -- As workers nationwide protested outside stores and restaurants, U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble said Thursday that a $15 hourly wage for fast-food workers would "devastate" the poor.Ribble said he respects the right of workers to organize and make their voices heard, but said the massive wage increase is unreasonable."There's a finite amount of money any business has to meet its payroll," Ribble said on Newsmakers, Post-Crescent Media's online issues show. "Will there be enough customers going to McDonald's paying $10 for a hamburger?"Ribble also tackled developments in Syria, national security and the federal budget during the interview. Here's an edited transcript:Given the protests, should we raise minimum wage?An increase from $7 to $15 would devastate the poor. There's an elasticity of price in the market place. You'd see a rapid increase in goods and services and the people impacted the most are the poorest. If this happened at grocery stores, the people that need low-cost food wouldn't have it available because the cost of labor would be passed on in the marketplace. The intent of minimum wage was to provide a point for employers to find employees, and the gap between minimum and top wage scale was to provide for that training period and investment so they can move up the ladder. If we take that away, there will be a stretch on government services related to training. We wanted businesses to provide training and opportunities in their career.How should the decision be made about Syria?I was signatory to Congressman (Scott) Rigell's (R-Virginia) letter requesting the president to follow the Constitution and War Powers Act and come to the Congress first to get permission. For me, that means coming to Congress, it doesn't mean coming to a committee chairman or speaker. He also needs permission from the citizens of the 8th District of Wisconsin. He should come to Congress with briefings we need. Right now, I'm getting my news the way you're getting news like everybody else. We're seeing it unfold on television and the travesty of a gas attack and a weapon of mass destruction used on the Syrian people.Did you oppose strikes on Libya?Yes, how in the world can you say it's not hostilities when you're launching cruise missiles and spending billions of dollars. We were in an offensive mode in Libya. You can ask, what was the result in Libya and what did the American taxpayer get in the form of national security. We ended up getting an ambassador murdered, two Navy SEALs murdered and another embassy official murdered.What do you need to see before a strike?I need to see there's an imminent threat. I think I personally would like to know the classified information on the conversations and whatever he has told Assad that he was going to do. When he created his red line about using gas and chemical weapons, he basically made a statement on behalf of the American people on what we're willing to accept. But that line was passed months ago. If he goes in with military force without going to Congress, he can't say it was imminent.Do you worry about being drawn into a conflict or having a situation like Iraq?Sure, the citizens are getting war weary. Polling data says 75 percent of the people are opposing military action in Syria. I'm not saying we shouldn't use military action, but come and tell us the plan. How are we going to get out? How will you protect the deposits of weapons, what's the long-range deal? I don't need to know you'll toss a cruise missile in to make a point. I want to know about the result.Do you support the bipartisan immigration reform bill passed by the Senate this summer?I support parts of it. I would hope we can get immigration reform done. The best pathway forward was to break the immigration complexity into its individual 迷你倉omponents. Rather than passing a 2,000-page bill with poison pills, pass them by their individual titles. If you did it sequentially with border protection, then working on interior enforcement and highly skilled workers, then low-skilled workers and finally the tougher step with what to do with those that are here in an undocumented fashion. Legal immigration is a net plus for the U.S. economy.What's the priority when you're back in D.C.?We don't have a concurrent budget resolution or appropriations. At the end of September we have to do a continuing resolution to fund the government. I'm pleased the Senate finally passed a budget, but they've not passed an appropriation bill since I've been in Congress. I hope we don't get into this brinksmanship game, the economy is too fragile. American job creators and business owners and the middle class deserve some type of certainty on how government functions.What would your flexibility act do? Is that a solution?It may not be a 100 percent perfect solution. In the absence of appropriations ... and sequester is going to stay in place, it seems to me we should give the administrators in these departments their top line sequester number, and tell them to root out low-priority items and wasteful items. That's the idea of the sequester -- to eliminate waste -- but it's done as a uniform cut, and that's a silly way of management. No business would do it that way. I wrote a piece of legislation that would authorize the agencies to manage the money they're given and prioritize.Are higher taxes a nonstarter for you?We have higher taxes from the deal in January. At some point we're going to break promises to the American people on our social safety net with Social Security and Medicare. They're going to have to be reformed. Whether now's the time with enough political will, I'm not sure.What do you think of the president's college plan based on a rating system?It doesn't get to the heart of the problem. We're undergoing dramatic societal changes in this country. I spent 35 years in commercial roofing. A lot of jobs were created in construction, agriculture and manufacturing that don't require college degrees, but there's an overemphasis in our society about college degrees. As a result of that, we're shoving up demand. As that goes up, why wouldn't a college or university respond to that? You're going to see prices go up, as the government has gotten more involved since the 1960s, we're seeing dramatic, over 200 percent increase over inflation on college cost. We're penalizing low- and middle-income families. The fix is to give them money, but they graduate with $100,000 in debt -- we haven't helped them at all. We need reforms that drive their costs down by encouraging more young people to look at the trades and find other opportunities within our economy that are high-paying, good jobs they could have today.You voted for restrictions on the National Security Administration. Why?I voted to send the NSA a message, that if you chose to snoop on the American people without a warrant and without their permission, you can't do that. If they believe there's a national security interest in it, they have all the tools necessary to get the information they need.What do you make of Edward Snowden? Is he a leaker, whistleblower, criminal, traitor?All of those things apply. I think he's more traitor than friend for sure. I find it very suspect that someone who wants to defend liberty in this country flees to communist Russia where there's very little liberty at all. He may be questioning that choice now.-- Nick Penzenstadler: 920-996-7226, or npenzenstadler@postcrescent.com; on Twitter @npenzenstadlerCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wis.) Visit The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wis.) at .postcrescent.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
ReutersLuster for the golden years
Nie Xin Chen Xingguang, 78, lives alone on Lanping Road, but his life is no longer lonely.新蒲崗迷你倉Since June, he has been going to the new Camphor Home day-care center for seniors in the Jiangchuan commu- nity. In addition to a free health check every morning, he watches television, chats with other seniors, listens to Chinese traditional operas and attends social activities. After meals there, he goes back home for the night.Camphor Home, the first elderly day- care project in the Minhang district, opened its doors in June, providing an activity room and 30 beds for naps."I always think these are supposed to be the golden years of life, but I used to feel so lonely, staying at home by myself and facing four walls every day," said Chen. "The social life at Camphor House makes my life much better than before." Jiangchuan also plans to establish up to 10 residential apartment sites for the elderly in the next couple of years as part of a comprehensive new plan announced by Minhang officials last week.The district is the first in Shanghai to develop a far-reaching, integrated plan to address the needs of a rapidly aging population. Minhang calls the project the Continuing Care Retire- ment Community.The district wants to be at the van- guard of implementing the concept of "continuum of care" in Shanghai. The idea is to provide a range of services tailored to specific needs as people move through the last years of their lives.At the front end are day care centers and elderly apartment complex for those who can get by on their own, with a little community social support.In the middle of the continuum are assisted-care facilities where people receive a higher level of attention and possibly accommodation. And at the far end are acute-care nursing beds for those who need specialized nursing assistance pretty constantly.Currently there are 8,634 beds for the elderly ih Minhang. They will be integrated into the district's compre- hensive plan, Sun Chao, district Party secretary, told an international elderly nursing forum in Minhang on August 20.Pilot project in the city When the Minhang pilot project is completed at the end of 2015, it will comprise 10,000 beds for the elderly and residential units for those not yet needing nursing care.The project, if successful, is expect- ed to be rolled out across Shanghai as part of the city's efforts to address a rapidly expanding elderly popula- tion and a dearth of facilities to serve them.The Shanghai Gerontological Society said the average lifmini storage expectancy in the city rose to 82.5 years in 2012. By the end of 2015, the city is expected to have more than 4.3 million people 60 years or older, with about 700,000 of them 80 or older."The soaring number of elderly has added to population woes, and some young families cannot take care of their eldersat home," Sun said.There are currently only about 620 nursing homes with 100,000 beds for the elderly in Shanghai. That means beds available for only 3 percent of the elderly population. Half the homes are privately operated, cost more and have high vacancy rates. Cheaper publicly funded homes, by contrast, have long waiting lists.In Minhang, construction of residen- tial facilities for the elderly will begin in the Hongqiao area of Huacao Town.They will include 1,000 acute care beds, said Han Yongqiang, director of public information for the Con- tinuing Care Retirement Community project."We hope the trial project will be a model for other regions in the city," said Sun. "The government has the responsibility to take care of the elderly, and this project will combine the strengths of the government, private health-care providers, non-gov- ernmental organizations and citizen volunteers.More senior care facilities Shanghai plans to add another 20,000 beds in senior care facilities by the end of 2015, with 5,000 of them scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.Almost three-quarters of the new beds will be earmarked for people suffering from mental or physical handicaps, said Ma Yili, director of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau.Another 20 day-care service centers for the elderly will be built by the end of the year, along with another 40 sites serving meals to seniors who live by themselves in residential complexes, said Ma."It's heartening to see the govern- ment taking such a strong lead in care for the aging population," said Wang Zhengxiong, organizer of Camphor Home. "In many cases, elderly people suffer neglect, poverty or lack of services. No matter what the facility, if you can get there yourself and just to be with others your age, then it can indeed be a golden time in life." Staff at Camphor Home take time to chat with senior citizens who come to the new center for daytime activities and meals. For the elderly, the care and companionship helps dispel isolation and loneliness. -Liu Li "It's heartening to see the government taking a strong lead in care for the ag- ing population. In many cases, eld- erly people suffer neglect, poverty or lack of services."self storage
Ronald Tillery's Griz Insider: Should Griz have anxiety about Gasol's EuroBasket appearance
Source: The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.self storageAug. 30--It's a big dilemma.Grizzlies center Marc Gasol has a max contract in Memphis and a commitment to Spain that is considered priceless. So when the 7-footer plays for the Spanish national team in the EuroBasket, starting Wednesday, should the Griz and their fans have consternation?Of course.He's played a lot of the past two years with significant injuries, the most recent being an abdominal tear in March. Gasol returned rather quickly from the injury.He didn't require surgery but rest was the prescription and he played with pain.During the 2012 Summer Olympics, Gasol nursed a shoulder injury that required his left upper arm to be encased in a high-tech black ice wrap at times.There is nothing the Griz can do to stop Gasol from playing for his national team.Gasol wants to and he has every right. Marc Gasol, along with his older brother Pau, has an obligation to Spain that is far greater than American players feel toward USA Basketball.The Gasols have broad shoulders that carry a heavy load for Spain given their place among the world's best players, much like Tony Parker (France) and Dirk Nowitzki (Germany). America can fish in a larger lake of greatness.But the Griz have a right to worry about Marc Gasol, too.Pau Gasol chose to sit out this summer to recover from medical procedures on both knees. Granted, Pau is older than Marc. So there's the solace: There will come a time when Marc, too, will decide he needs to take the summer off.Meanwhile, the Griz will spend the next month with bated breath.Training camp starts Oct. 1 and the Griz open the regular season on Oct. 30 at division rival and standard bearer San Antonio.That'll be big.FROM THE BASELINEOne rumor ?- unsubstantiated so far -- floating around the NBA is that the Griz offered forward Zach Randolph to the New Orleans Pelicans for guard Eric Gordon. The Pelicans rejected the deal, which likely would have included other player迷你倉. Randolph will earn $17.8 million this season with a player option for $16.5 million next season. Gordon will make $14.3 million this season, $14.9 in 2014-15 and he has a player option worth $15.5 for 2015-16.COURTSIDEFormer Griz assistant Henry Bibby will join Maurice Cheeks' staff in Detroit, according to a league source. Bibby is working with Cheeks for the second time in the past seven years. In 2006, Bibby was hired by the Philadelphia 76ers as an assistant coach on Cheeks' staff and remained there until the end of the 2007-08 season when his contract was not renewed.Former Griz coach Lionel Hollins hired Bibby as an assistant coach in 2009. Bibby initially played a role in establishing the Grizzlies' defensive principles.ABOVE THE RIMBy trading Tony Wroten to the Sixers, the Grizzlies have now distanced themselves from each of the past five drafts. Mike Conley (2007) and Jamaal Franklin (2013) are the only players on the Griz roster who were drafted by the franchise.Here's the breakdown:2008O.J. Mayo (let him walk for nothing in free agency)Darrell Arthur (traded to Denver for Kosta Koufos)2009Hasheem Thabeet (traded to Houston for Shane Battier)DeMarre Carroll (traded to Houston for Shane Battier)2010Xavier Henry (traded to New Orleans in three-team deal for Marreese Speights).Greivis Vasquez (traded to New Orleans for Quincy Pondexter)2011Josh Selby (traded to Cleveland in a deal for Jon Leuer)2012Tony Wroten (traded to Philadelphia for 2014 second round pick)WORTH REPEATING@jerrydbayless is among seven current NBA players taking part in Basketball Without Borders in Africa hosting NBA Cares clinics.Tagline: Griz Insider is a regular feature by Ronald Tillery, with information and insights gathered in his role as the CA's Grizzlies beat reporter.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) Visit The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) at .commercialappeal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
Let the show begin!
