2013年10月31日 星期四


編者按:近年來,存倉為了提升企業創新能力,推動產業發展,東莞市大力實施"科技東莞"工程和推進科技創新,科技創新成為推動產業轉型升級的重要力量。伴隨著科技創新的持續深入,東莞製造業研發創新能力明顯增強,企業核心競爭力明顯提升。東莞天安數碼城作為科技企業"孵化器、加速器",鼓勵企業通過研發創新打通一批產業鏈的關鍵環節,加快形成技術先進、管理科學的規模化生產能力,從而引領了一批傳統制造企業率先完成轉型蛻變。東莞天安數碼城園區已經成為助推東莞工業化和現代化的重要力量。朗嘉電子:技術革新引領產業低碳化噴墨印刷技術作為印刷技術的第三次革命,為中國的陶瓷、圖文印刷等行業帶來了前所未有的前進能量,引領著行業發展潮流。2013年的今天,噴墨市場走過磕碰,步入成熟穩定發展階段。在發展的前後,噴墨技術國產化走過了怎樣的經歷?在噴墨設備上有了哪些變化與突破?在接下來的技術研發中還會有什麼值得我們期待的飛躍?筆者走訪了東莞市朗嘉電子有限公司總經理韋燕朝並尋找到了答案。緊抓市場脈搏兩條腿走路早在10多年前,西班牙、意大利就已經推出了噴墨瓷磚的技術,由於西方國家的技術封鎖,導致中國的噴墨印刷技術起步較晚。從2009年中國引入第一台噴墨印刷機後,在隨後的3-4年的時間里,我國擁有了多個國產噴墨機生產企業,這也吸引了更多噴墨設備製造商、分銷商等介入這個行業。朗嘉電子就是其中的一家。那時的朗嘉電子還是一家電子元器件代理商,但朗嘉電子總經理韋燕朝已經敏銳的意識到電子元器件分銷的沒落之勢。開拓一個新興產業,尋找新的經濟增長點成為當務之急。韋燕朝將目光投向了噴墨印刷行業。有了電子元器件代理積累的資金優勢,朗嘉電子逐步將重心由噴墨設備的銷售轉向噴墨設備的研發。"噴墨印刷設備剛引入中國的時候,因為國內還沒有掌握核心技術,一台進口噴墨印花機需要300萬元,墨水40-50萬元/噸,引入初期,對於中國的企業而言,成本巨大。"韋燕朝表示。然而,面對如此龐大的中國噴墨市場,無論是機械設備領域,還是墨水色料領域,越來越多的企業投入更加多的精力進行研發,噴墨印刷技術國產化也也逐漸步向成熟。創新研發突破技術瓶頸2012年,朗嘉電子正式開始深入到UV平板打印機的研發。採用日本愛普生第五代噴頭,結合國內大幅面寫真機核心技術生產製造,朗嘉電子研發出了擁有自有商標權的"嘉彩彩印"平板打印機。這款UV平板打印機,特點是印刷幅面大、雙噴頭印刷速度快、精度高、耐用、維護成本低等。另外,該款產品具有性能穩定,故障率低,可適應各種環境等優勢,大大降低了生產成本。其應用不受打印材質限制,可以在木板、玻璃、水晶、PVC、亞克力、金屬、石材、皮革、布料及其他紡織品等材料表面進行彩色打印。不論是簡單的塊色圖案,全彩圖案還是具有過度色的圖案,都能一次印刷完成,無需製版出菲菻、無需曬版和重複套色,應用領域非常廣泛。目前,該款產品已推向珠三角、長三角的大部分市場並廣受好評。"'嘉彩彩印'平板打印機突破了數碼印刷技術瓶頸,實現了真正意義上的一張起印、無須製版、全彩圖像一次完成,是傳統印刷機的換代產品。市場需求很大。"珠海的一家設備購買商說。由於噴墨印刷技術與市場緊密銜接,該產品未來還將被以不同形式應用于各種行業,同時也可應用于玻璃裝飾、陶瓷、地板和合成建築材料等,此外在顯示器、光電/電子產品行業都可廣泛的應用。助推產業走向低碳化環保化隨著各國對環境環保的重視,環保型的設備及附屬介質將有更為嚴格的市場規範。朗嘉電子迎合環保需求,使用了專門的UV油墨,打印穩定,色彩鮮豔,固化強度高,固化能量低,環保無異味。UV油墨的多適用性及廣泛的應用前景已經得到廣泛的認可。由於造價低廉,易于使用,速度較快,噴墨打印機已成為今天最受歡迎的打印機之一,而且許多都進入了家庭。但在專業打印領域,人們卻更青睞其他打印技術。這是由於噴墨打印存在一個一直未能很好解決的問題:打印結果不能耐久。大多數噴墨打印機採用的顏料都會很快變質,造成顏色遷移,淡化,最終使圖像質量惡化。朗嘉電子採用新型的UV墨水,在乾燥凝固工藝上不同于傳統的烘烤,晾曬等流程。工藝採用的是最新LED技術,功率小,省電環保,無需預熱,無熱輻射,印刷材料不變形,LED燈壽命長,防水防紫外線,使用維護成本極低。同時,UV平板機印刷原理採用的噴墨方式,不與印刷物直接接觸,這樣就避免了噴頭與物體的接觸,在延長使用壽命的同時,更提升了打印質量。"其實數碼噴印行業這個範圍非常廣,但是在中國,基本只限于廣告噴印行業。最近的UV平板機把範圍擴大了一點,如玻璃、陶瓷等。現在在紡織數碼方面也取得了一定發展。接下來應該把眼光打開,把新技術應用到更多的領域,這樣才能進一步擴大市場,噴印行業才能大力發展。"韋燕朝表示。「對話」筆者:您認為噴印行業現狀如何?未來如何發展?韋燕朝:雖然中國的噴印行業處於上升期,但是也存在很多問題。第一,核心技術——噴頭,沒有一家能夠生產;第二,RIP軟件,即使儲存生產,質量也差強人意;第三,相比外國優質企業,雖然在結構方面有優勢,但結構的加工質量、設計水平也不是很高。也有一些廠家有很好的產品和技術,在國際上也很有名,但很少。關鍵是很多廠家把精力都用在價格競爭上了,這不利於行業的發展。如果把眼光放寬一點,每一家都發展新的領域,減少無謂的競爭,然後又有利潤產生,使研發的費用得到增加,加上有這麼大的市場作為依托,這個行業一定能達到很好的發展。立諾科技:在汽車電子細分領域搶佔制高點近年來,依靠加工貿易起家的東莞,產業轉型升級不斷提速,信息化進程也進入發展快車道,作為繁榮經濟的一個重要抓手,發展電子科技,推動產業高級化已經勢在必行。產業轉型升級,提高企業發展科技含量,就亟需發展電子科技提供科技支撐和智力支撐。作為東莞產業轉型升級"孵化器"的天安數碼城,用專業的園區配套和先進的服務理念,積極吸納支持電子科技企業發展,東莞市立諾電子科技有限公司(下稱"立諾科技")就是其中一家。打造自主品牌促進企業發展成立于2007年的立諾科技,是一家具有專業營銷技能及技術支持的電子元器件品牌運營商。發展多年,憑著專業的經營能力,陸續取得了Wellcomp, TLC Electronic, Tai-TECH, Genesis EE Technology, DIODES, TPO等一系列高品質品牌電子零組件亞太區域銷售代理商的資格,並先後在香港、台北、深圳設立辦事處。多年來,公司結合上游供應商的產品及技術給予下游製造商各項產品解決方案,在全球範圍內整合優勢資源,受到業界一致好品。但是,隨著電子科技產品競爭日益激烈,立諾逐漸不再滿足于單純的品牌運營了。"單純的銷售單純的買賣日子不會很長。"立諾科技總經理李文廣說道。原來,立諾科技在品牌運營的同時,為了能夠提供完整的技術整合資源,支持客戶的開發設計,有專業的FAE團隊技術支持,經過多年的發展,逐漸壯大,具備了自主研發設計的能力,並已經陸續有了屬於立諾自己的品牌產品。李文廣說;"品牌的生存離不了自有產業的發展,這樣才能在激烈的競爭中站穩腳跟,我們會利用好熟悉上游品牌的優勢做出更多自己的產品,這也將是立諾未來的發展方向。"科技研發領先一步打造HUD先鋒產品"隨著汽車電子科技的發展,消費者也會越來越注重用戶體驗,就像從前人們安裝導航,兩萬塊一個,現在幾千塊就可以安裝了,HUD(Head Up Display)也會在不遠的將來的到廣泛的普及。"李文廣說的這款產品,正是目前在汽車市場上備受關注的車載玻璃導航HUD.據瞭解,這種先進的玻璃導航最早是被運用在航空器上的飛行輔助儀器,是用來幫助飛行員不需要低頭就可以獲取需要的重要資訊。目前在全球範圍內,2012年用抬頭顯示作為標配的車輛僅占全部車輛的2%左右,即大約120萬輛,國產車中有HUD配置的就更是鳳毛麟角,但是越來越多的汽車製造商對這種新技術正躍躍欲試。傳統的儀表盤讀取,駕駛員的視線離開前方道路最少也要0.5秒,這就意味著一輛時速100公里的車通過了14米,即不方便又存在極大的安全隱患,HUD抬頭數字顯示也叫平視顯示系統,能減少駕駛者視線離開道路的時間,360°全景倒車影像更是極大的減少了駕駛員倒車刮蹭的概率。"我們目前已經在和一家汽車製造商談了,除此之外,將來可能還會由代理商和分銷商去汽車4S店撒網,預計年底就會有樣機出來了。"李文廣表示,"我們可能還會對這項技術申請專利。"依托轉型升級平台佔領汽車電子行業制高點"隨著汽車電子化發展,未來的汽車也許會不要掛檔,不要油門,後備箱�動很輕鬆等等,我們看好汽車電子,這些都將是立諾未來的發展方向"李文廣說,"2002年的時候,每台汽車的電子化程度只有百分之二十,經過十年的發展,汽車電子化程度越來越高,現在已經有了百分之七十左右,相信未來還會有很大的增長。"李文廣表示:"未來我們將會有更多自己的品牌產品,入駐天安數碼城也將使我們的發展更有底氣,天安是東莞產業轉型升級的示範園區,軟硬件和園區配置都是和打造戰略新興產業的主題相契合的,我們將利用好這裡強大的資源優勢,瞄準汽車電子這個細分市場,爭取在新一輪的市場競爭中佔領制高點"(楊丹心 劉淑琴)「觀察」創新助力產品快速增值現階段我國的市場是買方的市場,很多行業由於競爭激烈,都已出現了供大於求、相對過剩現象,很多消費者甚至是採購商在購買的時候都會進行多方比較,最終選定的往往是在各項指標上更為優秀或者功能上更多的產品或者服務。由此可見,產品創新、市場營銷和服務的增值作用明顯進步,產品增值的關鍵來源將是新產品的開發、市場營銷和客戶服務。因此,創新產品的快速實現就成為企業的核心競爭能力。很多企業家已經意識到,當前的競爭焦點往往不是能不能把產品製造出來,而是能不能快速開發出符合市場需求的、有競爭力的新產品。企業要在激烈的市場競爭中不斷發展,就要加快自主創新,依靠科技進步,調整優化結構,提高產品科技含量和附加值,提升企業核心競爭力。迷你倉


儲存 epaper.ynet.com/html/2013-11/01/content_20462.htm?div=-1...普京和奧巴馬(資料圖) 綜觀2013年,相比奧巴馬,普京表現更為搶眼。媒體對《福布斯》權力榜入圍人物的短評稱,普京是一個掌握著權...迷你倉