There’s a Chinese saying that it takes 10 years to grow a tree but 100 years to educate people.self storageThe timing may be exaggerated, but the same principle might also apply to a theater.The Shanghai City Theater in Minhang, which first opened to the public in 2009, is still in its teething stages. It’s become popular with parents like Zou Minjin, who attend children’s shows, and with elderly people, who like its proximity to home, but it’s had some problems attracting the attention of young people who want quality contemporary entertainment.“Shanghai City Theater will introduce more good performances from home and abroad, and will take further steps to enhance the cultural appreciation of local residents,” said Fang Yongnian, vice general manager of East Shanghai International Culture, Film and TV Group, operator of the theater.“We are planning to expand into traditional Chinese folk music and building an exhibition hall to display traditional folk musical instruments and historical information,” he added.Zou, 33, a resident of the Xinzhuang area of Minhang, is a frequent visitor to the theater with her six-year-old son. This month they have attended the puppet show “Fantastic Journey to the Toy Country” and the multimedia fairy tale “Anderson Code.”“It’s close to home, has good facilities and performances, and is a good place for families with children,” Zou explained.Cultural enhancement The theater, located on Dushi Road, was built by the district government as part of its cultural enhancement program. The facility, an anchor of Chunshen Culture Square, covers 7,012 square meters and seats around 1,000. The theater’s performances rank about fifth in Shanghai, Fang said. The theater hosts concerts, ballet, modern dance, dramas, musicals, children shows, Chinese traditional operas and evening galas. Some 380 shows have been staged in the theater since it opened, drawing 350,000 people.Among the most popular performances were the Broadway musical “Fame,” the Chinese kungfu show “Soul of Shaolin” and the dance performance of “Thousand Hand Goddess.” In April, the Haydn Orchestra of Europe made its Chinese premier in the theater.Demand on contentsHowever, not every Minhang resident i迷你倉 happy about the entertainment line-up.Luna Gu, 29, who describes herself as a “lover of the arts,” said she likes to see plays, musicals and painting exhibits but has been to City Theater only once.“It was two years ago,” she said. “I went to see the musical ‘Princess Sisi,’ performed by an international troupe. The tickets, at 80 yuan (US$13), were slightly cheaper than theaters downtown, and the theater was very nice inside, but the quality of shows there still isn’t up to venues like the Shanghai Oriental Art Center or the Grand Theater.”Gu’s criticism reflects the attitude of many in her generation.“We are different from the elderly or from children who live in our area,” she said. “Some of them just want a place to kill leisure time, while we place an emphasis on content. We want very professional shows.”It does take time and a lot of hard work to build the reputation of a new theater, said Yu Rongjun, general manager of the Shanghai Drama Arts Center in downtown.“In recent years, many theaters have been built in China and hailed as achievements by local officials,” he said. “But sometimes they are not willing to follow through with the support and effort it takes to make a theater truly great.”Still, the City Theater can’t be accused of not trying hard to please audiences with a wide variety of programming.This month’s schedule of performances includes American violist Gregory Harrington and pianist William Lewis; the Song Men, a UK chorus; the original musical drama “Zhou Xuan;” and the traditional Yueju Opera “Pan Qi Suo Qi” (“Asking for the Wife”). In September, popular actor Chen Peisi will appear in the drama “Balcony,” and Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” ballet will be staged.Lectures are held in the theater twice a month, on Sunday afternoons. They are themed around the cultural arts, utilizing interactive multimedia and stage professionals. About 15,000 people have attended these sessions in recent years.But there’s more work to do. For example, the website for performance and ticketing information still doesn’t have an English version for expatriates who might like a night out at the theater, as Gu pointed out.文件倉
.法律服務在廣東省進行試點,文件倉允許澳門律師事務所與廣東省律師事務所以協議方式,由廣東省律師事務所向澳門律師事務所駐粵代表機構派駐內地律師擔任內地法律顧問。.建築專業服務1.澳門服務提供者在內地設立的建設工程設計企業中,出任主要技術人員且持有澳門方面身份證明文件的自然人,不受每人每年在內地累計居住時間應當不少於6個月的限制。2.對於註冊建築師繼續教育中選修課部分,澳門服務提供者可以在澳門完成或由內地派師資授課,選修課繼續教育方案須經內地認可。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.市場調研服務允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合作企業,提供市場調研服務。.技術檢驗和分析服務1.在廣東省內試點將澳門檢測機構獲准承擔的以認證為目的的檢測服務範圍由食品類別放寬至其他自願性產品認證領域。2.在參與認證檢測活動中比照內地認證機構、檢查機構和實驗室給予澳門服務提供者在內地設立的合資與獨資認證機構、檢查機構和實驗室同等待遇。3.在互信互利的基礎上,允許在澳門的認證檢測機構與內地認證檢測機構開展檢測數據(結果)的接受合作。具體合作安排另行商定。4.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.人員提供與安排服務取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立人才中介服務機構條件中從業年限限制。.印刷及其輔助服務1.允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合作企業,從事出版物和其他印刷品的印刷業務,內地方投資者應佔主導地位。2.簡化澳門圖書進口審批程序,建立澳門圖書進口綠色通道。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.複製服務1.允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合資、合作或獨資企業,提供複製服務。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項目下的服務。.電信服務1.允許澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立合資企業,提供在線數據處理與交易處理業務,澳資股權比例不超過55%。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.視聽服務一、電影或錄像帶製作服務1.允許國產影片及合拍片在澳門進行沖印作業。2.允許澳門影片因劇情需要,在影片中如有方言,可以原音呈現,但須加註標準漢語字幕。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下具體開放承諾的服務。二、電影或錄像的分銷服務,包括娛樂軟件及錄音製品分銷服務1.允許澳門與內地合拍影片的方言話版本,經內地主管部門批准,在內地發行放映,但須加註標準漢語字幕。2.允許澳門影片的方言話版本,經內地主管部門審查批准通過後,由中影集團進出口公司統一進口,在內地發行放映,但均須加註標準漢語字幕。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下具體開放承諾的服務。.環境服務1.澳門服務提供者在澳門和內地從事環境污染治理設施運營的實質性商業經營,可共同作為評定其在內地申請企業環境污染治理設施運營資質的依據。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.金融服務一、銀行及其他金融服務(不包括保險和證券)澳門的銀行在內地的營業性機構,經批准經營澳資企業人民幣業務時,服務對象可包括依規定被認定為視同澳門投資者的第三地投資者在內地設立的企業。二、證券服務及期貨服務1.為澳資證券公司申請內地合格境外機構投資者(QFII)資格進一步提供便利,允許澳資證券公司申請QFII資格時,按照集團管理的證券資產規模計算。2.允許符合條件的澳資金融機構按照內地有關規定在內地設立合資基金管理公司,澳資持股比存倉可達50%以上。3.允許符合設立外資參股證券公司條件的澳資金融機構按照內地有關規定在上海市、廣東省、深圳市各設立1家兩地合資的全牌照證券公司,澳資合併持股比例最高可達51%,內地股東不限於證券公司。4.允許符合設立外資參股證券公司條件的澳資金融機構按照內地有關規定在內地批准的「在金融改革方面先行先試」的若干改革試驗區內,各新設1家兩地合資全牌照證券公司,內地股東不限於證券公司,澳資合併持股比例不超過49%,且取消內地單一股東須持股份49%的限制。5.在內地批准的「在金融改革方面先行先試」的若干改革試驗區內,允許澳資證券公司在合資證券投資諮詢公司中的持股比例達50% 以上。.醫院服務1.允許澳門服務提供者以跨境交付的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.社會服務1.允許澳門服務提供者以獨資民辦非企業單位形式在廣東省設立居家養老服務機構,開展居家養老服務。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.旅遊和與旅遊相關的服務1.澳門服務提供者在內地投資設立旅行社,無年旅遊經營總額的限制。2.對澳門服務提供者在內地設立旅行社的經營場所要求、營業設施要求和最低註冊資本要求,比照內地企業實行。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.體育和其他娛樂服務1.允許澳門服務提供者以跨境交付的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.海運服務1.澳門服務提供者投資建設港埠設施並經營港口裝卸、堆場和倉儲業務,其資本額和設立分公司的條件比照內地企業實行。2.將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際海運集裝箱站和堆場業務、國際貨物倉儲業務登記下放至廣東省地級以上市交通運輸主管部門。3.將廣東省內至澳門普通貨物運輸,以及在航澳門航線船舶變更船舶數據後繼續從事澳門航線運輸的審批權下放至廣東省交通運輸主管部門。4.將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際船舶管理業務登記下放至廣東省交通運輸主管部門。5.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.航空運輸服務1.允許澳門服務提供者以跨境交付的方式為內地提供國際航線或香港、澳門、台灣地區航線機票銷售代理服務。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務,但不符合經營主體資格的不得從事此類服務活動。.公路運輸服務一、公路卡車和汽車貨運1.對在福建省投資的生產型企業從事貨運方面的道路運輸業務立項和變更的申請,委託福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。2.取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省投資道路貨運和機動車維修業的立項環節,按照國家現行法規受理申請和許可審批。3.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。二、城市間定期旅客服務、道路客貨運站(場)1.允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合資(澳資股權比例不超過49%)或合作道路客運站(場)。對在福建省設立道路客貨運站(場)項目和變更的申請,委託福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。.殯葬設施1.允許澳門殯葬業者在內地以獨資或合資等方式投資並經營除具有火化功能的殯儀館以外的殯儀悼念和骨灰安葬設施。2.允許澳門服務提供者僱用的合同服務提供者以自然人流動的方式在內地提供本部門或分部門分類項下的服務。迷你倉
Let NGOs do more for disaster response