PChome前營運長操刀 購物平台uitox成軍 台灣主打6小時到貨 目標3年內兩岸前3大

【蕭文康╱台北報導】台灣第1個提供全球性電子商務服務的電商uitox昨宣布上線,mini storage董事長謝振豊指出,11月將在新加坡成立海外第1個電子商務網站,台北及上海也在年底前成立,未來3年在台灣及中國期望成為電子商務前3大。uitox標榜快速到貨,台北市就可做到6小時到貨。 謝振豊過去曾擔任過網家PChome(8044)營運長,因對台灣及全球電子商務經營的豐富經驗,獲得潤泰集團、華威國際創投、之初創投等多方資金挹注創辦uitox,目前資本額約8億元,其中謝振豊為最大股東。 提供購物4大服務 謝振豊表示,uitox推出重新定義網路購物標準的4大服務,包括網路購物服務、全球跨境購物服務、整合金流、物流、倉儲及購物車的電子商務工具「uitox inside」,及個人及店家免費架站服務「igarden」,目標布局全球200大都會區,透過全球網絡及雲端電商系統,讓台灣商品賣到全球。在新加坡本月將成立SOON,目標3年內成為新加坡第1大電子商務公司,台灣本月也將成立ASAP閃電購物網站,已經陸續取得約3.5萬坪的倉庫,1年營收目標50~100億元,3年內成為台灣前3大。uitox台灣區ASAP閃電購物網總經理黃文貴說,ASAP閃電購物網以台北市「下單6小時到貨」為服務的標竿,除擁有精密倉儲系統之外,也與郵局、黑貓宅急便及大榮貨運等物迷你倉運輸組策略夥伴,在一些艱難的地方,將增加一些自有車輛服務,來確保服務標準能夠達成,而uitox扮演台灣商品賣到全球的橋樑,計劃號召全台100工程師加入全球電子商務。 將與海外網站結盟 uitox年底前將與中國大潤發合作成立飛牛網,期望3年布局中國50個城市並成為前3大,也是上海地區在庫商品數最多的電商。謝振豊強調,uitox在海外將與知名度高且可信任的網站、實體通路商策略聯盟,未來在全球各地倉庫商品可在其他地區購物網站上販售,提供即時全球商品庫存資訊,倉庫有貨,即可下訂,供應商可就近擺放商品在uitox的倉庫,隨著uitox全球的設點,邁向全球市場。 uitox小檔案 ●董事長:謝振豊●成立:2013年11月●實收資本額:8億元●營業項目:提供網購、全球跨境購物、uitox inside電子商務服務工具及個人店家架站等4大服務●股東:謝振豊個人為最大股東,其他包括華威國際創投、潤泰集團及之初創投等●據點:本月在新加坡及台灣分別成立SOON、ASAP網,11月在上海成立飛牛網●未來目標:進軍全球200個500萬人以上城市,未來3年成為台灣及中國前3名電子商務站、新加坡第1名電子商務網站,台灣第1年業績目標要達50~100億元●結盟對象:上海成立飛牛網,與中國最大實體通路量販店大潤發合作資料來源:記者採訪整理文件倉


迷你倉 香港旅遊發展局大搞「香港美酒佳餚月」,領匯亦將於11月及12月初合共四個周日舉行第三屆《赤柱廣場國際美食音樂節》,據知今年以狂歡派對為重點,更首次加入「Battle」元素,大玩「派對遊戲大激鬥」,不同國籍表演者會作各種演出為挑戰者打氣,包括韓國爆笑劇「功夫音樂廚房」(見圖)、花式調酒表演及舞蹈表演等。活動期間,赤柱廣場的露天廣場將設有Pop-up-bar,提供八款以不同國家為主題的手工特飲供參與者換領;同時,於「香港美酒佳餚月」設計的巨型酒瓶亦會在美利樓展出。活動詳情可瀏覽stanleyplaza.com。儲存

明年平均加薪4.4% 金融領跑零售滯後

【本報訊】二○一三年踏入尾聲,儲存打工仔最關心明年會否獲加薪。香港人力資源管理學會調查顯示,近四成受訪公司表示已落實明年初進行整體加薪,平均加幅百分之四點四,而企業調薪的態度普遍趨向審慎,加幅最高的首三個行業依次為金融服務、建築和製造業,其中金融服務業的平均加薪幅度更由今年約百分之二,急升至百分之七,相信與行業再趨蓬勃有關。至於去年加薪幅度最高的零售業,明年平均加薪幅度則稍微回落二點一個百分點至百分之四點一。莫家麟指近年經濟復甦,金融服務業明年亦紛紛加薪吸引人才。(李苑葶攝)香港人力資源管理學會上月向來自本港十七個行業的九十七間公司收集薪酬資料,其中有卅八間公司已落實明年首四個月內的調薪預算,卅七間受訪公司表示將會整體加薪,平均加幅百分之四點四,幅度與今年相若,加幅最多的首三個行業為金融服務、建築和製造業,平均加幅介乎百分之五點五至百分之七。餘下一間受訪公司則凍薪。2014年薪酬平均加幅最高五個行業該會會長莫家麟表示,受○八年金融海嘯影響,不少公司為縮減開支,紛紛裁減人手、迷你倉薪甚至減薪,今年的平均加薪幅度僅百分之一點八,但隨�近年經濟好轉,金融及銀行業的人才變得緊絀,部分公司期望以較高薪酬挽留及吸引人才,至於建築及製造業薪酬加幅理想,主要因為本港未來數年進行多項大型基建工程及製造業有意轉型為高增值行業,需要招攬額外人手維持行業發展。專家:未必受旅遊法影響至於零售業跌出明年的「加薪三甲」,莫家麟指未必與內地於上月實施的旅遊法影響個人遊旅客來港消費有關,認為零售業現時人手穩定,如連續兩年高幅度加薪,企業可能需將成本轉嫁予消費者。他續稱,明年全球經濟整體發展仍不明朗,僱主制訂薪酬策略時或採取觀望及保守態度,確保經濟再受衝擊時,企業仍能持續發展。至於今年的調薪情況,受訪的九十七間公司中,七十六間公司在今年首九個月調薪,涉及十一萬四千多名僱員,其中九成一獲加薪,平均加幅百分之四點四,較去年同期微跌零點一個百分點,平均加薪幅度最高為建築和零售業,各為百分之六點二;而金融服務業則是獲發放最多非固定花紅的行業,合資格僱員平均可獲發相等於近半年基本薪金的花紅。self storage

台灣安防軟體一哥 對岸試水溫 台灣市占率超過80%

台灣最大安防軟體—嘉因資訊前進大陸「第十四屆中國國際公共安全博覽會」(簡稱「安博會」),mini storage總經理蔡爾榮表示,公司在台灣市占率超過80%,已經先觀察大陸市場兩年,今年決定到大陸試水溫,找合作的經銷商。蔡爾榮指出,以往消費者購買門禁設備買A廠商硬體,就得一定要用A廠商軟體、設備,「但全台只有我們已經跟10多家經銷商合作串連,透過我們的軟體整合,就可以串連不同經銷商的版本與硬體。」「剛開始經銷商都不相信,說怎會有這麼傻的人只做軟體,還要跟大家串連,一定有什麼企圖。」蔡爾榮說,關鍵就在於他能夠忍住只做軟體,並把訂單轉給其他經銷商。「這樣的路我們整整走了十年,才取得大家的迷你倉任。」嘉因資訊副總經理蔡爾斌表示,大陸安防市場競爭相當激烈,「但目前並沒有出現像嘉因只做系統整合軟體的公司,對我們來說是個很好的切入點。」以持有門禁卡使用者為例,透過軟體可以記錄感應時間外,還可以連結監視器,透過鏡頭監看使用者是否為門禁卡持有者本人。目前採用嘉因資訊安防軟體的經銷商,涵蓋台灣的政府部門、30所大專院校、670家上市櫃公司、媒體行業。此次到深圳參展的台灣企業共有13家,由外貿協會組團在安博會的台灣館展出。外貿協會市場拓展處展覽服務組專員楊青茵表示,隨著大陸安防產品使用普及,台灣廠商的價格雖然高,但品質受到同業肯定,因此展會期間有不少大陸參觀者詢問。文件倉

Chic tactics

Lane Crawford's return to Shanghai signals a daring China-first strategy for the retailer, writes Divia HarilelaFor the past few years, China's retail scene has been dominated by glittering malls and monobrand stores devoted to luxury giants, such as Gucci and Prada.mini storageBut the landscape is changing as more multi-brand stores sprout up to meet the demands of consumers seeking a different shopping experience.Examples of this include the iconic Italian boutique 10 Corso Como in Shanghai and Galeries Lafayette in Beijing.The one that got insiders really buzzing, however, was the arrival of Lane Crawford's flagship store in Shanghai.The official opening this month included a celebrity studded party with 4,000 guests including actresses Maggie Cheung Man yuk and Carina Lau Kar-ling, and supermodel Du Juan. Located on Huaihai Lu, an area that's fast becoming a hotspot for luxury fashion, the store marks a few milestones for the Hong Kong-based retailer.Measuring a whopping 150,000 sq ft and covering four floors, it's the chain's largest store to date (more than double the size of its flagship branch in IFC Mall).It's also Lane Crawford's biggest investment at 400 million yuan (HK$506 million), and a homecoming of sorts.The brand opened its first store on Nanjing Road in Shanghai in 1872 and had a branch in that location until it closed in 2005."Shanghai has always been strategically important for us, however, the previous store was 30,000 sq ft, which is very small in Lane Crawford terms. It was also operated by a partner, which meant that the merchandise, services and experiences weren't aligned with Lane Crawford," says company president Andrew Keith."We decided to finish the partnership and said if we came into China it would be directly operated. We did it first in Beijing and Shanghai followed."In China it's important that you are totally consistent in how your brand is presented."Visually, the new store fits with the brand's other "new generation" outlets, thanks to its chic, modern gallery format designed by New York-based architects Yabu Pushelberg.Selling everything from fashion and lifestyle to beauty and homeware, the store stocks more than 500 international brands from established names such as Emilio Pucci and Marc Jacobs, as well as cult favourites such as Azzedine Alaia and C�line.Interestingly, the strongest performing category so far has been women's ready-to-wear, with Alexander McQueen and Givenchy topping the list."Compared to when we fist opened in Beijing in 2007, customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated."While the two cities are quite different, overall, you see this awareness of personal style. [Customers] are moving away from buying products to make a materialistic statement. They are choosing items because it gives them a sense of personal identity," says Keith."They are also looking for new experiences and access to brands they wouldn't have normally … I don't want to say we are educating people – instead, we are inspiring people through brands we select."Hence the Shanghai store has many names you won't find in Beijing. There is a floor dedicated to contemporary fashion stocking more forward looking and affordable brands, such as Alice & Olivia and Helmut Lang, and newcomers including J. Crew and British brand Whistles, which is available in China for the first time.Keith says the contemporary category has huge potential for growth on the mainland."As the Chinese become more confident and fashion aware they are really happy to mix and match. Also what's happening in the contemporary realm right now is soself storageinnovative … There is an awareness of brands that aren't available here, so why can't we be the ones to bring them in?" he says.To showcase emerging talent in art, fashion and design, the store has a dedicated space called The Hub. At present, it features the collections of three Chinese designers – Ms Min, Helen Lee and Chictopia – who were hand-picked by fashion director Sarah Rutson.Surprisingly, it is the first time Lane Crawford has stocked China-based ready-to-wear brands and the response has been encouraging, with an 80 per cent sell through on the first day.Keith says the mainland has reached a critical point where the value of "created in China" is worth more than an item being "manufactured in China with someone's else label on the back of it"."China is moving away from being seen as a manufacturing base to a creative and innovative culture, so wherever we have the opportunity to work with local talent and showcase it globally, we will," says Keith.While the right brand mix is essential; so is customer service. To cater to the more discerning, the store has personal concierges on each floor, as well as a team of 65 personal stylists.There are also dedicated Platinum Suites, which are decked out like luxurious apartments, for men and women. Keith says the space can also be used for intimate dinners or runway shows."Service is critical as there's a finite amount of brands out there. Regardless of how brilliant a job you do with editing or exclusives, it's increasingly about the experience, the service. That's a key differentiation as a retailer."Another area Keith is focusing on in China is e-commerce. Lane Crawford is developing what he calls a "connected commerce strategy", which seamlessly integrates the in-store and online experience."We launched our e-commerce business in Hong Kong and China at the same time and it is growing rapidly. Greater China is 70 per cent of our business online so we are approaching online as an integrated part of our stores,not as a separate business."As such, China [for us] is growing at 300 per cent a month, which is extraordinary. We have an integrated approach to shopping so you can make your purchase online and then pick up or return to the store," he says.While online is critical to Lane Crawford's China strategy, there are still plans to open more stores in key cities. Next on the agenda is the opening of a boutique in Chengdu, a second-tier city which Keith describes as the Silicon Valley of China."China is not a short-term strategy, it's intrinsic to our history and we see our growth coming from there."Chengdu is an exciting opportunity, but we are also looking in other cities. We are not in the business of opening cookie cutter stores – each one has its own personality, so the right space is important."With China you need a lot of patience and a long-term vision, be committed and invest a lot of time and money in being able to deliver that."You absolutely cannot underestimate the customer and the level of experience and expectation they have and how quickly they are evolving. You need to be adaptable," he says.With the business set to grow in China, will Hong Kong take a back seat?"Hong Kong is the heart of us, but we are a Greater China retailer. So much of our business is connected with China. If you compare the growth in Hong Kong to China it's not even close."In Hong Kong, consumers were slower to become confident. In Shanghai, it's all about taking risks and that has led to a whole new creative spirit," says Keith."It's more exciting for us as a retailer."divia.harilela@scmp.com迷你倉

Ferentz radio: Opens 2nd half can of worms

Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaOct.self storage 31--Hello.I'm actually early tonight.-- Dolph opens with the weather. We are in Iowa, this is what we do. (It was what we did when I lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota, too.)It's raining. It'll be gone by Saturday and Kinnick is FieldTurf, anyhow.-- Wisconsin LB Chris Borland is working on his return to the lineup. Tomorrow is a big day:Chris Borland will test his injured hamstring tomorrow. Been very limited over past two weeks #Badgers? Benjamin Worgull (@TheBadgerNation) October 30, 2013-- Dolph said CJF was on a hot route on the game's final play last week. He wasn't. Outside WRs were hot route. CJF ran the route he was supposed to.-- Dolph said Bret Bielema told him before he left for Arkansas that he thought the 2013 Badgers defense would be his best at UW. Six of the front seven are seniors. This defense is superb.-- Dolph talks about the indoor facility. It keeps the rain out.-- The new administration and weights and basic football building is coming along, Dolph said. He's right. Things are clipping along nicely there. It's not Oregon's "Death Star," but it's going to be a significant upgrade.-- Craig from Sioux City wants to know about the running game. Question on Weisman carries, Jordan Canzeri carries. Is LeShun Daniels going to more carries? What about Barkley Hill? -- Dolph said Weisman has more carries than anyone in the Big Ten. He did at one point. Now, he's No. 2 to Fitzgerald Toussaint (155 to 149).-- Question about Iowa's "raider" formation. All the linemen were standing up: Dolph is right here. Iowa used that a few times a bunch of years ago and Iowa did have one DT in the formation (LTP). It wasn't incredibly effective, but it was something different.-- Lots of commercials tonight. KF's voice is hanging by a thread.What has a better chance to make it to Saturday, Borland's hamstring or KF's voice?I'd go Borland.-- KF was listening to a prep football game on his drive to the radio show. Wonder if it was Cedar Falls?-- Rodney for Carlos has a question. He wants to know if teams or players have a social hello when they visit. Kids they try to recruit, anyway.KF said he dropped a note in the mail today to the OL from NW who was from his high school in Pittsburgh.-- 515 Sandra wants to know about the excitement of the OT win last week.KF: Gratifying. Started on the field. Rudock-to-CJF got the crowd going. Four defensive snaps were as loud as it's going to get in Kinnick. Ray Hamilton tackled Anthony Hitchens. They checked that out on film and laughed the next day.-- Caller notes that Iowa gets more notice in Omaha when the Hawkeyes win and Nebraska loses. There was a "Name the Program" column, comparing Iowa to Nebraska. Iowa has had a quality run. I know Nebraska has been to a Rose Bowl, but it's been a while. Anyway . . .-- Question on the bus trips (??). Also about more injuries in the NFL: Dolph says college football is equal the NFL when it comes to exposure. (I would debate that.) Dolph did work with the Bears on the sideline for TV for 10 or so years. He brings up the size and speed. Again, he's right. These are massive athletes going at high speeds.Talking NFL speed. Physics.-- Mike from DBQ. First of all, croot question on Reggie Spearman, who was heading to Illinois. Mike also notes CJF was headed to Illinois. Iowa has lost some kids, too, Dolph notes.Is Alvis out for the season: No, Dolph said. He said Alvis wants to be back this week, but the docs will probably say no. Mike Hardy is replacing Alvis. He's from Appleton and, yes, was offered by the Badgers. Again, lower back deal for Alvis. Needs time to heal.Dolph does attend some practice on Wednesday and probably did speak with Alvis.-- Big Ten rules: If it's 200 miles or less, you bus. Iowa only buses to Northwestern, Wisconsin and Iowa State. I'm not sure that's a rule anymore. I think it's been lifted. I'll look it up. But those definitely are Iowa's only bus trips.-- Talking Badger bigness on the OL. I think it averages out to nearly 6.6 321 pounds.-- Melvin Gordon committed to Iowa and then decided to stay in his home state. Crootin is the best, isn't it?-- Dolph compares WR Jared Abbrederis to Wes Welker. Abbrederis is a deep threat who is 6-2. Welker is 5-9 and averages 11.1 yards a catch. Abbrederis averages 17.49.-- Jerry makes good comments. Applause for Ferentz.-- Oof, KF sounds pretty rough tonight. You could tell Tuesday that he was starting to get a cold. I think he迷利倉needs some peppermint tea.-- 102,000 square feet in the indoor facility, BTW. You know all about the new buildings. That stuff has been on this blog a thousand times.-- Jeff Tarpinian: They were showing the [building drawings] when I was in high school.That's hilarious.-- Imported wood floors in the weight room? Must be Oregon. "That's like wood floors in your garage. People change their oil in the garage," KF. That's comedy gold right there.-- The newest new building (phase II, actually) will open in July.-- Ed and Carol are at Carlos O'Kelly's celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They're from Swisher, not Shueyville. That's my neck of the woods!!!-- KF: "We're eager to see how we matchup."-- KF talking Gary Andersen: "Offense looks similar to what UW has done in past. They've done a good job taking what they've done in the past and adding a little."On D: "Playing well. Changed to 3-4."BTW, if Barry Alvarez OK'd the change to 3-4, you know he knew that it would have a great chance to work.And it has.-- Big week for James Morris. B1G POW and Lott Award. He leads Iowa with four sacks, seven TFL and three picks.-- Jim from CF calls in and wants to know about first-year players. Any pleasant surprises? Second question, what position or area of team does KF think has improved the most?KF: Pleased with all frosh. Mentions all of them (King, VandeBerg, Spearman and Daniels). Positions: The D-line. Doing a lot of good things defensively and starts with play up front. Figured LBs would be good. Guys up front have progressed. Will continue to improve.-- Talk is on throat lozenges. Dolph talked about a lozenge from Belle Plaine.-- Question on Kain Colter as an RB in the NFL. Caller likes Jordan Lynch (so do I).KF: Colter will play somewhere in the NFL. Might end up being a Wes Welker-type. Lynch is outstanding, too.-- Iowa and UW are plus-2 in turnovers. Turnovers gained good, turnovers given bad.-- Dave from QC gives a shoutout to his brother who had emergency surgery. Bart is doing well. Quick question, gotta keep the Kinnick magic going, D assignment football, solid tackling. Question, finally, on the jet sweep.KF: Gordon and White are out there for the jet sweep. If you cheat, they know the right response. If they get it rolling, it can be a long day. Have to be disciplined and take care of your assignment. Fly sweep vs. the inside run.-- UW trick play worked in 1981. Iowa beat UW and it helped UI get to the Rose Bowl break through.-- Jeff from Pochahontas compliments Dolph and Eddie. KF says his wife also loves Dolph and Eddie and she doesn't like many people.What's the most important element to win vs. UW: KF says turnover ratio. You can't be charitable. You have to be prepared to play your best football. Anything less, tough to get the job done. Teams thinking right, practicing right get better as the year goes along.Turnover margin. It's the thing.-- Dolph talked to Andersen today. Andersen said he's always admired the Iowa program, even from all the way out in Utah.-- KF talking about a question he got Tuesday about Iowa players having played Wisconsin. Well, Wisconsin players haven't played Iowa, either.Kind of a funky question, I agree (not me, BTW).Sounds like KF doesn't particularly enjoy Tuesdays. Stop doing the press conference. It's not like you work for a state institu . . . oh wait, you do.-- Texter Sean wants to know about Desmond King. Did you know he would start and play or whatever?KF: Some guys transition in nicely. Some guys look like they haven't played football before. King has handled everything really well, like he belongs. Been a great fit.-- Dolph asked KF about Iowa's second half . . . declines, is that the best word? (Against FBS schools, Iowa averages 2.9 points in the fourth quarter. Yes, the best word is "declines.")KF went into defensive mode here. He talked specifically about a story/post coming out of Ohio State and what happened in the second half."I watched the film and didn't see that [what was theorized] on film."Maybe the big play in the first half, the 58-yarder from Braxton Miller to Corey Brown? Iowa was in a quarters coverage and bit on the fake? Pretty sure that's what happened. That's one play I wrote about. I did actually ask what coverage Iowa was in, so who knows.So, hey, hockey is on somewhere.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at thegazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

反貪減送禮消費 過夜遊客趨放緩 9月零售增5.1% 創新低

在內地大舉反貪下,mini storage本港零售表現失色,9月的零售銷貨價值只是增長5.1%,低於市場預期,創今年新低;由於第三季增長在去年同期低基數下,亦只升5.8%,顯示市況相當疲弱,過往送禮佳品「酒類飲品及煙草」類更成跌市重災區。香港零售管理協會主席麥瑞�指「10月零售表現似乎好過9月」;第四季零售表現主要取決於天氣,冀增長或重上雙位數。【本報記者程曉蕓報道】內地反貪政策實施,令本港「買禮」旅客減少;加上內地「過夜旅客」增長放緩,本港零售業表現遜預期。9月零售總銷貨價值的臨時估計為358億元,較去年同期上升5.1%;扣除期間價格變動後,上月的零售業總銷貨數量按年上升4.9%。服飾業緊盯寒風調整策略麥瑞�表示去年7月及8月只有低單位數增長,比較基數偏低;而9月突然飆升至高單位數,令今年9月表現增幅不如去年同期,因比較基數較前兩個月高;相信「這是2013年最低升幅的月份」。另外,若冬天於11月中仍未來臨,她預計大部份服裝零售商需減價促銷,將為零售業表現「雪上加霜」。不過她強調就現時數據來看,10月的總體表現有迷你倉超過9月,籲市民不用過早悲觀;本地消費雖疲弱,惟未至於導致通縮,預計第四季數據會比第三季好,有望錄得11%至12%的增幅,惟整體表現不及2011及2012年。在內地反貪腐環境下,酒類飲品及煙草銷售持續下滑,為各貨品中跌幅最勁,達24.2%,創9個月新低;而珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物增長亦嚴重放緩,由上月19.9%跌至9月的5.6%。珠寶零售表現未如月前,惟本港珠寶商仍有意繼續開拓市場,謝瑞麟(0417)日前表示將於下半年於本港加開兩家新店。對此,麥瑞�表示開店乃商業決定,部份店舖或於早前簽訂。即日遊旅客增兩成另外,旅發局總幹事劉鎮漢日前表示,今年首9個月的訪港旅客人數較去年同期增長12%,當中即日來回的旅客增長20%;過夜旅客亦增長9%。麥瑞�相信本港旅客目前仍按雙位數增長,為零售業仍帶來增長動力。按商店主要類別分析,珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物上月的銷貨數量按年上升8.7%。其次為超級市場貨品,零售量上升4.1%;百貨公司貨品則上升21.5%。至於食品、酒類飲品及煙草的銷貨數量則按年下跌3.3%。文件倉


迷你倉 巨型郵輪海洋水手號,昨(三十一)日從高雄港駛抵基隆港,船上三千三百九十三名旅客在大台北地區稍作旅遊後,郵輪於晚間返回香港;基港公司表示,今年度基隆港旅客人次已突破五十萬大關,預計今年可達約五十二萬人次,郵輪市場正逐步擴大中!(圖文:郭凱華)mini storage