Governments rightly admitted flaws after criticism of how they handled recent floods, but keep charities from giving help to people who need itAs once-in-a-century floods ravaged the nation's northeast this month, abnormally heavy rain also struck the southeast.儲存 In the Guangdong city of Shantou , 350 kilometres east of Hong Kong, flash floods trapped many people in rural areas in a 24-hour period.Photos taken by those trapped and posted online showed water reaching the second floors of main street buildings in the suburbs of Xiashan and Chendian.On August 17, rainfall in Chaonan district, where Xiashan is located, reached a record high of 55.5cm overnight, leaving four dead and affecting more than 800,000 residents.By August 19, residents of Chendian complained that they were still trapped and there was no sign of rescuers. They had been left to their own devices to escape, using rubber dinghies, dragon boats and even inflatable mattresses.Internet users also accused officials of covering up the extent of the floods, saying that government-owned media neither mentioned the floods nor the dire conditions facing residents in the following days .Local officials were not prepared for the storm. In a news release on August 18, they admitted that moving stranded people was "very difficult" and that residents were encouraged to "save themselves" – in short, there were not enough rescue service resources to handle the crisis in a timely manner.While the public had to deal with officials' slow reaction, they were dealt a double insult when a government-backed newspaper said the casualties were partly caused by people's lack of survival skills.The Global Times, a conservative Beijing-based tabloid, ran an editorial on August 20 saying that placating online complaints was as important as saving disaster victims.It was wrong to only blame local officials, the paper said, when individuals' preparedness was also a key factor in coping with such disasters."Developing countries often suffered high casualties in disasters," the Global Times' said. "Individuals' insufficient ability to help themselves is a major factor, while insufficient government capacity is just one of the factors of these kinds of tragedies."Many felt it was shameful for the government-backed media to say such新蒲崗迷你倉things when thousands of ordinary people had not only lost their homes and belongings, but were still in danger. Authorities should not shift the blame to those who they should protect, but were unable to.Global Times is owned by the People's Daily, the Communist Party's leading mouthpiece.Furthermore, the comments made by the Global Times not only tainted the mainland propaganda machine responsible for polishing the government's image, but also showed the paradox facing the central government.On one hand, authorities have admitted they are not almighty. China has long followed a model of omnipotent government where everything should be under its control.Though many officials are still accustomed to playing key roles in different day-to-day matters, in more cases, especially unexpected disasters, they are learning that flexible responses by groups and individuals are more efficient and can muster greater resources in a very short time.That was why in some disasters, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the 2010 Yushu quake, and this month's floods, people were "encouraged" to save themselves and non-government organisations were allowed to help with rescue efforts.But on the other hand, mainland officials are still reluctant to loosen their reins on the authority they are trying so hard to command, and only cede limited control to individuals and NGOs under special circumstances.Other than during large natural disasters, governments continue to keep a close eye on NGOs and contain their growth out of fear they may become too influential. NGOs are required to register with authorities and struggle to raise funds.When NGOs become too large, governments become suspicious of their activities – whether such fears are founded or not – and clamp down on their movements. There are many examples where NGOs and individuals who help vulnerable groups such as Aids patients, migrant workers and petitioners facing harassment or are even ordered to close down.The Global Times' article was right in one respect: that the best way to deal with natural disasters is by government and individuals working together. But, without giving civil society the room it needs to grow, how can governments expect NGOs to play a larger role come the time that they really need them?ivan.zhai@scmp.commini storage
Special notes
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉 30--U.S. marshals arrested two women in Ohio Thursday night who are wanted in connection with a March slaying on a party bus in Sheraden.Clarrissa Clark, 19, and Summer Kerley, 29, both of Sheraden await extradition, Pittsburgh police Lt. Daniel Herrmann said late Thursday.On March 30, police were called to the 3000 block of Chartiers Avenue in Sheraden about 3:30 a.m. for a report that a man, Steven Lee, 21, of McKees Rocks, had been shot multiple times after a confrontation on a party bus that had stopped in the area, according to police.Detectives wrote in a criminal complaint that Samantha Powe, 30, of Garfield, Ms. Clark and Ms. Kerley fought that night with some people on a party bus traveling from the South Side to Sheraden.Police said that while Ms. Powe was on the bus she called someone on her cell phone and said she wanted that person to "come over here and smoke these people," referring to Mr. Lee and his sister, who was not injured in the incident.Ms. Clark also was on her phone when she told the driver to stop the bus and three men with guns got out of their car, police wrote.When James Lawrence, 21, of East Hills and Michael Lyons, 22, of Homewood arrived, Ms. Kerley and Mr. Lyons began kicking and shoving Mr. 文件倉ee and his sister off the bus. Once off the bus, police said, Ms. Kerley continued kicking and assaulting Mr. Lee's sister.Ms. Clark pointed out Mr. Lee and his sister and said, "Split them two. Spank them. I want those two," according to court documents.When she said that, police said, Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Lyons shot Mr. Lee.Ms. Clark was wanted on charges including terroristic threats and a felony count each of criminal solicitation and conspiracy in a homicide, according to court documents.Police sought Ms. Kerley on the same three charges, as well as a felony count of aggravated assault, according to court documents.Mr. Lawrence was arrested last week and Mr. Lyons was arrested in May. Each face a homicide charge, among others, in Mr. Lee's death. Both men are scheduled for preliminary hearings today.Pittsburgh police found Ms. Powe shot to death on a dead-end street in Homewood on July 16. Charges have not been filed in that case but police sources indicate Mr. Lawrence is a suspect.Staff writer Liz Navratil contributed. Lexi Belculfine: lbelculfine@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1878 or Twitter: @LexiBelc.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
Special notes
當你回到家,儲存順手打開電視,你可能不會想到,圍繞面前這台電視機,一場客廳爭奪戰已經展開。當傳統電視廠商三星、海信、創維、長虹、TCL等正在籌劃�夏日的銷量高峰,大批量備貨之時,互聯網企業突然快刀切入。樂視、阿里進軍電視領域,還有小米等不少互聯網巨頭企業蠢蠢欲動,意欲進軍智能電視領域。傳統電視廠商用三十年的時間奠定了行業地位,互聯網大軍或許只要一年就可將其顛覆。 綜合/記者 曹天元 國際品牌地位不保 中國的家電品牌,格力佔據全球空調市場首位,海爾在冰箱和洗衣機全球市場稱雄。只有在電視領域,市場霸主長期被韓國品牌三星、日本品牌夏普所佔據,海信、創維、TCL和長虹等四家國產品牌銷量總和都無法與其匹敵。 三星為了進一步保持中國及全球市場的領先地位,在2013年年初重磅推出F8000系列智能電視機。三星電子影像顯示器事業部負責人金炫奭聲稱,F8000系列智能電視機在硬件、軟件以及生產設備等方面均具有領先優勢,短期內不易被赶超。然而,金炫奭的話音未落,便有一家互聯網公司向其挑戰,在A股上市的中國視頻公司樂視網,推出了一款超級電視,其硬件與三星F8000比毫不遜色,還打造了具備互聯網基因的Letv。更讓三星和傳統電視廠商咂舌的是,超級電視的售價還不到三星F8000的一半。 馬雲的金融之路剛剛步新蒲崗迷你倉正軌,阿里集團很快也走上了智能電視的道路。 7月23日,阿里巴巴集團正式發布阿里智能TV操作系統,操作系統打通電視、機頂盒、手機等各個與消費者生活息息相關的終端。 按照往年的規律,三星F8000的銷售數據應該能達26%乃至37%的市佔率,保守估計銷量在4萬台左右,然而如今實際銷量卻不足預判的四分之一,還不足1萬台。市場調查機構中怡康發布的最新監測報告顯示,7月份,在16個彩電主流品牌中,三星電視銷量位居第三,而冠軍位置被樂視超級電視X60佔據。 挑戰單純硬件思維 2013年,傳統家電廠商說的最多的一個詞,是「4K」,這是個橫量硬件的指標。在傳統家電廠商的視野�,硬件是產品的核心。不過,硬件的瓶頸,很容易被突破。樂視的超級電視的硬件方面實際上已經與傳統品牌電視的品質相差無二。 傳統硬件思維下的內容體系,也將逐漸被新的時代淘汰。傳統電視廠商匹配的內容,就是電視台編排好的內容。然而,電視雖然仍被擺放在客廳中央,但已不再是榮耀的家庭核心。現代人大多把時間花在了PC、Pad和手機上,必要時才會看電視。 此外,傳統電視的操作系統,也在被互聯網化。傳統電視最大的問題在於用戶被動的接受,而智能電視能夠通過互聯網和智能化的應用,能夠解決用戶多方面的需求。因此,智能電視正在成為中國家庭電視的主流。mini storage
Special notes
美國銀行業盈利在第二季升至422 億美元(約3291.6 億港元)的歷史新高,自存倉主要是因為交易收入大增,而且銀行減少了虧損撥備。聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC) 主席格倫伯格(Martin Gruenberg)表示,根據FDIC 的季度報告,銀行業的健康狀況在金融危機爆發後持續改善,資產質素正在康復,貸款結餘不斷上升,無利可圖的銀行減少。倒閉個案也減少了很多。FDIC 上周接管了亞利桑那州的Sunrise Bank,成為今年第20 宗銀行倒閉個案。而在2010年,亦即自1992年以來最多銀行倒閉的一年,在首個半月內已有20宗倒閉個案。報告顯示,溫和增加借貸的銀行增加,全美近7000家銀行中,有逾90%在第二季錄得盈利。不過,銀行收益增長仍迷你倉新蒲崗疲弱。監管機構亦繼續擔心,受目前低息環境困擾的銀行將為了增加回報而不顧風險地購買高息資產。FDIC 報告顯示,銀行盈利在第二季按年上升了78 億美元,即23%,交易收入也按年上升。此外,銀行為貸款虧損作出的撥備減少了56 億美元,即40%,至86 億美元。淨營運收益上升了3%,報1706億美元。然而,銀行業仍然面對不少障礙。格倫伯格指出,銀行業基本上已經無法再透過削減貸款虧損撥備來推動盈利增長,而且目前尚不清楚金融改革法案建議的監管規則,會對銀行短期表現構成多大的影響。此外,部分大行正面對法律挑戰,未來幾個月可能要支付龐大的罰款和賠償,尤其是摩根大通,該行現時在各方面都備受關注,包括其在中國的招聘手法,以至去年處理「倫敦鯨」醜聞的方式。迷你倉出租
CEPA補充協議十簽署 進一步開放服務貿易