4999元搶土豪金iPhone 5S

  4999元搶購土豪金iPhone 5S,mini storage低至1折的暢銷書,大量知名母嬰品牌5折銷售,只賣0.6元一片的紙尿褲。這麼多劃算的東東,是蘇寧首屆O2O購物節拋出來的殺手�。  11月11日,這個被網絡打造出來的雙11購物節,引來了越來越多商家的追捧。記者瞭解到,從11月8日~11日,蘇寧將推出"第一屆O2O購物節",提前引爆雙11。對於這場四天四夜的大促銷,蘇寧定的目標是100億。  據介紹,蘇寧第一屆O2O購物節將在商品、價格、活動、數據、體驗、支付、入口、服務等實現線上線下完全協同的基礎上,投入200億特價貨源,通過雙線"超級0元購"、"千萬台爆款機型"、"易付寶充100送100"、"門店自提返利"、"OVO雙線視頻大團購"、"拉幫結派送千萬現金紅包"、"10家商業銀行刷卡送券"等活動,打造一個全渠道共享的狂歡購物節。蘇self storage雲台目前已入駐的6000商戶也將參與此次購物節。  O2O通常的解釋是Online to Offline,即將線下商務的機會與互聯網結合在一起,充分整合門店的體驗、服務優勢,以及互聯網集客、便利和大數據的優勢,形成貫穿線上線下完全打通的消費和服務。  蘇寧雲商集團總裁金明表示,做O2O不是一件簡單的事情,首先必須擁有兩個"O"的渠道,同時在線上和線下都擁有渠道,其次是必須實現兩個"O"的無縫協同和高度融合。"不是簡單在線上發個券,到線下可以用就叫'O2O',那充其量只是推廣方式的融合。"金明強調。  而在這些方面,蘇寧的優勢明顯。參加購物節的消費者能享受到5個統一:商品統一、價格統一、促銷統一、支付統一、服務統一。走進蘇寧門店,連接上免費WiFi,掃掃二維碼,你就能在實體門店享受到蘇寧易購上的劃算價格了。  本報記者 莫利萍迷你倉

比市價便宜1.5萬元以上 台北直飛舊金山 2.1萬元起

美國聯合航空台灣公司總經理唐靜儀宣布,mini storage明年3月31日將復飛台北-舊金山航線,經濟艙票價2.1萬元起,比目前市場上價格便宜1.5萬元以上,商務艙僅賣7.67萬元,便宜2到4萬元,聯合航空並與祕魯觀光局合作推優惠票,贈送亞洲線機票。聯合航空與秘魯觀光局在晶華酒店聯手推出「秘魯觀光起飛計畫」,希望藉由彼此的合作,以及旅行社的全力推廣,將目前每年3千多名台灣客入境祕魯的人數,提升到1年1萬名的目標。計畫啟動之後到秘魯旅遊的前三團遊客,都可以獲得秘魯駐台北商務辦事處致贈的神祕福袋禮物,而且從台灣出發的第1千、5千,以及第1萬人次,還可獲贈巨額的秘魯旅遊購物金。唐靜儀指出,聯合航空的台北-東京-休士頓-利馬航線,經濟艙只要4.9迷你倉元起,商務艙19.6萬元起,來回的哩程數超過2萬公里,足夠換取一張星空聯盟的亞洲線機票。明年3月底聯合航空直飛台北-舊金山航線,今起2.1萬元起價,而目前國內兩家國籍航空公司,除了學生票3.5萬元,一般售價約3.8萬元,商務艙7.67萬元起的票價,也比國籍航空公司10到12萬元的票價低廉許多。另擁有新世界七大奇景,印加古城-馬丘比丘與亞馬遜雨林等美景的祕魯,因為美國與祕魯都提供免簽證,台灣旅客從美國轉機意願提高。秘魯駐台北商務辦事處代表郭棟及表示,祕魯十分重視台灣市場,因為台灣遊客不同亞洲其他國家觀光客,台灣遊客對祕魯的文化很有興趣,也很喜歡祕魯獨特的美食,停留的天數最長,而且花的錢也最多。祕魯目前的華裔人口占約一成。文件倉


  【本報訊】美高梅中國控股有限公司昨天公佈公司及其附屬公司(集)截至2013年9月30日止三個月(本期間)節選未經審核財務數據。?P?n受惠於主場及貴賓賭�業務增長,自存倉本期間收益淨額按年上升22%至約63億港元。美高梅中國經調整EBITDA按年增長26%至16億港元。因夏季強勁旅客人流帶動高利潤的主場賭�業務錄得可觀增長,利潤率由去年的24.0%提升至24.8%。本期間,貴賓賭�贏率遜於去年(2013年:2.8%對比2012年:3.0%),集團受自營貴賓廳低贏率而導致盈利下降約9,700萬港元;另錄得一次性額外旅遊稅開支約5,900萬港元。?P?n即使市場競爭劇烈,本集團的市場佔有率仍維持在約10%。?P?n本集團主場賭�業務於本季度再創新高。成效於集中賭�收益管理及策略性專注高端客戶,主場賭�總贏額按年增長31%,超逾澳門半島的平均增長。本期間的角子機投注額亦於第三季度按年增加10%。?P?n貴賓廳賭�轉碼數按年增長28%。集團持續受惠於澳門美高梅酒店二樓的貴賓博彩廳擴展及四月份與新引入博彩中介人之合作。我們將集中提升貴賓賭�營運效率,從迷你倉提高盈利效益。?P?n於本期間,澳門美高梅酒店客房入住率高達98.5%。每間可供入住客房收益(REVPAR)為2,030港元。?P?n澳門美高梅於10月黃金週假期錄得強勁表現,所有業務較去年同期均錄得雙位數增長。?P?n美高梅路�項目的建築工程進展理想,我們計劃於本年底前完成打樁及施工,緊接進行地庫及主樓的興建工程,項目將按計劃於2016年初開幕,預算額約為200億港元。美高梅路�項目由著名建築公司Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) 設計及與首屈一指的國際酒店設計師Jacques Garcia攜手打造,我們的新酒店矢志為高端市場帶來獨特的美高梅體驗。?P?n美高梅中國的財務狀況穩健,槓桿比率低於一(根據過去12個月的EBITDA計算)。於2013年9月30日,本集團持有現金及銀行結餘約72億港元、負債43億港元及可動用信貸額113億港元。  美高梅中國首席執行官兼執行董事簡博賢先生表示︰「我們對澳門的發展及市場增長機遇充滿信心,集團將持續優化產品及服務以推動日後增長,相信不斷革新並提升顧客體驗將為我們在這競爭激烈的市場保持地位。」mini storage

Q&A: What are these cancellation notices about

Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionOct.儲存 31--What's up with the individual market?The cancellations you've been reading about involve individual policies -- insurance for people aged 18-64 who don't have a plan through an employer and have to buy their own. An individual insurance policy typically is a one-year contract that the insurer and customer may renew at the end of the year, or not. (The Washington Post notes research showing that nearly 85 percent of people who hold these policies don't have them for longer than two years.) In any event, individual plans represent about 6 percent of the total insurance market in Georgia. Here are the estimates (based on 2012 census data; percentages total more than 100 because some people held more than one kind of policy during the year):--5.1 million (52%): Employer-sponsored insurance plans.-- Buying your own health insurance? Get ready to pay-- Obama says he's 'not happy' with health care woes-- Website woes only the beginning of Sebelius' Capitol Hill grilling-- The Affordable Care Act in Georgia--1.4 million (14%): Medicare, the public insurance plan for those 65 and older.--1.3 million (13%): Medicaid and PeachCare, the public health plans for low-income people.--595,000 (6%): individual insurance plans for those under 65.--1.9 million (19%): no insuranceAnd these cancellations only affect the individual market?Mostly. They also affect some small-group plans. Note that Georgia insurers say they are not sending out cancellation notices to their individual policyholders. (This is happening in some states, though.) They are, however, letting policyholders know that the ACA eventually will raise prices for most.Why are they doing that?Well, they raise rates every year, because the cost of health care goes up every year. But there's also a big Obamacare factor. The Affordable Care Act requires that each new plan cover 10 "essential health benefits," including inpatient, outpatient and emergency room care; maternity and newborn care; prescription drugs; mental health and addiction services; and no-cost preventive health screenings, such as mammograms, colonoscopies and cholesterol tests. Plans offered by large employers already cover most or all of these "essential benefits." Many plans on the individual market don't, so they'll have to add any essential services they don't currently cover.So they're jacking up rates because of that?That appears to be their justification, although few insurance companies in Georgia will comme迷你倉t publicly. We know some of this because individual customers have shared the notices they received from insurance companies, and the notices mention Obamacare as part of the reason for the increase.What can individual policyholders do?They have a few choices. First, in many cases they can re-up with their current plan for one more year. Even then, the insurance company may charge more for that plan, either with a higher premium or a higher deductible or both. Second, they can opt for a new plan that contains all the essential benefits required by law. Those premiums, however, will be higher and, in many cases, sky higher. Third, they could shop on the Health Insurance Marketplace to look for a better deal, if the Health Insurance Marketplace actually worked. The website has had so many problems since its Oct. 1 launch that it's very difficult for most Georgians to get in and have a look at their options. If they ever do, they may find that they qualify for a tax credit that would lower the cost of their new insurance.Didn't the president promise that you could keep your current plan if you like it?He did promise that. He was mistaken, at least when it comes to the individual market.So what about my employer-sponsored plan? Is that going to change?Not in the way the individual plans are changing, but some companies are making changes. For instance, two major employers in Atlanta, UPS and Northside Hospital, are planning to exclude their workers' spouses from the company's plan if the spouse has access to insurance through his or her job.Wait. My doctor's office just told me last week that a colonoscopy isn't free to me. You just said it's supposed to be free under Obamacare.It's probably because your plan is "grandfathered." Companies that offered insurance plans before the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 are grandfathered, meaning they don't have to meet some requirements of the ACA. That's why your colonoscopy won't be free.Will it ever be free?It might. If your employer makes substantial changes in your coverage, then the law says the company will have to cover all 10 essential benefits. But don't wait until then to get that colonoscopy!What about my Medicare?The Affordable Care Act should have no effect on Medicare, except for some additional benefits that have already taken effect.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at .ajc.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

2013年10月30日 星期三

4G與3G 像「高鐵與台鐵」

迷你倉 台灣4G服務明年底上路,3G與4G的差異有多大?以合乎國際規格的速率來說,3G傳輸速度理論值最快可達10Mbps,4G大幅提升到100Mbps。以一部容量2G高畫質影片來說,3G下載要一個小時,但4G僅需兩分鐘,傳輸速率差別大,是最明顯的感受。台灣使用的4G技術,是屬於長期演進技術(4G LTE);鄰近的韓國已經提出「先進版」,也就是4G LTE-A的技術,有利未來業者提供行動影音服務。在4G高速傳輸平台上,消費者可以邊打電話、邊看行動影音,邊回email,傳輸速度有「高鐵與台鐵」之別,服務等級也有如馬路與高速公路般的差異。儲存倉

新業務禮享盛會 業務費存5個月送5個月

信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/    有的人,self storage盡管擁有一部智能手機,可往往不是用來炫耀,就是淪為擺設,讓手機比煙花還寂寞。有的人,雖然沒有智能手機,依然玩轉手機應用,上網、聊天樣樣精通。其實,不管用什麼手機,只需要輕鬆的幾步操作,就能享受中國移動提供的海量手機應用,讓你零碎的碎片時間,也是精彩絕倫。手機上網讓生活樂趣無窮  自從去年底跳槽到了新公司,鄧斌簡直成了出差專業戶:昨天晚上剛從A城回來,今天一早就被"發配"到B城,還沒從B城回來,又馬不停蹄地趕往C城。本來就很宅的小鄧,更加沒有時間談戀愛了。  最讓鄧斌鬱悶的是,他覺得自己越來越Out了。偶爾跟朋友出去吃個飯,大家聊的話題他都感到陌生,在朋友一片鄙視和嘲笑聲中,他才意識到自己最近忙得都不怎麼關注新聞了。朋友拍拍他的肩膀,歎了口氣說:"兄弟,你真是傻得可愛。現在都什麼年代啦,你上網什麼新聞看不到呀?況且你不是才買了個牛逼的智能手機麼?功能那麼強大,幹什麼都方便呀。"在朋友介紹下,小鄧才弄清楚,只要使用移動手機的上網功能,你就能夠瀏覽各大新聞網站,跟電腦上差不多。  如此一來,他無論是坐公交還是吃飯,只要一有空,都會去瀏覽各類新聞,尤其是財經類的新聞。而下班回家躺在沙發上又累又倦的時候,他就上天涯、貓撲這類人氣網站,看著網友插科打諢、狗血爆料,跟著大家一起樂呵,挺解乏的。最讓人興奮的是,鄧斌最近在人人網上和一位姑娘一見傾心,兩人的感情已有了微妙進展。長時間的上網,流量變成了頭疼的問題," 幸 好 有 數 據 流 量 套 餐 ,發 送KTSJLL20到10086定制一個20元150M套餐,就完全不愁了!"移動手機報精彩資訊及時看  一次,朋友見小張正在新手機上看最新的國際新聞,立刻好奇地問他是怎麼回事。小張解釋說,這是他定制的移動四川手機報,5塊錢包月,每天都能收到彩信形式的新聞,上午一條,下午一條,啥新聞都不會漏。  "手機報對我們上班族來說迷你倉非常的實用,利用每天坐公交車時間和中午休息時間就能瞭解到最新的資訊,省去了上網或仔細閱讀報紙的時間。手機報的短小精闢、信息及時和資訊豐富,正好滿足了我們的這種需求。"在成都一家零售賣場內工作的羅海先生這樣認為。  的確,作為一種全新的讀報方式,移動手機報通過彩信或手機WAP上網方式瀏覽各類新聞、娛樂、時政、生活、體育、文化豐富資訊。  手機報新聞通過圖片、文字、聲音、動畫等多種表現形式,只要一拿出手機就可以輕鬆讀報,免去了上網查找、翻閱報紙的麻煩。  據瞭解,訂閱中國移動手機報非常簡單,通過營業廳、登錄網上營業廳或者通過短信發送相應的代碼到10086即可,每個欄目包月才幾塊錢,經濟又實惠。開通方式四川手機報:發送"SC"到10086 華西手機報-城市:發送"HXCS"到10086新農通市場版:發送"S"到10086小資費 大回饋  活動時間:即日起至2013年12月31日  活動內容:活動期間訂購移動數據流量10元/20元/30元套餐、咪咕特級會員、通信助手包、四川手機報、華西手機報、新農通手機報、手機閱讀、駕車助理、移動氣象通、手機動漫、手機導航等活動指定業務,並承諾使用到2014年12月31日即可享受存送回饋。  和小伙伴們一起加入禮享盛惠吧!活動詳詢本地移動營業廳或10086。熱點業務推薦移動數據流量10元套餐移動數據流量20元套餐咪咕特級會員駕車助理四川手機報華西手機報-城市新農通市場版預存業務費  50元(10元/月)  100元(10元/月)30元(6元/月)30元(6元/月)25元(5元/月)25元(5元/月)10元(2元/月)送費額度50元100元30元30元25元25元20元□溫馨提示  1、用戶參加"存就送"活動,所訂業務在2014年12月31日前不能取消2、用戶參加"存就送"活動,存費額將從2014年1月開始分5個月等額劃撥3、贈送的話費在業務生效當月一次到賬,不能抵扣小額支付費用,使用有效期到2013年12月31日。mini storage


  據韓國ETNews最新消息,文件倉起亞和現代汽車明年有望推出搭載了基於安卓(Android)車內系統的新產品,此產品同時可以連線蘋果的iOS系統獲取多媒體內容。  對於不太瞭解IT技術的人(特別是女性朋友)來說,Android和iOS是什麼東東可能搞不明白。搞不懂沒關係,只要你目前使用的手機是蘋果或者三星的智能手機,那麼你每天用手機的時候,Android或者iOS就一定在"不動聲色"中為你服務。這一連串的英文字母對手機而言,其重要性等同于我們在使用電腦中,大家都要面對的微軟Windows操作系統。  電動車、自動駕駛和車聯網是近年來汽車產業新技術的三大熱門話題。以目前的情形來看,這三大技術之中車聯網是最容易,也是有望最快在汽車上達至普及。車聯網現在只不過是起步階段,將來基本定型之後對我們的汽車生活會產生多大的影響?可能真的要用一種好萊塢拍攝科幻大片時編劇們"天馬行空"的心態去浮想聯翩。難以相象!  不論是跨國車企還是自主品牌,當下都在汽車上開發車聯網技術以及相關的應用,但就目前可以推出的功能來看,只能算作車聯網的初級階段。也正因存倉應用功能簡單,對很多車主來說可有可無,因而車聯網將來的發展前景也受到汽車業內部分專業人士的質疑。  汽車標配的電子產品與手機互聯一下,在車內就可以上個網、購個物、打個線上游戲;開車迷路、碰到道路堵塞狀況、車子拋錨了,通過車內無線網絡與遠在千里之外的客服人員聯繫一下,尋求幫助;又或者車子被盜,因為車內裝有無線定位系統,廠家的人幫你將車子找回來了。假如車聯網只是發展到這個水平,車聯網頂多也只能夠成為汽車的標配,對大部分車主來說,離汽車生活的必需品還是有一段很大的距離。  蘋果公司的靈魂人物喬布斯曾經說過:"知道自己想要什麼並不是消費者的工作。"車聯網作為汽車業的全新產物,對很多消費者而言不要說目睹就算是耳聞的過程都沒有。因此生產廠家指望消費者能給你更多深層次的�示並不現實,目前迫切要做的是你要告訴車主需要什麼。  全方位的功能開發是車聯網發展方向。從車主的工作、生活,到駕車需求、車況的動態監控等等。如果車聯網不能做到全方位、無空隙地介入人們的汽車生活,相信車聯網最後也只能成為汽車�多雞肋功能中的一員,"玩偶"的意義大於實用性。(黃斯)儲存

百日草盛開 七股花海響叮噹

 【本報記者邱仁武台南報導】台南市七股區於去年11月初揭開全台花海序幕,儲存為再現七股花海,讓遊客眷戀七股的美好景色,七股區長莊名豪再號召農友種植景觀作物,目前在大文國小對面往南29線方向百日草花海盛開,遊客前往駐足觀賞,莊名豪昨天表示,在七股區大埕裡孔雀山莊荷蘭風建築襯托下,花朵隨風搖曳,沉醉於陣陣花香裡,彷彿走在世外桃源中,遊客紛紛前來拍照留念,再次打響「花海七股第一」的美譽。 莊名豪表示,七股土地鹽份重,種植花卉頗有難度,藉由農民翻耕細心照顧,已連續3年讓鹽地開花,今年共種植22公頃,花種有百日草、向日葵、大波斯菊,規劃區位以於176線往富麗漁村龍山社迷你倉上(台17線往龍山)、南34線(昭明國中斜對面)上往鹽山以及南31-1線往溪南春休閒度假農村觀光路線等景觀點上,預計陸續開花從10月底到明年元旦假期,歡迎各界遊客來七股踏青以及觀賞黑面琵鷺,享受當季的花海假期,留下最美好畫面。 莊名豪指出,公所配合102年「調整耕作制度活化農地計畫」,向農委會申請種子補助,配合七股區農會11月舉辦洋香瓜節,歡迎各界遊客觀賞花海,同時來七股參觀國際級保育的黑面琵鷺、多樣化的紅樹林保護區、熱門的鹽山、鹽博、樂活村等重要觀光景點。也可以品嚐最道地的七股生猛海鮮-虱目魚、吳郭魚、鮮蚵、文蛤,以及最有味道現採鹽地的蕃茄等農、漁特產等。self storage


【本報訊】據中新社北京三十日消息︰國務院台辦發言人范麗青表示,存倉如果兩岸服務貿易協議在台灣長期拖而不決,會對兩岸經濟合作進程帶來一些負面影響,受影響最大的是台灣業界和民眾,大陸方面已經多次表明態度。有記者在新聞發布會上提及,據台灣媒體報道,台立法機構對服務貿易協議的實質審查可能要等到今年年底才能進行,真正實施可能要等到明年,范麗青作出上述回應。另外,有記者問,上海自由貿易試驗區將給台商帶來哪些商機,與台灣自由經濟示範區開展交流合作方面,大陸有何考慮?范麗青回應,上海自由貿易試驗區的設立最近眾所關注,是大陸深化改革、擴大開放的又一重要舉措。自貿區有關條例都已公布,將會積極地推進金融、航運、商貿、專業人員、文化以及社會等服務領域的擴儲存開放,創新服務管理的模式,而這也必將給包括台商在內的廣大投資者帶來新的商機。鼓勵兩岸經濟功能區合作范麗青還表示,大陸方面鼓勵和支持兩岸經濟功能區之間加強交流合作,包括上海自貿區和台灣自由經濟示範區就開展交流合作進行深入探討,加快實質的合作步伐。有記者問及兩岸之間運力不足的問題。范麗青回應,兩岸現在人員往來一年已達七八百萬人次,的確存在�如何更方便民眾往來的迫切問題,但兩岸的直航航班要遵循兩岸空運合作協議,由相關主管部門和行業協會進行商討。大陸方面樂見兩岸之間有更多的航班,但也需要按部就班和互相商量。范麗青在應詢時還表示, 「旅遊法」的出台有助於兩岸居民旅遊往來更加健康有序發展。台灣方面如果提供更多的旅遊產品,會受到大陸遊客的歡迎。迷你倉

EDITORIAL: A questionable FDA decision on new painkiller

Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelOct.mini storage 29--The United States consumes 99% of the hydrocodone used in the world. Opioids are over-prescribed and frequently abused. Overdoses from narcotic painkillers have quadrupled in the last decade.This epidemic of abuse and addiction is why we think the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made a good decision Thursday to recommend tighter controls on narcotic painkillers such as Vicodin.It's also why we cannot fathom an FDA decision announced the very next day to approve a new high-dose narcotic painkiller without a formula to limit abuse and using a testing method that critics say biases the test in favor of approval.Zohydro ER was approved even after the FDA's own advisers recommended against it. It will be the first hydrocodone-only opioid and will be available in doses containing as much as five to 10 times more of the narcotic than other hydrocodone products on the market such as Vicodin, which also contains acetaminophen.The narcotic in Zohydro ER is designed to be released over 12 hours, but it's easy to see how it might be abused by people who could crush it, chew it or mix it with alcohol to get high."If the FDA was really interested in protecting the public, they would have said, 'No thanks...we have too many people dying of opioids in this country to justify approving Zohydro,'" David Juurlink, a physician and director of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Toronto, told John Fauber of the Journal Sentinel and Kristina Fiore of MedPage Today, who collaborated on an article about the FDA decision."Minus the pesky acetaminophen, plus the crushability, it's a disaster in the making."We fear that Juurlink might be right -- and so did FDA staff. Fauber and Fiore reported that a November 2012 memo from FDA staff predicted that the drug would be abused more than traditional hydrocodone products. The new drug will come in doses as high as 50 mg.It was approved using a method known as "enriched enrollment," in which, as Fauber and Fiore describe, drug compan儲存es are allowed to weed out people who either don't respond well to a drug or can't tolerate it before the actual clinical trial begins. Such a testing method is cheaper and makes it more likely that a drug will be found effective and potentially be approved by the FDA. Some experts think such a testing method is bogus, a poor substitute for more rigorous testing and, especially, for the real world.Fauber reported earlier this month that for years, FDA officials and drug company executives have gotten together for annual private meetings at expensive hotels through an organization funded by the companies. Whether this coziness influences the agency's decisions is hard to say, but it certainly calls into question FDA credibility.What isn't in doubt is that the FDA went all in on Zohydro. The agency said the drug gives physicians another option for patients who need an extended-release drug and for those who have become opioid-tolerant. And there certainly may be many benefits for a drug such as Zohydro if prescribed appropriately. But we think that FDA got this risk equation backwards, especially since an abuse-deterrent formulation of the drug likely won't be available for months. From 1999 to 2010, the number of people who died after overdosing on narcotic painkillers rose from about 4,000 to about 16,000, Fauber and Fiore reported.As Judith Kramer, a professor of medicine at Duke University, said during a hearing of FDA advisers last December, "With treatment of chronic pain, are we really, in the long run, helping people, or are we creating an epidemic? This drug will almost certainly cause dependence in the people that are intended to take it."That should have given FDA pause. That it didn't is worrisome.What's your view on the FDA's decision. To have your opinion considered for a letter to the editor, email jsedit@jrn.com. Please see letters guidelines.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