【本報訊】《〈內地與澳門關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排〉補充協議十》(以下簡稱《〈安排〉補充協議十》)昨日在澳門簽署,迷你倉價錢明年1月1日起正式實施。 商務部高燕副部長和經濟財政司譚伯源司長分別率領兩地政府代表團,昨日上午在政府總部舉行2013《安排》聯合指導委員會高層會議。會後高燕和潭伯源代表陸澳雙邊簽署《〈安排〉補充協議十》。 《〈安排〉補充協議十》對澳門進一步開放服務貿易,其中包括繼續在廣東實施先行先試政策、進一步放寬地域限制,開放政策擴展至福建省、增加"合同服務提供者"內容。 服務貿易方面,內地對澳門採取65項具體措施,在法律、建築、計算機及其相關服務、房地?、市場調研、技術檢驗和分析、人員提供與安排、建築物清潔、攝影、印刷、會展、筆譯和口譯、電信、視聽、分銷、環境服務、銀行、證券、醫院服務、社會服務、旅遊、文娛、體育、海運、航空運輸、公路運輸、貨代、商標代理等28個領域在原有開放承諾基礎上,進一步放寬市場准入條件、放寬股權限制、經營範圍和經營地域限制等。同時,新增加複製服務和殯葬設施服務的開放承諾。服務貿易領域累計總開放措施達到383項。廣東先行先試政策繼續 在進一步開放原有領域中,繼續廣東省先行先試政策,在法律、技術檢驗和分析、人員提供與安排、社會服務、海運和公路運輸等服務領域增加相關內容,主要是放寬股權限制、下放審批權和放寬經營範圍,共有9項具體措施,主要包括:?? -在廣東省進行試點,允許澳門律師事務所與廣東省律師事務所以協議方式,由廣東省律師事務所向澳門律師事務所駐粵代表機構派駐內地律師擔任內地法律顧問;?? -取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立人才中介服務機構條件中從業年限限制;?? -允許澳門服務提供者以獨資民辦非企業單位形式在廣東設立居家養老服務機構,開展居家養老服務;?? -在廣東省內試點將澳門檢測機構獲准承擔的以認證為目的的檢測服務範圍由食品類別放寬至其他自願性產品認證領域;?? -允許澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立合資企業,提供在線數據處理與交易處理業務,澳資股權比例不超過55%;?? -將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際海運集裝箱站和堆場業務、國際貨物倉儲業務登記下放到廣東省地級以上市交通運輸主管部門;?? -將廣東省內至澳門普通貨物運輸,以及在航澳門航線船舶變更船舶數據後繼續從事澳門航線運輸的審批權下放至廣東省交通運輸主管部門。?? -將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際船舶管理業務登記下放到廣東省交通運輸主管部門;?? -取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省投資道路貨運和機動車維修業的立項環節,按照國家現行法規受理申請和許可審批。放迷你倉地域限制至福建省 《〈安排〉補充協議十》繼續放寬經營地域限制,除了在廣東省通過先行先試政策對相關服務擴大開放外,同時也對福建省相對擴大開放,共有2項具體措施。主要開放內容是:在公路運輸服務方面,對在福建省投資的生?型企業從事貨運方面的道路運輸業務立項和變更的申請,委托福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。此外,允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合資(澳資股權比例不超過49%)或合作道路客運站(場)。對在福建省設立道路客貨運站(場)項目和變更的申請,委托福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。"合同服務提供者"內容增加 此外,《〈安排〉補充協議十》新增"合同服務提供者"內容。允許持有澳門身份證明文件的自然人,受僱於尚未在內地商業存在的澳門服務提供者,以合同服務提供者身份,為僱主在內地提供臨時性服務。本次協議規定26個服務領域,允許澳門服務提供者可僱用合同服務提供者,以自然人流動的方式在內地提供相關服務: (1)建築專業服務、(2)計算機及其相關服務、(3)房地?服務、(4)技術檢驗分析與貨物檢驗服務、(5)建築物清潔服務、(6)攝影服務、(7)印刷服務、(8)會展服務、(9)複製服務、(10)筆譯和口譯服務、(11)電信服務、(12)視聽服務、(13)建築及相關工程服務、(14)分銷服務、(15)環境服務、(16)醫院服務、(17)社會服務、(18)旅遊服務、(19)文娛服務、(20)體育服務、(21)海運服務、(22)航空運輸服務、(23)公路運輸服務、(24)貨代服務、(25)商標代理、(26)殯葬設施。 進一步加強貿易投資便利化的合作 貿易投資便利化方面,雙方將進一步加�商品檢驗、質量標準領域的認證認可及標準化管理領域、以及知識產權合作保護領域的合作。主要包括:?? -推動粵澳第三方檢測和認證服務的檢測認證結果互認;推動粵澳自願認證的認證檢測結果互認以及按照國家相關法律法規、條約的相關規定,推動強制性產品認證(CCC認證)的檢測認證結果互認;?? -促進粵澳商品貿易供應鏈效率,對澳門特別行政區的商品條碼系統成員開放商品信息平台,享受與內地系統成員相同的服務。同時,加強粵澳商品信息資源共享,借助商品條碼的全球唯一性,實現兩地流通商品信息的相互核實查驗,以共同打擊假冒商品,優化營商環境。?? -進一步加強知識產權保護領域的合作,支持研究粵澳共同推進知識產權交易與融資,探討粵澳兩地合作開展知識產權評估互認等業務的可行性。 此外,在金融合作方面,將積極支持符合資格的澳門保險業者參與經營內地交通事故責任強制保險業務。對澳門保險業者提出的申請,將根據有關規定積極考慮,並提供便利。儲存
本報訊 8月28日,自存倉杭州余杭區第五人民醫院發現了一例疑似登革熱病例,經實驗室檢測,目前已確診為登革熱,系境外感染回國後發病,為余杭區新中國成立以來首次發現。目前,患者已在余杭區第一人民醫院感染科隔離治療。 患者是一名家住在余杭的女大學生,今年24歲,暑假參加北京一社會機構組織的國際志願者活動。7月1日從中國赴菲律賓馬尼拉支教志願者服務,于8月24日返回余杭區。患者自述,在馬尼拉期間曾被蚊蟲叮咬過,疾控部門根據發病時間判斷,系輸入型病例。 8月26日,患者出現眼眶痛等症狀;27日下午,手臂、下肢及全身出現紅色斑疹並伴有癢感,眼眶酸痛加重,出現腰部酸痛,運動後肌肉酸痛等症狀;28日8時許,患者前往區第五人民醫院就診,醫院診斷疑似考慮登革熱,上午9時許轉到余杭區第一人民醫院感染科進一步明確診療。 余杭區疾控中心接到疫情後立即開展流行病學調查和採樣,經檢測確診為登革熱,確定疫點2處,開展了滅蚊、疫情搜索等,並做好消殺、環境清理和宣傳指導工作,防止二代病例發生。此次疫情迷你倉新蒲崗理,從接報到確診僅用了4小時,因為登革熱的潛伏期在3-15天,但僅通過依蚊、白蚊傳播,人與人之間並不會傳染,目前,與患者親密接觸的四位親友也已在醫學監控中。 另外,記者從杭州市旅委瞭解到,因為杭州余杭區這次出現的登革熱病例是個例,目前還沒有對各大旅行社赴東南亞旅遊的線路進行限制。不過,旅遊部門也做出提醒,希望自由行、背包客赴東南亞要儘量避開偏遠、衛生條件落後的地方,避免接觸到傳染源。 對於余杭區這次的登革熱病例,浙江省衛生廳疾控處處長嚴德華說,近幾年,因為預防控制得好,全省沒有發生登革熱疫情。但是,浙江省流動人口較多,零星的輸入性登革熱病例還是存在的。這次的病例,暫時只發現一個,採取隔離救援的同時,他們也會密切關注後續的動向。 省疾控中心的工作人員提醒,旅遊要儘量避開登革熱疫區。如果非要去這些地方旅行,那就一定要做好防蚊工作。穿長衣長褲,暴露在外的皮膚要塗上防蚊藥;房間里要準備滅蚊藥,必要時可點蚊香,用蚊帳,避免蚊蟲叮咬。 本報記者 施雯 楊茜 本報通訊員 駱燁迷你倉出租
自選升級規格 01 Lenovo Thinkpad T440s Lenovo ThinkPad 商務筆電系列最近全面升級規格。其中 T440s 採用碳纖維頂蓋設計,儲存整體外形纖薄,兼具有時尚質感,機身重量則下降至 1.65kg。新機改用 Intel 第 4 代 Haswell Core i5 4200U 1.6GHz(Turbo boost@2.6GHz)雙核心處理器,用戶更可選擇 14 吋 IPS(1,920 x 1,080 pixels)全高清屏幕,以及支援最高 12GB RAM 及 256GB SSD 固態硬碟等高階配置,用戶可因應個人需要自行選擇。 $10,888 Lenovo 800 938 838 輕薄高速備份 02 Seagate Slim 500GB 不少用戶皆選擇使用外置硬碟作備份,對於每日也隨身攜帶外置硬碟的用戶,自然會選用又輕又薄的型號。Seagate Slim 500GB 便針對這類用戶而設,它的機身僅厚 9.6mm,重僅則為 150g。它採用 USB 3.0 傳輸介面,資料讀寫速度高達 100MB/s。此外,它又預載《Seagate Dashboard》軟件,提供分享及加密等增值功能。 $48新蒲崗迷你倉 VST 2786 1836 Lightning 速充 03 MiPOW Power Cube 8000L MiPOWE 近年致力開發外置電池,產品推陳出新,最近上市的 Power Cube 8000L 便內置隱藏式 Lightning 接口,用戶只要輕輕一按便立即彈出充電�,免除用戶忘記帶�的不便。機身內置超高容量 8,000 mAh 充電池,除 Lightning 外,它還設有 1 個 USB 插座,可讓用戶同時為其他裝置充電。 $699 Shooting 2959 6226 微縮高效電腦 04 Zotec ZBOX Nano-ID64-BE 微縮化電腦細小的機身能輕易收藏於屏幕或 LCD TV 背部,作文書處理或 Media PC 均適合。此機內置 Intel Core i5 3337U 1.8GHz 處理器,主機板設有 204-pin SODIMM x 1 記憶體插槽外,機身還內置 Wi-Fi、USB 3.0 x 4、多合一讀卡器、遙控器等周邊配套,用戶只要選購適合的記憶體和硬碟,安裝後即可使用。 待定 GTR 3188 4983 text、photo/Seven∣edit/Yaotang∣art/David mini storage
Xi calls for innovation push in Dalian
By Zhang Xiaomin in Dalian, Liaoning, and An Baijie in Beijing ( China Daily) Economic development must rely on talent and embrace technology President Xi Jinping called for the nation's high-tech industries to embrace companies with advanced technologies and business management skills in a visit to Dalian, Liaoning province, on Thursday.迷你倉價錢During a tour through the coastal city's high-tech industrial zone, Xi was given a demonstration of high-tech products, including a battery-powered vehicle and a robot that crawls.He said the high-tech industrial zone should refuse companies who are incapable of producing advanced technologies.Not all "vegetables" - in reference to companies - belong in the "basket" of high-tech industrial zones, Xi said.The Dalian High-Tech Industrial Zone, covering an area of 153 square kilometers, was established in 1991 and houses about 4,700 companies engaged in software and information services development.At one stop at an IT solutions and services company, Xi encouraged the workers to help advance Chinese society through technological innovation.The nation's traditional methods of development are no longer sustainable and today's economic development must rely more on talent, Xi said.At another stop, the president demonstrated a company's teleconferencing technology aimed to help hospitals across the country easily exchange information迷你倉and treatment advice. Using a high-tech TV screen, Xi spoke with Xu Shuqiang, president of China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, which is linked with many hospitals nationwide."It's like adding wings to tigers to improve medical services through information technology. The system should be used effectively to provide better services to the people," Xi said.He also visited the Dalian Commodity Exchange and encouraged the bourse's staff to explore methods to develop an exchange for futures trading.Dalian Commodity Exchange, founded in 1993, is one of four futures exchanges in China and the only futures exchange in Northeast China, according to its website.During his visit to a maker of hydrogenation reactors on Wednesday evening, Xi said that workers and technicians are the treasures of an enterprise. He called on managers to make greater efforts to retain talented employees. He said pay scales should climb in step with a company's increasing output.Xi also visited Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd as rain fell on Wednesday evening, taking photos with the company's workers. Realizing that none of the workers had umbrellas, Xi handed his umbrella to an official and stood in the rain to take photos with the workers, Xinhua News Agency reported.Xinhua contributed tothis story.Contact the writers at zhangxiaomin@chinadaily.com.cn and anbaijie@chinadaily.com.cn儲存
Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis
Jointly produced by Mitsubishi and its Chinese partner Soueast, this executive sedan is anice add-on for the Japanese brand's product portfolio in China as it complements the sporty Lancer Ex which the new sedan shares the platform with.文件倉 Lancer Fortis include a 1.6-liter version and a 1.8-liter one. The car is the only one in its league that has an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system.
Survey figures show consumers, retailers are adjusting couponing strategies