印尼龍目島 王者居停

  印度尼西亞在 1949 年獨立以前,mini storage曾經是荷蘭殖民地。這個鏈條狀的群島國家,在歷史上曾存在�無數的王國,例如曾統治峇里及龍目島的峇里王國。龍目島上,就有國王興建的王者居停及豪華星級酒店。假山水重現青春感  話說荷蘭人在 1602 年登陸印尼,開始長達 3 世紀的殖民統治,他們在 1674 年登陸龍目島,那時龍目島還是隸屬於峇里王國。荷蘭人駐紮於龍目島的東部,當利用峇里人與龍目人的矛盾而獲取漁人之利。龍目島在 8 至 10 世紀時,曾出現過強大的印度教王國馬達蘭(Mataram),現在島上的首府就是以此王國命名;後來王國衰落,被峇里王國吞併成為附庸。龍目島上的最高峰林賈尼火山(Rinjani Mountain)高度有海拔 3,726 米,是印尼第二高山,其火山口現在已積水變成一個火山口湖,島民說北半球進入冬季時,山頂會有結霜情況,被昔日島民視為神山聖湖,龍目島的王家居停─ 拿瑪達花園(Taman Narmada)就是在這種背景下興建的。  公元 18 世紀時,龍目島受國王 Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Karang Asem 統治,他在年青時亦常常攀登林賈尼火山朝聖,當時信仰印度教的古人都相信那是神明居住的地方。國王年邁了,無力再攀登神山,便想到在平地興建一所宮殿,宮殿的園林�更設置了林賈尼火山及火山口湖的「微縮模型」,讓他可以常常「攀登」神山及沐浴於聖湖的感覺。島上唯一王家遺�  1727 年,國王便下令在現今首府馬達蘭以東 11 公里的 Lembuah 村興建夏宮拿瑪達花園。雖說這是龍目島唯一的古代王家遺�,但對見慣大國王宮的遊客來說並不算宏偉壯觀,甚至只能說是一堆很有龍目島特色的老木屋而已。盡管如此,拿瑪達花園卻是見證龍目島統治階層生活的最佳物證。這是個充滿印尼印度教特色的園林,中央的禮堂 Jabbal Kap 雖只是間紅頂綠色小木屋,卻迷你倉高臨下可飽覽花園全景,又有城牆守護,是昔日國王宴請賓客的地方。  從禮堂俯瞰坡下,有個方形人工水池,代表聖湖,池水源自池畔的礦泉,據說浸了有延年益壽之效。當年,國王就最愛坐於池邊,看妃嬪在嬉水沐浴。由於那是個印度教王國,泉眼被當作神明般敬拜,現時泉眼仍有一座小神庵覆蓋,�面供奉了毀滅之神濕婆。水池旁邊,有一組階梯金字塔式斜坡,坡頂有幾個涼亭;原來是依照林賈尼火山仿造的模型,其實是個 5 層花園,年邁的國王登遊花園就當是攀登過神山了。在 Jabbal Kap 禮堂附近又有個 Bencingah 禮堂,�面展出一些 19 至 20 世紀初龍目島的舊照片,原來那是個動盪的年代,龍目島民攏絡荷蘭人趕走了峇里人,戰爭使荷蘭人有藉口介入島內事務,使龍目島名正言順成為殖民地。經過多年動盪,龍目島近年終於可以天下太平,園內的泉水泳池、釣魚池、越谷飛索都開放給民眾使用,王家花園也真正屬於人民了。---------------------------------Taman Narmada 地址:Narmada village, West Lombok district 門票:每位 Rp 5,000/ 約 HK$3.5 時間:9am-6pm---------------------------------旅遊 Info 簽證:特區護照可免簽證進入印尼,BNO 則須落地簽證。查詢:2890 4421 / .kemlu.go.id/hongkong/ 印尼領事館。 機票: 嘉魯達印尼航空每天來往香港、龍目島經濟客位,經耶加達轉機,票價 HK$5,180,燃油附加費約 HK$578。查詢:.garuda-indonesia.com 嘉魯達印尼航空。 �率:1 港元約兌 1,426 印尼盾 天氣:11 月龍目島氣溫為攝氏 23 - 32 度 遊網:.indonesia.travel 印尼旅遊局文件倉


Series on computer-hacking entertains with fast-paced action and a busy storylineWith Secrets For Sale, Game Plan and now Disclosed, WaWa Pictures is growing a sexy subgenre in local television - I think of it as the bad-boy procedural.儲存倉Unlike regular police procedurals, WaWa's shows centre on mavericks who operate outside the system and play by their own rules: private eyes in Secrets For Sale (2011), swindlers in Game Plan (2012) and, yep, computer-hacking publicity strategists in Disclosed.The job sounds quite far-fetched but the show jumps into action, opening with a potential sex scandal and an SMS so explosive, a bride who reads it runs away from her wedding and walks into oncoming traffic.And the drama keeps all its moving parts whirring, as a cool computer and public relations expert (Tender Huang) tussles with the bride's best friend, a hot- headed lawyer (Jesseca Liu), to determine and protect the secret at the heart of the case.Drawing together high-tech and human elements, the show delivers an up-to-the-minute buzz with investigations enabled by smartphone spyware even as it pokes fun at annoying social media and selfie addicts who go on blind dates with Liu.Then there are complications that are unlikely but cute: After Liu joins Huang's employ as a legal adviser, she lets a pop star move in with her temporarily to avoid media attention surrounding a celebrity prostitution ring, when Liu's younger sister (Tang Lingyi) is a snoop for a gossip website.But Liu's little brother (Shane Pow) is a big fan of the singer and he may, or may not, save the day.Although the show is pacy and snappy fun much of the time, it does stumble sometimes. A comic detour to Sim Lim Square fizzles out when Liu's fight with an amorous laptop repairman with greasy hands drags on.At other times, Liu's a迷你倉最平ting feels exaggerated, perhaps because Huang is understated as a man who tucks his emotional baggage behind an unruffled exterior.On the bright side, Patricia Mok doesn't miss a beat as Huang's adoring, eyelash-batting assistant.The show is so busy, really, that I barely have time to feel deja vu watching Liu play another assertive heroine and spar with another rebel hero (as she did with Christopher Lee in Secrets For Sale and The Oath, 2011).A policeman (Andie Chen) is introduced as Liu's former boyfriend and Huang's rival, in another of WaWa's tropes, and I expect a cat-and-mouse game between the two men quite soon. I look forward to it, actually.Because if there is a formula here, it is a successful one, making the show one of the most reliable pieces of entertainment on Channel 8 right now.Formulaic yet fresh - that describes What's Up!, a timeless musical drama by South Korean cable network MBN, too. Certainly, the show is a stroll, next to wearying current K-dramas such as Secret Love.Young people sing, dance and fall in love in What's Up!, which they have been doing from time immemorial and in dramas such as Dream High (2011).What is lovely here is how a pickpocket (Lim Ju Hwan) finds his way to the musical theatre department of a university.Remorseful after he flees from the police on a motorcycle and causes an old musician to be hit by a truck, he enters a theatre in a daze and comes across a musical rehearsal, which affects him powerfully.It feels like an emergency exit, he says later, leading him to a better, safer place.So begins his redemption and as he tries to go to musical school, he learns that his street-honed ability to impersonate other people is useful at auditions.In art, his skill has another name - improvisation - and his sensitivity is a boon.woeiwan@sph.com.sg迷你倉

空氣紅色預警 提醒中小學停課

信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/關注市政府新聞辦新聞發佈成都商報記者 劉文藻 王楠 王冕核心提示下載"天氣通"預警早知道據介紹,存倉我市各有關機構將根據地理、氣象條件和汙染排放分佈狀況對每日空氣質量進行預測。當預測未來一定時間內空氣質量指數(AQI)可能大於200時,將實時編制不同等級的重汙染天氣預警信息,並通過市環境監測中心站網站(.cdemc.org),"天氣通"、"彩虹天氣"等手機應用軟件,"成都發佈"、"成都氣象"、"成都環保"等政務微博以及電視、廣播、報紙、道路交通信息顯示屏等平台發佈,並�動相應的應急響應措施。目前"天氣通"軟件支持安卓和蘋果手機,"彩虹天氣"則只能在安卓手機上使用,市民可下載至手機,以備查詢。昨日,市政府新聞辦舉行2013年第19次專題新聞發佈會,就《成都市重汙染天氣應急預案徵求意見稿(試行)》(下簡稱《預案》)向社會公開征求意見。當未來24小時空氣質量指數(AQI)大於500時將�動最高級別,一級(紅色)預警。屆時,將提醒中小學、幼兒園停課,建議企事業單位實行彈性工作制,繞城高速以內則將實施機動車尾號單雙號限行。據介紹,《預案》已在市環保局網站(.cdepb.gov.cn)上全文公佈,從即日起到11月5日17時,邀請市民、社會各界提意見和建議。黃橙紅三級預警重度汙染�動黃色預警嚴禁露天燒烤《預案》中,把重汙染天氣預警由輕到重分為了三級、二級和一級3個等級。三級(黃色)預警指未來連續72小時空氣質量指數(AQI)在201至300範圍或空氣質量指數(AQI)在201至300和300至500交替出現。二級(橙色)預警指未來連續72小時空氣質量指數(AQI)在301至500範圍。一級(紅色)預警指未來24小時空氣質量指數(AQI)大於500。"《預案》根據空氣質量對應的預警級別,分級採取相應的應急措施,就是為了減少汙染排放,減緩汙染程度。"市環保局副局長孫勤懷稱,主要措施包括三類,分別為健康防護提醒措施、建議性措施、強制性汙染減排措施。成都商報記者注意到,一級紅色預警為最高級別,其措施也最為嚴厲。�動後將提醒中小學、幼兒園停課,建議企事業單位根據情況實行彈性工作制。此外還要求全市範圍內禁止土石方開挖、路面整修、綠化種植、房屋拆除等作業,在繞城高速(含)以內實施黃標車全天禁行,繞城高速以內則將實施機動車尾號單雙號限行(特種車輛、公交車、出租車和電動汽車除外)。"公務車也將一視同仁地納入尾號單雙號限行範圍。同時,水泥、鋼鐵、化工等重點行業企業實施臨時減產限排措施,減產不得低於50%。"二級橙色預警�動後,尾號限行的原可在三環外或二環內行駛的機動車,都將禁止在繞城內行駛。同時,散裝材料、渣土、建築垃圾運輸車輛和大型有機溶劑槽車實施繞城高速(含)以內全天禁行;在繞城高速(含)以內對黃標車實施全天禁行。工業企業也將減產不得低於30%。對於學校而言,�動該級別預警後,將建議中小學、幼兒園停止體育課、課間操、運動會等戶外運動。�動黃色預警後,成都將建議視情況暫停中小學戶外體育課;在家裝、汽修、噴塗等過程中要求減少易產生揮發性有機物的原材料及產品的使用。早7時至晚21點期間,禁止散裝材料、渣土、建築垃圾運輸車輛在繞城高速(含)以內行駛(生活垃圾清運車除外)。此時,嚴禁繞城高速以內露天燒烤,發現的將被嚴厲查處。預案有效期5年將邀國內頂尖專家對實施效果進行績效評估孫勤懷介紹,此次《預案》儲存QI空氣質量指數為衡量標準,參與評價的汙染物為SO2、NO2、PM10、PM2.5、O3、CO等六項。同時邀請了清華大學、中國環境科學研究院、南開大學、四川大學、成都信息工程學院相關專家參與起草。在國務院《大氣汙染防治行動計劃》出台後又結合北京、天津、河北、太原等地有關政策進行了修改完善。孫勤懷說,《預案》有效期為5年,開始實施後,市環保局將會同相關部門,邀請國內頂尖專家每年對其實施效果進行績效評估,並根據評估情況進一步進行優化完善,並及時向社會公開。"四川盆地、京津冀、珠三角等地區是我國霧霾重度出現地區,在過去由於汙染物較少,大多以水霧形式出現。近幾年,由於汙染物增多,加之氣候條件的影響,就出現了不同程度的空氣汙染。"市氣象局範曉宏副局長分析稱,成都屬於靜風或小風區,不利於汙染物擴散。在降水量上,雖然年降水量屬於國內比較充沛地區,但是降雨時間分佈很不均勻,一年四季有很大差異,6到9月共4個月占全年降水量75%以上,其他8個月則不足25%,因此在降水少的時間內,汙染物無法得到較好沉降,較容易出現霧霾。|解讀|限號 原則上以日期奇偶定單雙市交管局限行區域擴大將提前告知當預案達到二級,尾號限行區域將擴大到繞城內,到一級時繞城內則將實施單雙號限行。對此,市公安局交管局副局長巫文化解釋稱,預案�動後將根據不同級別,通過道路電子顯示屏等媒介提前向社會公�告知管控措施。紅色預警時實施的單雙號限行,原則上以日期的奇偶數確定單雙,如日期為1號限行單號,2號則限行雙號。違法車輛的處罰,與現行的處罰一致,即罰100元扣3分。 對於汙染天氣遇周末時,是否實施限行?巫文化則表示,目前《預案》只是徵求意見稿,更具體的細則還將進一步制定,屆時將向全社會通報。市經信委限產企業根據排放量決定在昨日的發佈會上,一份印有93家企業名字的表格備受關注,這些企業將在成都市�動重汙染天氣應急措施後進行不同程度的限產。那麼這份名單是如何來的呢?"名單上的企業都是高耗能、高排放的企業。"市經信委環資處處長彭明棣告訴成都商報記者,這份名單是市環保局的調查而來,根據企業的排放量大小來決定的。"嚴格來說,是在不影響企業年度生產的情況下,進行限產停產。"這一名單也非靜態不變,將根據每年市環保局最新的摸底情況進行調整。"如果企業的能源結構發生了變化,減少了排放就可以從名單上去劃去;如果有其他的企業排放量增大,就會進入這一名單,原則上是每年調整一次,由市環保局會同市經信委調整。"市教育局因"天氣"停課 成都有先例2013年1月,成都連續空氣汙染。市教育局向各區(市)縣教育行政部門建議,如所在區域空氣汙染指數達到中度以上,學校和幼兒園可根據實際情況減少或停止體育比賽和體育鍛煉活動,有條件的可將體育課改在室內進行。此外,市教育局要求學校教育學生或通知監護人,做好上、放學路上的防塵工作。"我們對全市中小學生髮出了低碳出行的倡議,建議學生儘量使用公共交通上下學、不讓父母開車或騎摩托車接送、拒絕購買燒烤等,為空氣汙染治理出一份力。"市教育局黨委書記馬海軍說。市城管局:增加道路清掃沖洗頻次"接下來我們將細化方案,分解任務措施。"市城管局副局長杜朝倫告訴記者,當重汙染天氣發生時,將按照不同的預警級別措施要求,落實增加道路清掃保潔和沖洗頻次等措施。按照不同的預警級別措施要求,組織開展施工揚塵、道路遺撒、露天焚燒、露天燒烤等汙染源執法檢查並會同有關部門對渣土車、砂石車等車輛停運情況進行檢查,並督促落實。迷你倉