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉價錢 29--Coupon redemptions dropped 8.1 percent in the first half of 2013, even as manufacturers of things like shampoo, toothpaste, kitchen cleaners and batteries stepped up their promotional offers.That might seem to prove that post-recession consumers are tossing out the coupon file and spending more freely, but no."People are still concerned about their pocketbooks," said Charlie Brown, NCH Marketing Services Inc. vice president of marketing. He noted a recent survey by the subsidiary of Livonia, Mich.-based coupon giant Valassis found those who'd picked up the practice of using coupons during the recession plan to stick with it.Instead, Mr. Brown said, the industry is seeing a post-recession market correction of sorts, in which companies that use coupons to drive consumer spending are shifting what they promote, how long they do it and where they distribute the discounts.The Great Recession brought a return to couponing not seen in years, as Americans rediscovered the tools that past generations used to trim the grocery bill. Manufacturers and retailers responded, and 2010 and 2011 were big years for coupon use.PG graphic: The decline of clipping(Click image for larger version)"What they were doing in the recession was promoting existing brands in order to maintain their share of sales," said Mr. Brown.But 2012 brought a lot of new product introductions -- a sign of renewed confidence from companies, he said. "New products tend to have a smaller audience size, because they're brand new," said Mr. Brown.Manufacturers like to use coupons to entice shoppers to give new items a try, but overall it can add up to lower redemptions. Last year, redemptions were down 17 percent from the previous year, according to NCH.There are other factors in the lower redemption of coupons, including that growth in the distribution of deals for nonfood items. People don't buy toothpaste or bathroom cleaner as often as they might peanut butter or frozen pizza.Since coupons are tools for directing consumer behavior, companies also are experimenting with the best ways to do that in an increasingly digital world.Mr. Brown said digital coupons -- a term that includes both those loaded to smartphones and loyalty cards, as well as those that shoppers pull up on personal computers and then print out -- still represent less than 1 percent of all coupons distributed, but they've seen double-digit growth as marketers try out the new tools.Because such offers tend to be either targeted in a way that reaches interested, niche customers, they can be effective. Of the total coupons redeemed in the first half of this year, NCH found nearly 9 percent came through digital formats -- 6.1 percent for print-at-home discounts and 2.5 percent for paperless formats.Traditional free-standing inserts, the kind of co迷你倉pon booklets delivered with Sunday newspapers around the country, still accounted for the majority of consumer packaged goods coupons redeemed this year and reached tens of millions of potential customers.In terms of paper offers, Winston-Salem, N.C., promotions consulting company Inmar reported that instantly redeemable coupons attached directly to product packages saw a big bump in the first half of 2013.No matter how they are delivered, coupons can be costly for the companies offering the deals. And since they don't know how many people will take them up on the offer, the final cost can be hard to pin down.NCH has tracked shifts meant to reduce the potential liability, tactics that were seeing growth before this year but have continued. Those include shortening expiration dates by 3.2 percent to an average of nine weeks.Food offers, in particular, aren't lasting as long and the coupons are generally good for a week less than they were in the past.Consumers also are being required to buy two or more items. That's especially true in the food sector, where Mr. Brown said 42 percent of food coupons were only good for things like two jars of pasta sauce, six yogurt containers or maybe five frozen dinners."The marketer is always trying to get you to buy more," he said.By comparison, only 18 percent of nonfood offers required the purchase of multiple items, although even that was up from last year.Retailers, like manufacturers, also continue to tinker with ways to drive sales. Recently, there have been reports of more grocery stores ending double coupon programs, while boosting digital coupon offers and offering things like fuel rewards to loyalty users.Neither Giant Eagle nor Shop 'n Save stores in the Pittsburgh market have plans to end their programs, which generally double manufacturer coupons up to 99 cents, according to spokesmen for the two supermarket groups."Giant Eagle continually evaluates national and regional consumer trends to ensure that it delivers these savings opportunities in ways that resonate with customers," said Dick Roberts, spokesman for the O'Hara grocer. "For example, the use and availability of printed manufacturer coupons has decreased in recent years as the popularity of digital coupons has increased. As a result, the company has continued to enhance its eOffers digital coupons."Shop 'n Save is also growing its digital program."The ability to load eCoupons directly to the Perks card is a program that allows us to provide an extra level of convenience to our customers while also allowing us to learn more about what they need most," spokesman Ben Boskovich said.Teresa F. Lindeman: tlindeman@post-gazette.com or at 412-263-2018.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
Kunqu Opera gets up close and personal
Kunqu Opera, known as the “ancestor” of Chinese operas, used to be performed mainly for wealthy, noble and royal families in their private gardens and mansions.新蒲崗迷你倉The 600-year-old art form is famous for the refinement and elegance of its music, poetic lyrics and graceful gestures. It was never opera for the masses and is best appreciated in small, intimate settings where details can be appreciated.After a four-year renovation, an old villa at 9 Shaoxing Road recreates the setting and ambience of the opera with a small, 180-seat theater and private salons.The Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe, which has been based in the old mansion, at last has a proper home in what used to be the French Police Club in downtown Shanghai.“We are lucky to have our own Kunqu-style small theater. Very few traditional operas have their own small theater downtown,” says Gu Haohao, director of the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe.It will open in early October. The date will be revealed later.The theater will also promote Kunqu Opera, listed as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, through talks, seminars and exhibitions. It will provide a platform for young performers.“The charm of Kunqu Opera doesn’t lie in lavish setting but in its delicate singing style,” says critic and theater expert Chen Daming from the Shanghai Dramatists Association.Among all the efforts to revive Kunqu Opera, small theater that emphasizes singing is the best way, Chen says.“People in a small theater won’t be distant from the stage and can have a better appreciation of the opera’s vocal arts and charm.”Another example of successful small theater is the real garden version of “Peony Pavilion” at Kezhi Garden in suburban Jiading District, which only seats 200 people. Since it opened in 2010 it has proved successful, attracting around 30,000 theatergoers. It is staged every Saturday at 6pm.Plays with few characters, simple plots and settings are more suitable to small theaters than large ones, Chen says.In a small theater, people can better appreciate characters’ emotions and subtle shifts through their singing, dialogue and minute gestures, such as the flick of a finger and lifting of a hem. They can better understand the different meanings of “orchid-like” finger gestures and water-sleeve movements in Kunqu Opera.Other traditional operas can also be staged in small settings, which critic Chen considers a “good supplement to big stage performances.”The new small theater on Shaoxing Road will open in October with a series of performances, many of them well-known excerpts of the classics. The flavor of the originals will be retained while performance style will be more flexible.Before the curtain rises, critics and experts will give brief introductions to the operas and comment during intermissions.The mini storageroupe is considering staging light-hearted and romantic performances on traditional festivals such as Chinese Valentine’s Day and the Lantern Festival.Promoting traditional artIn addition to the theater, the renovated villa contains a show room for regular exhibitions of costumes, props and video clips that give visitors insight into the opera’s art and history.The multi-function hall is a venue for conferences, various cultural events and salons for members, as well as buffets.The 1930s villa is the former French Police Club, where dance parties were held for the policemen and their family members. After 1949, it became a venue for the Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe. In 1979 the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe moved in. The villa has witnessed performances by many famous Kunqu and Peking opera artists. It was also rehearsal spaces.Cultural landmarkThe 38-million-yuan (US$6.13 million) renovation preserves the three-storey villa’s original exterior, while the interior is elegant. A staircase twisting between floors, chandeliers and stained glass windows create a nostalgic atmosphere.The aim is to make the villa a cultural landmark on Shaoxing Road. The road is already famous for its plane trees, tranquility and cultural atmosphere. Visitors can find book stores, stylish cafes and publishing houses.It is also expected to be developed into a new