美酒佳餚展開鑼 料迎15萬客

【香港商報訊】記者葉佩瑜報道:由旅發局主辦的「美國運通香港美酒佳餚巡禮」,儲存今日起一連四日假中環新海濱舉行。今屆首設即場入場費30元,預先購票人士可豁免費用。會場劃分為品味館及6大主題區,參展商來自16個展出地區,共設有299個美酒及美食攤位。旅發局節目及旅遊產品拓展總經理洪忠興期望,「美酒佳餚」展現本地中西融合的品酒文化,預計可吸引15萬人次入場。 移師中環新海濱設 299 攤位 今屆「美酒佳餚」展由西九用地首次移師至中環新海濱舉行,設有2個入口,南邊近金鐘入口供持票人士進場,西邊近中環入口則設現場購票,要淺嘗美酒則需使用品酒證或品酒券,價格由15元至480元不等。會場劃分成新設的品味館及6大主題區,包括展出900元以上優質酒的尊尚名酒區、展出歐洲佳釀的國家展區、展出得獎及高級經銷美酒的名釀匯、展出首次引入香港佳釀的美酒新發現、展出派對酒的派對美酒區及展出大眾化生活酒品的人氣美酒區,合共有299個攤位,包括21迷你倉個美酒攤位及89個美食攤位。 正直酒業代表黃靜綺表示,今年已是第二次參展「美酒佳餚」,去年成功將酒品賣得「七七八八」,故對今年銷情有信心。她稱,是次重點推介的「天仙瑪安莉半甜紅酒」,可以3張品酒券換取一杯;該酒有別於一般紅酒,除採用土壤中含藍色石板的葡萄釀造外,更使用陶瓷器皿盛載,令酒體醇厚、豐富,酸度和諧,加上存放該酒之酒窖十分特別,可成功提高酒的質素,並加快釀造時間。 全球僅餘6 枝靚 酒齒頰留香 德國酵釀園莊代表恩格斯預告,將於明晚6時開一枝全球只剩下6枝的葡萄酒與人同樂,可用4張至5張品酒券換取一杯,換完即止。他介紹說,該酒是少有以葡萄乾提煉的白酒,故味道不單濃厚,且酒體醇香,真真正正「齒頰留香」。 明昇行酒業代表李彥輝說,為了配合萬聖節,公司特別推出名為「愛登士之手西拉」,原產地澳洲的紅酒,「貪其鬼手標誌『過癮』、『應節』」,只需一張品酒券即可換取,十分划算。另外,攤位亦有其餘7種系列靚酒,任君品嘗。儲存倉

歐麗照明進軍香港 邁向國際 產品質優耐用取勝

mini storage 沒有內文self storage


創新為先今年的金融市場,文件倉可謂是熱鬧非凡。銀行不僅在"錢荒"的陰影下鉚足了勁想把資金拉到自家銀行中來,局外"搞互聯網的野蠻人"們更是打破腦袋也要蹚蹚這金融市場這潭"水"。實際上,傳統的銀行模式正在面臨挑戰,而銀行業正不遺餘力地轉身,謀求著新的發展方向。銀行謀求社區發展之路銀行業利潤高速增長的時代已經過去,而銀行業也正在尋找著能夠保全大佬地位的新興發展之路。今年以來,銀行轉型之舉數不勝數,社區銀行、微信理財……無論從業務還是方式,今年銀行可謂創新良多。10月份,民生銀行推出了社區銀行,引得業界一片關注。民生銀行董事長董文標就曾表示,未來的民生銀行還要打造"小微金融"和"小區金融",對小區房價均價如3萬/平方米、5萬/平方米、8萬/平方米的住戶進行分類,從而分層給予不同額度的授信,無條件授信拉動個人金融資產。民生希望能通過大量開設這樣的便民店,直接切入社區終端,從物理上解決"最後一公里"的問題;一方面攬存、一方面發掘居民信貸需求。董文標表示,3年內民生銀行在全國開出的金融便利店將突破一萬家。實際上,興業銀行已在福建開設了數家社區銀行,華夏銀行在北京也有相應的社會服務網點。而光大、浦發、農行等銀行業曾紛紛表示,正在研究及規劃此事。手機成為銀行業務主力軍金融的便利性不僅體現在社區銀行,服務的快捷也是銀行謀求發展的渠道之一,手機終端則成了提高百姓體驗感的利器。今年,中國銀聯與中信銀行、浦發銀行等9家銀行共同推出NFC移動支付,將金融領域帶入了無卡消費的新領域。在理財方面,手機銀行、微信銀行在今年成為銀行的"主力部隊"。招商銀行等多家銀行表示,使用手機銀行轉賬,將免除手續費用。而用戶只要一次簽約,則可在手機銀行直接購買理財產品,無需再到銀行網點排隊等候了。此外,在最初�多銀行推出微信服務平台,服務于信用卡等業務之後,各家銀行又紛紛開始琢磨著如何讓理財產品進駐微信銀行。今年8月份,浦發銀行首推"微理財",基於微信的圖文回複功能,用戶只要在第一次使用時進行簽約,不僅可使用餘額查詢、明細查詢、信用卡賬單查詢等服務,實現浦發網點的查詢、網點排隊預約等功能,用戶還可通過微信平台實現理財產品查詢、購買等功能。隨後,多家銀行進駐微信並提供微信理財服務。實際上,除了商業銀行有意通過微信發行理財產品外,基金公司也正在布局這一營銷平台。據悉,目前包括華夏基金、南方基金、易方達基金等均已開通微信賬號,且部分基金公司已初步實現在線交易功能,一家大型基金甚至還開通了語音交易功能。銀行理財品創新層出不窮今年下半年以來,銀行業似乎總也走不出"錢荒"的困局。盡管銀監會此前下發了嚴苛的"8號文",嚴控非標理財產品的規模,曾一度讓銀行理財品收益陡然下降,但從6月份銀行"錢荒"鬧劇之後,銀行的理財品卻為銀行攬儲立下汗馬功勞,而這就歸因於今年理財產品的創新層出不窮。在6月"錢荒"背景下,建行等銀行紛紛創新出掛�shibor的短期理財產品,雖然門檻幾乎均在百億級別,但高達8%以上的收益率,也讓不少投資者蠢蠢欲動。而進入9月份,銀行理財品的創新更加繁多起來。先是招商銀行試水P2P理財業務,再是多家銀行推出資管計劃理財,為百姓的理財增加選擇。9月份,招行在其網站上低調推出一款類似P2P平台的產品"e+穩健融資存倉目"。據產品介紹,最小投資單位為1萬元,融資期限從177天至182天不等,預期年化收益率6.1%-6.3%。數字顯示,自9月18日成功"撮合"第一筆業務以來,目前6個項目已經全部投滿,融資總規模達1.2937億元,約200個投資人參與出資。而10月份,銀監會放行銀行資管業務,也就是說,曾經只能將資金托管在保險公司、信托、券商等的理財金,終於回落至銀行手中。最近,工行、交行、興業、浦發等4家銀行也趁勢將首款自主理財管理計劃于上周公開向公�募集,產品均為非保本浮動收益產品。但這幾家銀行的資管產品均沒有公佈預期收益率。但據理財計劃書的數據,資管計劃的收益與今年9月發行的非保本浮動收益型理財產品5.16%的平均預期收益率大體相當。互聯網金融引爆理財市場今年金融市場之火爆,除了銀行業自身轉型之外,被稱作"野蠻人"的互聯網企業也是功不可沒。今年下半年,支付寶推出的"餘額寶"、百度推出的"百發",一次又一次地將投資者的目光聚焦到這些非銀行理財產品上。今年6月17日,支付寶餘額寶上線,在上線後18天便擁有了250萬用戶、60億的規模。天弘基金25日公佈的三季報顯示,6月13日才在支付寶上線的餘額寶,截至9月底資金規模已達到556.53億,3季度規模增長近10倍,客戶數突破1300萬,它驚人的增速讓市場再一次見證了互聯網金融的神奇。與此同時,在剛剛過去的3季度餘額寶共為用戶帶去了3.62億元的收益,成為名副其實的"屌絲理財"神器。後來者也不甘示弱,就在10月28日正式發售的互聯網理財產品"百發",上線第一日便創下10億元的交易額,購買者超過12萬人。而就在10月24日,在財付通的基礎上,騰訊攜手新世界百貨借助微信推出了"微樂付"。微信5.0版本加入微信支付功能後,將支付方式從傳統的PC端轉移到了移動終端。由於以強大的微信用戶為依托,使得騰訊電商在未來更希望通過移動端實現對淘寶的超越。外資行在華份額原地踏步中資銀行在金融市場上拼殺激烈,各顯神通,但外資行在今年卻似乎並沒有太多動靜。國際評級機構標普此前發佈的《中國50大銀行》報告認為,外資銀行良好的品牌認知度,以及同跨國公司和內地大型企業的密切關係,有助于其獲得穩定的營業收入。但外資銀行在華地域布局有限,難以威脅中資銀行。數據顯示,截至2012年年底,中國銀行業金融機構資產總額達133.6萬億元,外資銀行資產總額為2.38萬億元,占比1.82%,同比下降0.11%。在過去10年中,外資銀行在華市場份額從未超過2.5%,可謂"原地踏步"。實際上,外資行在華的日子並不好過。此前,市場傳出,法興銀行有意出售亞洲私人銀行業務,渣打集團、星展集團控股及匯豐控股等對此已進行第一輪議價,初步估值為6億美元。外資行撤離內地私人銀行業務在業內人士看來,似乎並不意外。普華永道中國銀行業和資本市場部主管合伙人梁國威表示,外資銀行特別是外資銀行的私人銀行在最初進入內地市場時抱有很大的希望。"但在過去幾年,他們發現市場競爭很激烈,他們也看到自身在這個市場上處於弱勢——中資銀行不斷發展私人銀行業務,相比之下外資銀行網絡、客戶、所能做的產品都相對受限制,如果想擴大業務,成本會增加、監管也會相對加強。"而外資行的撤離可能將是情理之中的事情。晨報記者 姜樊儲存