tourist attraction along with nearby Shanghai Culture Square, Tianzifang art hub and the Liuli China Museum of art glass.Since the 1990s, the troupe has promoted Kunqu Opera to young audiences around China. It has around 8,000 club members from all over China, mostly professionals and people interested in Chinese culture.Kunqu Opera lectures and salons will be held regularly in the renovated villa. Opera fans can attend “Follow Me” classes to learn basic singing and performance skills from members of the troupe. Special performances will cater to the tastes of expatriates.Kunqu Opera arose around 600 years ago around Kunshan City near Suzhou in Jiangsu Province. In 2001 UNESCO listed it as a “masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity.”In recent years Kunqu Opera artists and enthusiasts have tried to innovate, adapt and make the opera more appealing and accessible to young people. This typically means condensing operas which could be performed for many hours.Taiwan writer and scholar Pai Hsien-yung has created successful adaptations of the classics “The Peony Pavilion” and “The Story of the Jade Hairpin.” They feature simple plot lines and spectacular stage settings.Zhang Jun, known as the “Kunqu Opera Prince,” has controversially fused New Age, jazz, electronic and rock’n’roll with traditional Kunqu Opera scores and presented “Peony Pavilion” in Kezhi Garden in suburban Zhujiajiao water town. self storage
2013年8月29日 星期四
Former Tulsa oil firm executive charged with wire fraud, tax crimes
Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉出租Aug. 29--A Tulsa man has been charged with wire fraud on accusations that he embezzled nearly $700,000 from his then-employer by billing the company for the nonexistent services of a consulting firm he created.James Ray Cooley, 45, also is charged with three tax crimes for not reporting the income he purportedly received as a result of the fraud.Cooley was employed as the regional human resources manager for Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc. in Tulsa from September 2007 until January 2011, according to charges filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tulsa this week.In 2008, Cooley incorporated a consulting company, created a website for it and opened a bank account for it, listing himself as the signatory, the charges say.He is accused of claiming that the consulting company "had actually performed services for Newfield when he knew no such services had been performed."The charges allege that Cooley created fal迷你倉e invoices for the consulting firm's nonexistent work and then deposited the payments into the bank account he had created.The charges outline a series of related wire transfers, totaling $693,300, from 2008 through 2010.The prosecution is seeking a money judgment against Cooley in that amount.A tipster called Newfield's ethics hotline to report Cooley, which prompted an internal investigation, Cooley's dismissal and the notification of prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles McLoughlin said.Cooley is charged by an "information" filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office instead of by a grand jury indictment. Cases charged in this manner normally result in guilty pleas.McLoughlin said Cooley faces 37 to 46 months in prison if he pleads guilty.David Harper 918-581-8359david.harper@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
Boeing Launches 787 Training in Miami
MIAMI, Aug.迷你倉出租 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today marked the launch of 787 customer training in Miami, site of the company's largest commercial aviation training campus. Aeromexico and LAN Airlines are the first two customers to train on the 787 suites at the Boeing Flight Services Miami campus.At an event attended by Florida Governor Rick Scott as well as a number of other federal, state and local officials, community leaders and airline customers, Boeing also established Miami as its pro forma flight training campus for the Americas -- the location where airline crews will receive the initial training provided to Boeing customers for new model airplane introductions."Miami has always been an important Boeing training campus and the largest campus in our global network. Now it will also play an expanded role in training the pilots and technicians who will fly and maintain the groundbreaking 787 Dreamliner," said Sherry Carbary, vice president, Boeing Flight Services. "Miami's location at the crossroads of the Americas offers tremendous advantages as a preferred location for airlines based in Latin America, Canada and the United States. Customers also travel from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and China to conduct training in Miami."Boeing has greatly enhanced its overall training capability in Florida following an announcement in March 2013 that the company would relocate training devices from Seattle to Miami. To better serve airlines and meet growing personnel training requirements, two 787 full-flight simulators are now located at the Miami campus as well as an additional Next-Generation 737 full-flight simulator and 717, 747 and 767 simulators. An additional 777 simulator will locate in Miami later this year. These seven devices will bring total capability in Miami to 17 full-flight simulators across airplane types, making the campus one of the largest commercial flight training facilities in the world."Aeromexico sees the expanded capabilities at the Miami campus as a very positive move," said Max Alvare迷你倉, vice president, Fleet Negotiations, Aeromexico. "This is a very beneficial development that will allow a savings in transportation times and associated costs for our airline."The consolidation of Boeing flight training campuses in the Americas is designed to bring training closer to where customers operate, reducing travel times for airline crews and the costs of sending students for training. Miami is an international hub for commercial aviation training and provides geographic diversity within the framework of Boeing's global commercial training network - and convenience that airlines prefer."Boeing is adding nearly $100 million in training assets to the Miami campus, representing a significant positive impact for the local Miami-Dade economy," Carbary said. "The result will be a premier state-of-the-art training campus staffed by world-class qualified and experienced pilots and instructors all providing the highest quality training in a well-established, flexible and productive work environment."Boeing Flight Services, a business unit of Commercial Aviation Services, operates a geographically diverse network of 20 flight and maintenance training campuses on six continents. In addition to Miami, Boeing offers 787 training in strategically located campuses in Singapore, Shanghai and London.About the Boeing EdgeBoeing offers a comprehensive portfolio of commercial aviation services, collectively known as the Boeing Edge, bringing value and advantages to customers and the industry. Boeing Flight Services provides integrated offerings to drive optimized performance, efficiency and safety through advanced flight, maintenance and cabin safety training as well as simulator support and services through a global network of campuses on six continents.Contact: Jim CondellesCommunicationsCommercial Aviation Services+1 206-766-2924jim.condelles@boeing.comPhoto and caption are available here: boeing.mediaroom.comMedia b-roll of 787 simulators is available for download at the following link: bit.ly/1cdNNwEBoeingWeb site: .boeing.com/儲存倉
Disease-Carrying Lone Star Ticks and Related Disease on the Rise in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City
WESTBROOK, Maine, Aug.新蒲崗迷你倉 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Historically considered a southern and south-central U.S. parasite, the lone star tick is creating increasing concerns for pets and people in Oklahoma City and the entire state. This tick, known for the white, star-like spot on the backs of the female, is an aggressive biter and can transmit diseases such as ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to dogs, cats and people.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGO)"Lone star ticks become more and more widespread every year," said Michael Dryden, DVM, PhD, distinguished professor of veterinary parasitology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine who is considered one of the nation's foremost authorities on ticks that infect dogs and cats.Recent data shows increasing cases of tick-borne diseases like ehrlichiosis in Oklahoma. According to IDEXX Laboratories, veterinarians have reported more than twice as many cases of canine ehrlichiosis in Oklahoma to date in 2013 (698) as they did for the entire years of 2011 and 2012 (301). Alarmingly, records show that 1 out of every 15* dogs in Oklahoma tests positive for ehrlichiosis (*as of August 1, 2013).In Oklahoma County, 213 dogs have tested positive for ehrlichiosis so far in 2013. That number already exceeds by 36 percent the number of positive canine ehrlichiosis cases reported there during all of 2011 and 2012.Some cases, however, go unreported, and many infected dogs go untested. Taking that into account, the nonprofit Companion Animal Parasite Council estimates these figures represent only about 30 percent of the actual incidence of ehrlichiosis in Oklahoma, where people also are at risk.Ehrlichiosis is a blood cell infection that can lead to joint pain and lameness. Canine symptoms may not be obvious and include loss of appetite, lethargy or reluctance to move. If left untreated, the disease could progress to a chronic infection that lasts days, months or even years - often without showing any symptoms."The lone star tick is a very aggressive tick, and it actively seeks out people and pets to feed on," said Michael J. Yabsley, MS, PhD, F.R.E.S. (Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society), associate professor at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. "It's one of the most common ticks that people find on themselves and their dogs, so everyone should take precautions - especially in the new areas of invasion."Parasitologists like Dryden and Yabsley say the reason for the lone star tick expansion, which began about 25 years ago, is multi-faceted and complex, citing such factors as milder wintmini storagers, suburbanization and the proliferation of white-tailed deer and wild turkeys - common hosts for lone star ticks. With deer and turkey populations increasing and spreading and more people moving closer to woodlands and wildlife, conditions are conducive for lone star tick proliferation and interaction with domestic animals and their owners.Ticks, including the lone star, are most active in the spring. It's important, however, to remain vigilant year-round about protecting dogs from ticks. They go dormant during the winter but don't die - even when there's a hard freeze - and they can come out to feed on mild days."By the time you notice ticks on dogs, it's often too late," said Dryden. "All it takes is one bite."Even if pet owners use tick preventives, infections can still occur if owners mistime or forget an application or dose. The two most common pathogens the lone star tick can transmit to both animals and humans are the causative agents of ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). RMSF symptoms include arthritis-like stiffness and neurological problems. If not treated early, both diseases can become chronic and even result in death.While it's difficult to tell if a dog has a tick-borne disease, veterinarians can screen for them. They recommend testing annually for these diseases, which usually can be successfully treated with antibiotics.People who want to learn more about how to protect their families and pets should consult their veterinarians and .DogsAndTicks.com, a helpful website with information about tick-bite prevention and tick diseases - including how prevalent some of them are in their own neighborhoods. Since early diagnosis and treatment are keys to longer and higher-quality lives for dogs, the online resource also teaches people how to recognize difficult-to-distinguish signs of infection, how to properly check for ticks and remove embedded ticks.The veterinarians and veterinary parasitologists who support and develop content for .DogsAndTicks.com are committed to educating pet owners about the prevalence and risks of tick-borne diseases. The website does not endorse any individual product but serves as an informational source, with tools that include interactive prevalence maps for tick-borne diseases based on diagnostic screenings from across the country.IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., is a global market leader in pet healthcare innovation, helping practicing veterinarians around the world advance medical care with a broad range of diagnostic products and services. IDEXX created .DogsAndTicks.com as a resource for pet owners.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGODogsAndTicks.comCONTACT: Marissa Sharkey, marissa@bcsthinktank.comWeb site: .dogsandticks.com/self storage
全國版) - (湖北黃梅:塊石繩穿祖跡留
少年惠能賣柴養母,迷你倉出租聞客頌《金剛經》而有所悟,起願至湖北黃梅參禮五祖弘忍,期間八月,潛心雜役、舂米學佛。五祖決定傳法,請門人各作一偈,不識文字的惠能托人書偈:"菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台。本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。"遂得五祖衣缽。這便是禪宗史上人盡皆知的公案——惠能悟道。那麼,惠能在黃梅縣何地得法、接衣缽?惠能和神秀的書偈處如今何在?黃梅時期,他如何勞作,如今能否覓得遺跡?惠能為方便舂米在身上綁"墜腰石"是否確有其事?"墜腰石"現在何方?五祖夜半授法缽,恐�人傷害,命惠能連夜遠奔,路過哪裡?當歷史照進現實,能否一一得到印證?南方日報記者和省民族宗教研究院江泓博士一起,重走六祖的黃梅求法路,力求為讀者再現1300多年前影響中國禪宗發展的歷史場景。滿山茂松翠竹,一條小道從黃梅縣馮茂山下蜿蜒而來,遠遠地,只見一個身材矮小的南方青年穿過密林薄霧中的小徑攀行走近。那時節,黃梅很有可能正春雨紛紛,等到冬天,年輕人將會得法。來者圓寂後,輯錄其一生言論、經歷的《壇經》如此概述這段故事:"惠能安置母畢,即便辭違,不經三十余日,便至黃梅,禮拜五祖。"這是公元661年,惠能24歲。黃梅求法再訪五祖寺8月22日清早,記者踏著一米來寬的石板古道,迅步上山,半個時辰後,叩近五祖山門。若在唐代大中年間(847-860),只要抬頭,便可見古橋和兩米高的古山門,山門兩側,有高逾2米、深4米的護牆。若是北宋,再往前走,還能看到東山二天門,位於天山古道中段一塊天然的巨石上,那是一座長8米余、寬近6米的長廊式涼亭。現在,記者舉目所及,是一座重建于清乾隆五十八年(1793)冬的石砌單拱橋,橋面蓋有青瓦長廊,兩端磚砌牌坊上,有清人所題的"放下著"、"莫錯過"橫匾。這是當地人從小就熟悉的飛虹橋,又叫花橋。"不過,當年六祖來到五祖寺時,除了這條小道,其他的建築物都不可能存在。"江泓說,甚至那條石板路可能並未鋪上石板,五祖為弟子說法的場所也應該不是法堂,而是露天。整座寺里,只有最簡單的建築。這是因為早期禪宗傳播沒有固定場所,直到四祖道信之後,才開始建造寺廟建築。接著往前走,過花橋,往西幾米,是現在的五祖寺山門——只見正門一副對聯:上接達摩一脈,下傳能秀兩家。直接點出五祖兩位弟子惠能和神秀對禪宗的深遠影響。對聯兩側赫然寫著能秀二人當日題寫的佛偈。一路穿過山門、天王殿、大雄寶殿、毗盧殿,就是五祖的真身殿了,它和毗盧殿是五祖寺目前最老的清代建築。殿後的法雨塔,原供有五祖真身,可惜毀于1927年的戰火。有意思的是,從五祖真身殿東面小門出去,即為南廊,現置為六祖碑廊,通過十七面石刻再現六祖《壇經》全本,圖文併茂。這無疑是五祖、六祖師徒親密關係的空間寫照。南廊並不是一個簡單的處所,實可謂六祖《壇經》誕生的源頭。《壇經》記載,五祖堂前,有步廊三間,稱為"南廊",正是它,在1300多年前留下了神秀和惠能那兩首著名偈子:身似菩提樹,心如明鏡台。時時勤拂拭,莫使惹塵埃。菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台。本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。過碑廊的東門,單立一殿,坐北朝南,居中匾額寫"衣缽親傳",正是六祖殿,大殿兩側也是惠能、神秀的佛偈。這也是五祖寺中,第三次出現二人的偈子,另一處在毗盧殿兩側,作為"宗風""祖德"兩條巷門的對聯。奇怪的是,大殿入口放有石臼,碓身、杆杵,各各齊備,寺里和尚說,此乃當年惠能舂米處。當年惠能到達五祖寺時,與五祖初一謀面,即電光火石,機鋒對答。祖問曰:"汝何方人。欲求何物?"惠能對曰:"弟子是嶺南新州百姓,遠來禮師,惟求作佛,不求余物。"祖言:"汝是嶺南人,又是獦獠,若為堪作佛?"惠能曰:"人雖有南北,佛性本無南北。"三言兩語間,五祖便知惠能稟賦,循例先讓他做雜務。惠能自此踏碓8月余,一直未到堂前。直到五祖謀選繼承人,命各弟子寫偈,終日勞作的惠能聽到童子誦唱神秀的偈,才來到南廊,請人幫忙把自己的寫到牆上。當下見者無不嗟訝,禪宗經典,自此流傳。六祖殿東側種著一棵高大的古青檀樹,寺里的師傅告訴記者,樹齡已有1000多年。佛說,菩提本非樹,但樹下徘徊。記者不禁猜想,它是否曾經進入大師的一念間?碓房修行追尋墜腰石省社科聯專職副主席林有能在其關於惠能生平的著作中提到,在五祖寺,惠能除了舂米,還從事其他重活。有一次,弘忍檢查大家種菜情況,惠能所種的菜被其他弟子拔去"撐場",五祖查看時,竟在菜葉下看到蟲子爬出"惠能"二字。盡管有傳說的成分,但六祖在這裡種過菜卻有可信性。六祖殿南側腳下,至今仍有一片兩畝多的菜園,五祖寺監院為道師傅告訴記者,現今已無法考證菜地是否當時祖師勞作之地,但為了傳承惠能大師在雜役中修行的精神,五祖寺一直保留著菜園。今年64歲的居士王媽媽已在五祖寺長住了7年,一直負責打理這片菜園。每天早晨寺里敲過鐘鼓後,王媽媽做完早課,吃過早餐,先要清掃寺中各處,上午7時至10時以及傍晚時分,王媽媽都在菜園里忙碌。當別人問她累不累,老人總是笑容燦爛地說:"一點不累,種菜也是修行,惠能祖師能做得這麼好,我們更要身體力行。""據《壇經》所述,惠能在新興第一次聽聞《金剛經》時,對方告訴他,五祖大師在黃梅主化,門人一千有餘,可見當時這片耕地和菜園非常大,而惠能大師每天舂米,工作量也必定極大。"江泓解釋。惠能在南廊寫偈次日,五祖潛至碓房,見惠能為增加體重,把米舂得快一些、白一些,腰上綁著石頭舂米,把皮肉都磨傷了。便說:"求道之人,為法忘軀,當如是乎。"於是問:米熟也未?惠能說:早就熟了,只欠用篩篩過。這是一個雙關語,說的是對佛法理解了,但還差師傅印證。"五祖就用錫杖往碓上敲了三下,背著手離去。"在五祖寺退身寮里,記者巧遇寺里年齡最大的僧人,已經84歲的照勤師傅,他是這裡唯一一位自己開伙做飯的禪師。說起五祖傳法六祖的故事,照勤師傅神采飛揚:"於是,惠能會意,半夜從後門進五祖方丈室,五祖為他解說《金剛經》,惠能當下大悟,五祖便傳他衣缽。"據介紹,當時六祖得法的地方在"授法洞",從五祖寺後山上"通天路",會經過這個能容納一兩個人的山洞,門外有一大石,上面刻著洞名。那麼,綁在惠能身上的墜腰石現在何方?照勤師傅說,真身殿西側,是方丈室,原本室內藏有兩件重要文物,一是墜腰石,一是宋代五祖寺玉印。在黃梅縣博物館,館長童志軍和做了30多年業務的副書記何建芬證實了照勤師傅的說法,而現在這兩件寶貝就藏在縣博物館的庫房中。童志軍專門請出墜腰石讓記者觀看,石為長方形,約14公斤,刻有"六祖墜腰石"五個大字和清朝著名詩僧晦山所題"塊石繩穿祖跡留,曹溪血汗此中收"的詩偈。一級作家、黃梅籍神話小說家周濯街認為,這首詩說的是墜腰石,也是六祖求法黃梅的經典寫照。一直以來,人們都相信有墜腰石的存在,不過,目前存世的墜腰石有兩塊,另一塊藏于迷你倉東南華寺。據說是當時一個在黃梅做官的廣東人將石頭帶回韶關。兩者哪件為真哪件有謬,並沒有確切說法。何處得道?東山東禪費思量周濯街從小在五祖寺見過墜腰石,但據考證,墜腰石出土地不在五祖寺,而在黃梅城西南的東禪寺。據此,周濯街傾向于認為,惠能到黃梅時,五祖還未到東山建寺,而是在東禪弘法。記者查閱順治十七年編的《黃梅縣誌》,見有"墜腰石"詞條,也注明是"在東禪寺六祖墜腰舂米者"。那麼,惠能從嶺南跋涉一月,到達後去的是哪一座五祖道場呢?千年歲月荏苒,還能不能尋得一些蛛絲馬跡?記者來到黃梅縣誌辦,希望能找到答案。縣誌辦主任陳峰正忙於整理、重刊黃梅縣順治、乾隆、光緒三本縣誌,這些書籍擺滿了辦公桌。很多報道和新出版的圖書介紹五祖寺,都說是中國禪宗第五代祖師弘忍的道場,也是六祖惠能得法受衣缽之聖地,被御賜為"天下祖庭"。有意思的是,清代三本縣誌在五祖寺條目中詳細記載其作為五祖道場的歷史,對惠能是否在此得法卻未著一字。相反,在"東禪寺"條目下,則明確寫著:"在西南城外,為六祖受衣缽處,寺有六祖殿,汪可受建。"而據《名勝志》載:"東禪寺號蓮華寺,乃五祖傳衣缽于六祖處。有六祖簸糠池、墜腰石及吳道子傳衣圖。"記者翻閱該縣解放後編的《黃梅縣誌》,也有類似說法:(道)信傳五祖弘忍,開法于東禪寺。當時全國高僧、佛教徒慕名來訪,門徒將近千人,其中就包括舂米行者惠能。于661年冬,按才破例挑選了惠能為六代法嗣,成為禪宗歷史上繼往開來的人物。因此,黃梅當地不少研究者認為,弘忍是在選了法嗣之後,才于672年到馮茂山,即東山首建法雨寺,後名五祖寺,該寺自唐以來,成為黃梅佛教中心。黃梅縣八角亭詩社社長楊天元是堅定相信惠能得法于東禪寺的人之一,並找到很多旁證,其中一條與周濯街相同,即墜腰石的出土地。"東禪寺距梅城里許,嶺南盧大師所從滿祖受法處,傳稱槽廠其地也……順治初,土人得墜腰石于地中,父老聚觀如堵,謂然曹溪一宗,實從粒粒辛苦中來,賴諸佛之靈護持,舊物顯見……"這是乾隆五十四年《黃梅縣誌》中的記述,縣博物館的多位工作人員,對此內容也耳熟能詳。類似的證據還不止一個。據楊天元考證,唐代畫聖吳道子過黃梅時曾為東禪寺畫下五祖傳六祖故事的"傳衣圖"。南宋初年,詩人王之道巡遊黃梅還見到東禪寺並題詩:惟余墜腰石,繩竅徒空穿。堂堂吳生畫,筆法世所賢。絹素雖朽蠹,丹青尚依然。除了這首《黃梅東禪寺》,王之道同時寫了另一首詩《五祖山》,楊天元認為,這證明東山寺和東禪寺並非一寺二稱,也進一步說明東禪寺是六祖得法地。那麼,五祖究竟在五祖寺還是東禪寺傳法于六祖?江泓認為存在不同的觀點很正常。"兩種觀點都能找到很多旁證,但因為歷史久遠,已經很難確認孰真孰假。不過,對宗教而言,不必過度執著名相,正如光孝寺里的菩提樹,也不是惠能剃度時的那棵了,並不妨礙惠能作為東方文化巨人的身份。"禪宗辭典什麼叫公案?我們常常聽到的"禪宗公案"是什麼意思?江泓博士認為,公案的本義應為官府中判決是非的案例,禪宗一直有記載語錄的傳統,將歷代高僧的言行記錄下來,作為坐禪者的指示,久而久之成為禪宗修行的案例。《碧岩錄》里記載公案有三大用途:初學者,可以'讀律知法',有所遵循;學習中的禪師,可以依據公案指點迷津,有點像是現在我們所說的攻略;參學事畢的禪師,可以經由宗師根據公案進行驗證。據介紹,公案風氣唐代時始倡,至宋代大為興盛。公案有五種重要的涵義:作悟禪的工具;作考驗的方法;作權威的法範;作印證的符信;作究竟的指點。禪宗史上有很多知名公案,如"拈花微笑"、"惠能悟道"等。禪在黃梅三張文化牌禪宗居首黃梅戲《傳燈》一票難求自古以來,就有"蘄黃禪宗甲天下,佛教大事問黃梅"之說,離黃梅越近,禪元素也愈多。接近高速公路的黃梅出口,記者遠遠地便看見顯眼的指示牌,一個比一個豎得醒目。黃梅一縣,西有四祖寺、東有五祖寺、北有老祖寺、南有妙樂寺,城里有主幹道"五祖大道",置身其間,恍惚穿越千年禪宗的時光隧道,而惠能是無法繞過的一人。六祖惠能接受衣缽當夜,五祖送他離開,是直接在九江渡過了江,還是途中于某個寺廟借宿了一晚?又或者僅僅休整片刻?黃梅縣誌辦主任陳峰說,時至今日,這仍是黃梅人熱衷討論的話題,"也是我當縣誌辦主任6年來,一直想破還未破的懸案!"對此,周濯街也有自己的見解。"在黃梅與九江交界的一個鎮上,有個雨雲庵,就是當時六祖離開黃梅時路上休整的地方。"記者在縣誌辦翻閱了三本清代縣誌,確查到了相關記載:"雨雲庵,昔六祖渡江時息此。"陳峰說,在接近九江渡的分路鎮,還有個摘蘆庵,據稱五祖送六祖過江,摘蘆為舟,兩代祖師還在船上引出"自度"、"他度"的典故。就是為紀念六祖,當地人才建了此庵。浸淫禪宗文化久矣,黃梅人也發現了禪與生活的息息相關。四祖寺監院崇諦法師介紹,禪文化在老百姓中有天然的親和力。很多農村民�世世代代在春耕播種前,除了留守幾人,全村人幾乎都到寺廟祈福,到秋天收穫時又有一次這樣的儀式。可以說,這是禪宗文化在生活中的外在顯現。"而在黃梅提起禪宗,就不能不提六祖。"崇諦法師這樣對我們說,"六祖對禪宗思想的改革,對後來禪宗在神州乃至世界的發展,起到不可替代的作用。"今年5月底,講述佛教禪宗四祖傳五祖、五祖傳六祖傳奇故事的大型禪宗人物黃梅戲《傳燈》在北京國家大劇院上演,備受關注。此前,這出黃梅戲在深圳演出時,也一票難求。黃梅縣委宣傳部副部長王政說,黃梅有三張文化牌:黃梅戲、禪宗文化和挑花。現在,黃梅人把禪宗文化提到第一位。因為這種理念,黃梅縣民宗局和旅遊局甚至整合為民族宗教旅遊局。該局辦公室主任張惠告訴記者,為了解廣東的禪文化,今年6月底,黃梅縣政協主席帶隊,和縣里多個部門組成調研團到廣東省內"重走六祖路",尋訪了雲門寺、南華寺、國恩寺、光孝寺和六祖寺等六祖惠能弘法和藏避之地。黃梅各個寺院也打開禪門迎接八面來風。張惠介紹,在四祖寺,很多法師都會說些外語,如今四祖寺、五祖寺每年都派出法師到大學學外語,他們希望將黃梅禪文化推向世界。撰文:南方日報記者 林旭娜南方日報新興視窗記者 張鈺妍攝影:南方日報記者 張由瓊掃描二維碼 齊走六祖路總策劃:張東明總指揮:王垂林 陳廣騰 孫愛群統 籌:郎國華 譚仕龍 段功偉張翼飛 柳劍能策 劃:趙威 袁丁 林亞茗陳清浩 曾強 張波 林鑫學術顧問:廣東省社科聯專職副主席 林有能廣東省民族宗教研究院博士 江泓圖片說明:傍晚,五祖寺內的僧人三三兩兩,準備做晚課。由於地處偏遠,寺內僧人仍然保持著傳統樸實之風。; 曹溪一宗,實從粒粒辛苦中來。圖為傳說中六祖在黃梅舂米時曾經使用過的墜腰石。; 五祖寺位於湖北省黃梅縣東12公里的東山。; 一位老年僧人在院子里獨自做飯,悠然自得。; 一名僧人向記者介紹六祖的傳奇故事。;;儲存倉
出外旅遊,儲存若有著數�,自然份外開心。假如閣下即將前往南韓,可別錯過「PSY's Wiki Korea賞你韓國旅遊購物券」活動。由即日起至11月30日,只要成為「韓友營」會員,到官方網站登入活動主頁,觀看6段PSY's Wiki Korea短片,選出最喜愛的一段,並以「你最喜歡韓國的特別是……」為題,分享最少30字的文章,再輸入個人資料、遊韓資料及今年12月29新蒲崗迷你倉前出發之遊韓證明,即可換領價值10,000元韓圜的旅遊現金購物券一張,數量有限,換完即止。憑該現金購物券,可於指定活動加盟店消費使用1張,加盟店包括有首爾市內之指定夜店、餐廳及小食店等,有效期至今年12月29日,詳情請參閱網站.ibuzzkorea.com或換領購物券時附上的宣傳小冊子。此外,宣傳小冊子亦有附送化妝品牌之優惠券。網址:.koreaplaza.hkmini storage
武漢衝刺國家中心城市方陣 敲定一攬子升級計劃
昨日,mini storage武漢市政府召開新聞發佈會,公佈建設國家中心城市的"一攬子"升級計劃,包括"工業倍增"、"城建攻堅"、"自主創新能力提升"、"服務業升級"、"國際化水平提升"等五大實施方案。"工業倍增"處於首要地位。武漢提出,2016年工業總產值突破2萬億元,到2019年,工業總產值突破3萬億元。瞄準這一目標,武漢畫出工業發展路線圖——2019年形成9大千億產業,其中汽車及零部件、電子信息產業超5000億元;打造"大光穀"、"大車都"、"大臨空"、"大臨港"四大工業核心板塊,到2019年,大光穀、大車都兩個產業集聚區年產值超萬億元,大臨空、大臨港兩個產業集聚區年產值超過5000億元。 依據"服務業升級計劃",到2016年,武漢服務業增加值力爭突破7000億元,比2012年翻一番以上。武漢將重點發展現代物流、商貿與商務、文化創意、金融、會展、軟件和信息技術服務、旅遊、房地產、教育醫療、公共服務10大重點產業self storage重點培育九州通等100家服務業龍頭企業。"自主創新能力提升"計劃提出,到2016年,高新技術產業產值達到1.3萬億元,全社會研發投入占GDP總值3%以上。全市"孵化器"面積超1000萬平方米,入駐創業企業過萬家;世界領先水平的創新團隊核心成員、領軍成員突破200名。 按"城建攻堅"計劃,武漢在5年內將投資8000億元推進24類工程130個重點項目,基本建成中部第一、國內一流的城市基礎設施體系。"國際化水平提升"計劃用三年時間打造中部地區門戶城市、外資密集區和區域性國際交流中心。 去年6月,武漢市確立建設國家中心城市目標,提出爭當國家創新中心、先進製造業中心和商貿物流中心。一年多來,武漢經濟建設、科技創新、城市建設等全面推進。今年上半年,武漢工業投資總量和增幅居全國15個副省級城市第二位,高新技術產業產值和增加值增幅均超過二成。(記者盧平川、嚴運濤、實習生肖苗)標簽:武漢 信息產業 服務業 大車 集聚迷你倉
涉嫌爆炸罪 冀中星被提起公訴
北京朝陽區檢察院: 涉嫌爆炸罪 冀中星被提起公訴 法院已正式受理此案 北京市朝陽區檢察院于29日以涉嫌爆炸罪對首都機場爆炸案犯罪嫌疑人冀中星依法提起公訴,迷你倉朝陽區法院當日已正式受理此案。 公訴機關指控稱,冀中星于2013年7月20日攜帶自制爆炸裝置,自山東省居住地乘長途汽車獨自來京,當晚18時許至北京首都國際機儲存倉三號航站樓二層國際旅客到達B出口處,引爆自制爆炸裝置,造成其本人重傷,同時造成一名民警輕微傷。爆炸現場秩序混亂,國際旅客到達出口通道緊急關閉。後冀中星被公安機關當場查獲。 公訴機關認為,冀中星法制觀念淡薄,遇事不能正確處理,以爆炸方式危害公共安全,其行為應當以爆炸罪追究其刑事責任。 目前,此案正在審理中。 均據新華社迷你倉價錢
今日佛山,迷你倉不論旅遊觀光,或是休閒娛樂,有一個必去之所,即嶺南天地。在這裡,現代文明與傳統嶺南文化匯聚,最終以度假休閒功能承載者的形象出現在公�面前。每當夜幕降臨,一盞盞富有中國傳統元素的紅燈籠從街巷里、從各家店鋪里折射出氤氳的光華,青色圍牆斑駁,嶺南天地便迎來它一天當中最美好、最忙碌的時刻。來往人群或嬉鬧戲水、或低頭耳語、或指點江山、或恣肆清談,在這片不到10萬㎡的休閒之所,跨越千年嶺南文化,與佛山的夜色融為一體。這只是香港瑞安地產嶺南天地項目的一小部分,在佛山最古老也最繁華的的祖廟商圈,瑞安地產承接了150萬㎡的三舊改造工程,除了已經為大家所熟知的的嶺南天地商業項目之外,這裡還在開發別墅、洋房、綜合體等諸多地產形態,劍指重塑祖廟商圈新地標。最霸氣??打造祖廟商圈商業地標有著數百年曆史的佛山祖廟早已為公�所耳熟能詳,但提到祖廟商圈,給人留下深刻印象的商業項目卻是屈指可數,且難成規模。百花廣場日漸式微、興華商場偏居一隅、友誼商店曲高和寡缺乏人氣……在祖廟商圈內打造一個標誌性商業項目乃大勢所趨,譬如北京王府井、譬如上海南京路、或類似廣州天河城。從佛山嶺南天地發展現狀來看,這裡具備一定潛力。嶺南天地項目副總監文德純透露,除了商業街區和已經開業的馬哥孛羅酒店,嶺南天地的商業部分,還在祖廟地鐵站上蓋一個7萬㎡的購物中心,定位時尚路線,預計2015年開業。此外,在現在祖廟路對面的臨界商舖,也就是原來的"玫瑰商場"位置,將打造30萬㎡的綜合體,包含購物中心、寫字樓、酒店和公寓,預計在2016年或2017年左右推出。屆時,嶺南天地商業部分總面積將超過50萬㎡,其整體格局將包含福賢路、建新路、人民路、祖廟路一帶,毫無懸念,嶺南天地將會成為祖廟商圈最大規模的商住綜合項目。當然,規模大或許可算得上是地標建築的充分條件之一,如何在大規模體量之下,走出一條獨特、差異化發展並為市民所認可和接受的商業發展路子才是最終決定地標成敗的關鍵。文德純對此信心滿滿,他表示,從當前嶺南天地商業部分發展現狀來看,瑞安地產具備開發管理能力,嶺南天地的表現也並未令市場失望。據瞭解,嶺南天地商業街區一期出租率達到了100%,開業率90%,有一些商戶正在裝修,他表示,目前,嶺南天地商家中,餐飲占比達到了80%,其中多家是第一次進入佛山,比如,Hello Kitty Cafe還是國內第一家門店;哈根達斯佛山首家,面積500㎡,也是華南第一大、全國第二大的門店。此外,柏龍德國餐吧、九號花園、芽莊等也都是第一次來佛山。在嶺南天地,南方日報記者看到,除了Hello Kitty Cafe、哈根達斯、星巴克、滿記甜品、九號花園、原汁原味等餐飲外,還引入了譚木匠、琉園、悅畫廊、天長地久等特色精品和配飾,以及海天醬油、香雲紗、盲公餅、石灣玉冰燒等代表佛山傳統文化的展示鋪面。對於祖廟路對面的綜合體項目定位,文德純表示將定位高端,"礙于佛山的地理位置,LV、GUCCI等高端品牌可能短期內不會過來(最近十年都沒有機會),但是我們也可以把它打造成為中國高端的旅遊中心,在一線城市可能是中高端,但是在這裡是最高端"。最難題??與佛山文化相融合"沒去上海新天地等於沒去過上海",從這句話當中不難看出新天地儼然已經成為上海的標誌性建築,也成為瑞安地產的成功標簽,同時躋身中國房地產舊改項目的經典案例。2007年,瑞安房地產也將"天地系列"帶到廣東。當年,瑞安地產以75.1億元的"地王"價格購得位於佛山中心禪城區的土地,打造廣東最大的舊城改造項目——佛山嶺南天地。嶺南天地所在的祖廟東華里是嶺南文化的精髓所在,是佛山文物古跡最密集、規模最大、傳統風貌保存最完整的歷史文化街區。文德純表示,在這一項目的開發過程當中,如何在注入現代商業元素的同時,使項目充分融入當地文化,與當地風俗習慣等實現"無縫對接"是瑞安地產遇到的最大難題。為解決這一問題,2008年項目規劃動工之前,嶺南天地美國設計師曾專門提前搬進東華里住了一個多月,小到街坊阿姨的餐飲習慣,大到佛山市民的生活習性,都做了全方位調查與瞭解。與此同時,為了充分發現那些曾被忽略的古文物,瑞安地產曾在東華里舉行了一場頗具規模的攝影大賽,通過攝影師的鏡頭,一方面將傳統文物保留,另一方面,也為後期開發做參考。"摸著石頭過河",文德純告訴記者,嶺南天地項目開發並非一蹴而就,瞭解佛山文化亦非朝夕可得,從2007年至今,瑞安地產已在佛山紮根6年,或許還會走過第二個6年。在這十餘年的佛山生活過程中,嶺南天地在文化融合方面也將盡力做得更加完善。通過舊城改造,今日的嶺南天地嶺南天地保存一個完整的古建築物群,項目內共有22處文物古跡,包括祖廟、東華里古建築群等。最底氣??慢工出細活不差錢同多數港資地產開發商一樣,瑞安地產項目開發周期常常以10年計,具體到嶺南天地項目,瑞安地產透露目前總投入已經超過100億元。同屬於港資開發商的新鴻基地產、和記黃埔地產等開發戰略同樣如此。相比于國內各大地產開發商"高效率快周轉"的開發節奏,港資地產可算另類。廣州知名房地產專業韓世同認為,港資地產最擅長"慢工出細活",由於資金流充足,再加上對土地價值升值空間等有著較為精准的把握,因此並不會過多考慮工程周期。歸根結底,還是由於"不差錢"。佛山瑞安助理總經理張樑曾表示,在開發嶺南天地的過程中,資金方面,沒有壓力。"一方面,整個項目開發過程中,不斷推出樓盤,銷售也非常好,這是一部分資金;另一方面,瑞安房地產作為香港開發商,相對於國內開發商,融資渠道更加多樣化,能夠支撐項目的開發"。除了資金流充裕之外,嶺南天地被市場認為具有較高的升值空間,從住宅購買群體來看,或有超過50%的客戶具有投資意向;商業地產方面,大部分為瑞安地產自持,文德純對自持商業部分升值潛力十分看好,"隨著商業不斷升值,我們的經營也將更加輕鬆"。文德純同時表示,瑞安地產一直有意向在以佛山禪城為基地,輻射廣東整個區域尋找項目機會,但不會僅限制于古建築發展模式,普通住宅項目也會考慮。事實上,在國內瑞安地產已經不局限于做天地系列"舊城改造"項目,在大連、上海等地,瑞安地產正在進軍IT產業,投入軟件園的打造;並嘗試在機場、高鐵、客運站等交通樞紐地帶,根據當地的需求和資源,創造新模式來經營地產項目,上海虹橋機場旁邊,虹橋天地已經動工。港資地產擅長"慢工出細活"■觀察眼近年來,港資地產在國內並不陌生。隨著新鴻基、和記黃埔、瑞安地產、新世界、新港福等香港大牌開發商的高調入市,一場地產全行業盛宴拉開帷幕,熱鬧非常。同步觀察內地與港資開發商,一個頗有意思的現象自然呈現。國內土地資源緊張早已是不爭的事實,以一線城市尤甚。那麼在此情況之下,地產商們要如何實現自身的可持續發展?兩條截然不同的路徑選擇出現在內地開發商與港資開發商面前。先說國內開發商,無一例文件倉奉行"高效率快周轉猛拿地"之路,今年上半年,佛山新出地塊幾乎全數被國內開發商所瓜分蠶食。本周三,招商地產佛山公司總經理冼耀強告訴記者,今年上半年,招商地產雖在順德、南海等地都有拿地動作,但遠未達到其拍地指標,與此同時,招商地產在佛山已經營7盤。萬達速度常常令人"瞠目":"18個月一座城,3—5天上一層"。萬達透露,只有如此速度才能充分保證資金回流和周轉。在佛山,提到拿地,萬不可忽略保利地產,到目前為止,保利在佛山究竟占地多少,筆者尚未統計,但由北向南一過佛山東平大橋,放眼望去,幾乎全是保利的"圈地圍牆",綿延數千米。如果說國內開發商頗有點像一個瘋狂的資源掠奪者的話,那麼港資開發商的市場舉動則令其看起來更像一名胸有丘壑的謙謙君子。"地塊小,單塊面積大,開發周期長",在合富輝煌副總經理李慰看來,這些足以概括港資開發商的主要特徵。相比之下,港資開發商並不急於拍地,不過一旦出手便多是大手筆。新鴻基佛山瀾石項目總建築面積達300萬㎡,可抵40多個鵬瑞利廣場;瑞安地產嶺南天地項目總建築面積150萬㎡,規模之巨在整個佛山鮮有出其右者,綠島湖和記黃埔項目亦如是。大規模帶來開發長周期。事實上,動輒10年的開發周期國內一般開發商都無法承受,且不論資金周轉或回流受限,對於地塊價值提升的眼光上,國內開發商亦沒有港資來得"准且狠",新鴻基廣州林和村和獵德村項目在開發之前,無一不是一塊破爛地,經過數年開發,如今已成為廣州樓市的地標,版塊價值仍在飆升當中,其空間難以估量。2001年之前,上海嶺南天地所在地還是破舊的石庫門居住區,而今已經變成集餐飲、購物、娛樂於一體的國際知名聚會場所,成為上海地價最高的區域之一。這些成功的案例背後,強大的資金鏈固然是原因之一,對地塊價值的精准亦是重頭。"開始可能賣幾千元,後面往往賣幾萬元",多年的地產操作經驗讓港資地產十分自信。所謂"慢工出細活",這句話對於港資地產是否同樣適用?從目前的市場反映和市民的認可度來看,這句話是適用的。韓世同透露,港資地產項目在產品定位、規劃、後期形態等細節上耗費時間更久,因此由新鴻基地產開發的廣州獵德村舊改項目三年前剛一面市,便掀起搶購潮。一位不願透露姓名的地產業內人士告訴記者,"這可能與兩地社會風氣有關,目前內地民�急功近利情緒非常嚴重,而香港人則相對穩健務實"。正如"一塊硬幣總有兩面",港資模式也好,內地風格也罷,難免各有利弊。但長遠來看,港資地產"走路更穩"卻是不爭的事實。有需求,有市場,"天地模式"值得複制■記者手記在與文德純的交談過程當中,他曾很明確地提出瑞安"天地模式"難以複制,原因有二:其一,"舊改"項目很有挑戰性,非綜合實力雄厚的地產商不能做,比如舊建築的翻修,有很多技術性元素,不是一般開發企業能夠做得到的;其二,瑞房十幾年前就開始做上海新天地,經驗很豐富,做商業地產非常重要的是經驗,經驗不夠,怎麼想都想不到。誠然,從企業個性與特點方面而言,筆者並不反對文德純上述觀點,但在這裡偏反其道而行之,私以為"天地模式"可以複制。原因何在?直觀來講,在討論這個問題之前,我們先必須理清楚何為"天地模式",在筆者看來,"天地模式"即"依托于舊城改造,實現傳統文化與現代文明的無縫融合",再簡單一點,便是"存故加新"。作為一個有著五千年文明的歷史古國,文化的足跡遍佈大江南北,只是常常被我們忽略。今時今日,在許多城鎮,由於大規模現代化經濟發展,承載歷史文化的遺址早已湮沒,僅在留存不多的隻字片影里能僥倖看到一絲痕跡。文化斷層成為整個社會的擔憂。好在部分先知先覺之士已經意識到這一問題,並正在努力挽救。譬如杭州知名的清河坊步行街,便可看做是全力挽救蘇杭古文化的舉措;再看揚州東關街,不到50米的巷子里擺滿了與揚州文化相關的紀念品……如果說這些或多或少都有商業利益元素在裡面的話,那麼廣州對北京路步行街的千年古街的整理和保護則充分反映對古文化的認同已經成為民�生活的一部分。而這種歷史文化的承載區被全國幾乎每一個城市所需要。可以看到,瑞安地產"天地模式"當前定位高端,並主要在全國一、二線重點城市開拓發展。然而文化並無高低貴賤之分,滄海桑田,今日荒漠廢墟莫不是昨日十里洋場?"天地模式"有需求、有市場,便值得複制,更可以被複制。瑞安地產"天地項目"一覽■相關●上海新天地上海新天地位於淮海中路南側,東至黃陂南路,西到馬當路,北沿太倉路,南接自忠路,占地面積3萬㎡,建築面積6萬㎡。上海新天地是一個以石庫門建築為主體,有著歐式風情的休閒和娛樂總匯,匯集了各式的酒吧、餐廳和夜總會,是上海新建景觀之一。●上海虹橋天地虹橋天地項目位於虹橋核心商務區緊鄰交通樞紐的首個地塊,占地面積約6.2萬㎡,總建築面積約38萬㎡。項目定位為集辦公、購物、餐飲、娛樂、展示為一體的綜合商業,將為未來虹橋商務區的辦公人群,以及高鐵一小時經濟圈所輻射的過千萬人口提供商務、休閒的新地標平台。●杭州西湖天地:西湖天地位於國慶中路南側,東臨大潤發,西望百大購物中心,占地5萬㎡,園林占地3萬㎡。小區由5棟高層和6000㎡的商業組成的綜合社區,共有800多戶。建築採用Art Deco藝術風格,彰顯莊重典雅。建築傳承杭州浙派民居,將現代元素與傳統建築完美結合,既保留了粉牆黛瓦、雕梁畫棟,又採用大面積的落地玻璃窗來傳遞窗外美景。●重慶天地重慶天地占地3.2萬㎡,總建築面積約為8.4萬㎡。由高低村落、文化劇場、吊腳樓、商業主樓及精品酒店五個精緻建築群落組成,實現購物與休閒的極致融合,打造全新國際時尚休閒娛樂地標。未來,這裡將集聚豐富的餐飲文化和異域風情,東南亞餐飲娛樂、酒吧、咖啡廳,時尚娛樂等項目。●武漢天地位於武漢市漢口中心城區永清地塊,東臨長江,面向風景如畫的江灘公園。"武漢天地"參照上海太㎡橋地區重建項目的發展模式,將打造成集住宅、辦公樓、酒店、零售、餐飲、娛樂等多功能設施的市中心綜合發展項目,項目占地61萬㎡,總建築面積約150萬㎡(包括公共設施及空間,超過1550萬㎡),總投資額約100億元,預計于2014年整體落成。●大連天地大連天地東起河口灣,北接黃泥川,上連山谷地帶,西至南海頭,總建築面積354萬㎡,項目由黃泥川和河口灣兩大版塊構成,每個版塊各具意趣,卻又以完善規劃緊密相連,相融共生。●佛山嶺南天地佛山嶺南天地位於佛山市禪城區祖廟東華里中心地段。項目占地面積達65公頃(淨用地面積52公頃),總建築面積達150萬㎡。佛山嶺南天地是佛山市禪城區祖廟東華里片區的改造項目,當中包括的佛山祖廟、東華里古建築面群更是國家重點保護的文物。嶺南天地保存了中國其中一個最完整古建築物群。項目內的其他著名保護文物包括簡氏別墅、嫁娶屋、孔廟、李�勝堂祖鋪等22處文物建築及街道。撰文:南方日報記者 南盼本版統籌:南盼圖片說明:佛山嶺南天地全貌。李細華 攝存倉
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