江西促東翼發展 承接產業轉移難待突破

王鵬善 余燕明近日,self storage江西省政府在上饒召開支持贛東北擴大開放合作加快發展工作推進會,推動于上月剛剛公佈的《關於支持贛東北擴大開放合作加快發展的若干意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)各項政策措施的落實。省長鹿心社指出,贛東北的發展目標是到2015年和2020年,主要開放型經濟指標分別占全省的比重達到五分之一以上和四分之一。《意見》意在鼓勵贛東北地區錯位發展,形成"一極兩都"開放開發格局。根據規劃,贛東北地區的上饒市將打造成江西省東部的重要增長極,景德鎮市建設"世界瓷都",鷹潭市建設"世界銅都"。不過,對比江西省政府的躍躍欲試,贛東北地區三市的反應則顯得頗為平淡。南昌大學經濟與管理學院院長尹繼東認為,這是因為按照贛東北地區的經濟基礎和產業狀況,決定其發展外向型經濟的難度較大。打造"一極兩都"按照《意見》,江西省對該區域發展的戰略定位是:打造中部地區重要的產業轉移承接示範區、沿海地區優質農產品供應基地、全國著名的文化生態旅遊地。江西省社科院應用對策研究室主任孫育平認為,此次出台的《意見》是在贛東北地區現有產業基礎上強調區域協作與對外開放,《意見》主要涉及"做大做強原有支柱產業"和"承接沿海地區的產業轉移"。以贛東北地區三市中經濟最為發達的上饒為例,《意見》提及,支持上饒市發揮向東開放橋頭堡作用,加快建設光伏、光學、先進裝備製造產業基地和全國旅遊強市,打造全省東部的重要增長極。與此同時,支持上饒構建贛浙閩皖四省交界區域中心城市,規劃建設以上饒市中心城區為核心,包括廣豐、玉山等地的信江河谷城鎮群,探索打造內陸城鎮化建設示範區,到2015年信江河谷城鎮群城鎮人口超200萬。此外,《意見》規劃景德鎮市將建設國家航空高技術產業基地和文化生態旅遊城市,振興陶瓷產業,打造"世界瓷都"。而鷹潭市則將建設中國丹霞·道教文化旅遊城市和區域性物流節點城市,依托國家級銅產業基地,打造"世界銅都迷利倉。本報記者獲悉,江西省在去年兩會期間就提出構築"龍頭昂起、兩翼齊飛"的區域發展格局,此後,南昌規劃打造核心增長極、九江重提昌九一體化戰略、贛南亦有振興原中央蘇區國家級戰略以作支撐。而贛東北地區的發展戰略卻久喚不出。因此,此次《意見》的出台,也就意味著江西省區域發展格局中"兩翼齊飛"的東翼發展目標正式成形。承接產業轉移無優勢不過,相比江西省政府的"大刀闊斧",贛東北地區的反應顯得有些平淡。本報記者採訪贛東北三市發改委多個處室時,多位工作人員多是回複"政策剛下來,還要等市里研究細化,才能確定下一步的發展目標。""這是可以理解的。"尹繼東認為,"贛東北地區承接產業轉移並無優勢"。當前,相比贛東北地區,贛南在地緣上接近海西地區,屬於海西天然的經濟腹地,因此海西地區產業多轉移至贛南。而國家級產業轉移示範區的皖江城市帶的逐漸崛起,對長三角企業更具吸引力。在另一方面,薄弱的經濟基礎和單一的產業基礎,正在成為限制贛東北地區對外開放水平和發展外向型經濟的阻礙。今年上半年江西省各地市經濟數據顯示,除上饒GDP處在全省第四位外,鷹潭、景德鎮兩地GDP分屬全省倒數第一位和倒數第二位。在工業布局上,贛東北地區工業產業單一亦是不爭的事實。截至去年,銅產業占到鷹潭全市經濟產值的一半左右,而景德鎮的陶瓷產業也占到當地GDP的四成上下。"薄弱的經濟基礎讓贛東北地區對支柱產業依賴度較高,接受產業轉移的難度也就加大了。"尹繼東說。尹繼東進一步分析,無論是景德鎮的陶瓷產業,還是鷹潭的銅業,都有著較強的資源依賴程度。再加上這些產業發展水平已經較高,甚至是獨樹一幟的,所以基本上很難有其他地區的企業可以轉移進來。所以,"未來的贛東北地區發展方向主要還是做優做強支柱產業。" 尹繼東說。鷹潭市發改委地區科一位官員也對本報記者表示,"鷹潭仍將會主要發展銅產業,這是鷹潭的支柱產業,因為鷹潭的區位優勢就是銅業。"迷你倉

銅仁天生橋大峽谷 鴛鴦成群

貴州省銅仁的天生橋大峽谷,mini storage又被稱為中國的鴛鴦谷,因為冬天這裡鴛鴦成群。天生橋河發源於湘西臘爾山西麓的科絨,流入銅仁川硐境內後,銅仁在古代稱它為「川洞江」,離貴州銅仁市20分鐘的車程。在抵達落大峽谷底遊覽前,旅遊覽巴刻意停在半山,讓遊人俯瞰大峽谷,筆者立即有心跳加速之感。抵景區門口後,要從一條幾個Z形的極陡峭山路上步行到達峽谷底乘船碼頭遊谷,真的行到腳仔軟。 落到近水面之處,有一個簡陋的碼頭,泊了幾艘鐵船,眾人上船穿上救生衣開始遊河,乘坐遊船在峽谷中遊覽大約2小時,遊船上有專人講解,讓你領略到其奇特之處。天生橋河穿山越谷的52公里流程中,天然落差255米,峽谷河床水面平均寬36米,很多地方沒有一點緩衝的河岸,峭岸時而孤峰獨峙,時而峰回水轉,水窮峰出。在蔥鬱的林木籠罩下,谷內風光奇異,溪水澄澈碧翠,水平如鏡,抬頭仰望,頭頂上峽谷兩岸是高聳入雲的懸崖峭壁,直插谷內河水,壁立千仞;在山壁上堆砌出無數的鈣華體物質,天然繪畫出似迷你倉還真的珍禽異獸,嶙峋崢嶸,千姿百態,久不久就出現山上涓涓溪流從山頂向峽谷傾瀉形成飛瀑懸掛,這些瀑布,無論大小,都極具魅力。 坐在一艘電動船上在幽幽的峽谷,翠綠的河水上遊,船頭突然傳來同行人歡欣的叫聲,有鴛鴦呀,按相機的動作與鴛鴦起飛的動作鬥快,自然效果不夠理想,惟有再等機會,終於見到一群色彩繽紛的鴛鴦戲水,生平第一次如此近距離見到鴛鴦成群在翠綠的河水上遊玩,倍覺風光旖旎,閉上眼睛深深吸一口清新空氣。想起從景區門口進走到達峽谷乘船碼頭的艱辛路程,還是算值得的。天生橋大峽谷集神、奇、險、幽於一體,是人們旅遊、探險、漂流、避暑的好去處。不過以目前的簡陋原始設備,實在不是人人可以去玩得起。 在天生橋峽谷景區外的鄉村旅館也是景區的一部分,其提供的銅仁地道菜——酸菜魚湯,讓人吃了之後無法忘懷啊。 天生橋河大峽谷集神、奇、險、幽於一體。是人們旅遊、探險、漂流、避暑的好去處。這裡萬仞石壁,斷崖綠帶,俊秀巍峨,美如畫卷。可漂流,也可嬉水。文件倉

2013年10月29日 星期二

強力推介台灣觀光台旅會 昆明辦台灣之夜

←嘉賓舉杯共祝兩岸旅遊業更上一層樓!(盛志耘攝)↑旅交會上的台灣展館。 【記者盛志耘、雅萍報導】10月24日晚上,self storage雲南昆明國際會展中心三樓鑽石廳燈火輝煌,由台灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協會主辦「台灣之夜」正在這裡熱鬧舉行,向來參加「2013中國國際旅遊交易會」的兩岸旅遊業界人士強力推介台灣觀光。 台旅會謝謂君會長在「台灣之夜」推廣活動中,對兩岸觀光交流得以健康有序發展表示欣慰,並向與會人員說明今年5月間台旅會制訂的「旅行業接待大陸地區人民來台觀光旅遊團優質行程審查作業要點」,鼓勵大陸組團社共同參與,透過優質行程產品組織陸客赴台旅遊。 謝謂君表示,台旅會目前所推動優質行程措施,與大陸10月1日起實施的《旅遊法》的立法精神是一致的。雖然該法實施初期,因團費有所提高,增加旅客旅遊預算進而影響出迷利倉意願,短期內大陸赴台團體人數將有所減少;但長期而言,對於兩岸觀光發展具有正向意義,有助真實反映旅遊產品成本及支付合理團費,回歸以旅遊為主的正常旅遊型態。 謝謂君更進一步建議,在符合兩岸雙方法規的前提下,輔導業者調整體制、轉型經營,期許兩岸業者以《旅遊法》施行為契機,以「自主意識、透明購物、品質保障、權益維護」為目標,共同落實優質行程,精進兩岸觀光交流。 除此之外,謝謂君還向與會者極力推薦「台灣觀光年曆」的重大活動,歡迎大家冬季到台灣泡湯、嘗美食,體驗台灣豐富的溫泉資源。他更邀請大陸遊客參加明年接續登場的慶元宵系列活動,感受臺灣民俗節慶活動的獨特魅力。尤其明年在南投中興新村舉辦的「2014台灣燈會」,更是一場傳統與科技、在地美食及豐富游程的聲光饗宴。謝謂君會長邀請大家一起到南投賞燈。迷你倉

PREP VOLLEYBALL: Regional titles at stake this week

Source: The Telegraph, Alton, Ill.迷你倉最平Oct. 29--Two achievements targeted by the Roxana Shells volleyball team in 2013 included a school record for victories and a regional championship.The 22-12 Shells took out the first goal last week and take aim at the second this week in the Roxana Class 3A Regional. Roxana is the No. 1 seed in a field that includes second-seed Jersey, Greenville, Taylorville, East Alton-Wood River and Civic Memorial."The regional is wide open with four teams having a winning record, but not one team can be overlooked," Shells coach Mike McKinney said. "It should be an exciting time all three nights. We are hoping to send our seniors out with a regional title. This week is almost like another senior night for us."EA-WR met Taylorville and CM played Greenville on Monday with the winners filling tonight's semifinal bracket with the Shells and Panthers. The title match is at 6 p.m. Thursday.The Shells, playing in Class 3A for the second season, are seeking their second regional title since winning their first in 2003. Roxana is led by senior Anna Whitaker and junior Bailey McGuire, the team's top attackers.Jersey, which won its lone regional title in 1994, has hopes of ending its postseason drought and owns a three-set win over the Shells when they met Sept. 13 at the Alton Tournament. The 17-12 Panthers are led by 5-foot-10 senior outside hitter Macy Thurston.The regional champ at Roxana advances to the Mattoon Sectional for a semifinal match with the Springfield Lanphier Regional winner. Springfield (30-2-1) is the No. 1 seed at Lanphier.CLASS 4AThe Edwardsville Tigers and Alton Redbirds are part of a five-team field at the Quincy Regional, where the host Blue Devils (24-10) are the No. 1 seed.Edwardsville (21-14) is the No. 2 seed and remains a serious title contender despite limping into postseason with nine losses in its last 13 matches. The Tigers, who shared the Southwestern Conference title with Belleville West, are seeking their sixth successive regional title.First up for the Tigers is Alton, which is 16-17-1 and carries a five-match losing streak into the playoffs. The Redbirds will play the Tigers at 6 p.m. today in a match moved to Edwardsville to save both teams a trip to Quincy.The championship match is at 6 p.m. Thursday in Quincy, with the winner advancing to the Normal West Sectional.CLASS 2AThe Southwestern Piasa Birds would love to cap their turnaround season with the program's first regional championship. The Bird迷你倉 get the advantage of playing at home, but the field includes a Carlinville program with a rich history of regional success.The 26-7 Cavaliers, who have won eight in a row and 14 of their last 15 matches, are the No. 1 seed and favorite to capture a 19th regional title. Carlinville, regional champ in six of the last seven seasons, split a pair of regular-season matchups with Southwestern.The Cavs are formidable at the net with 6-0 Megan Stayton, 5-11 Kathleen Kelly and 5-9 Talesha Scott attacking off sets from Carley Kulenkamp. All four are juniors, with seniors Bailey Schmidt and Kayla Wills prominent in the back row during the Cavaliers' run to a 26th straight 20-wins season.Southwestern is 16-8 after finishing 4-22 in 2012. The Birds lack the firepower up front that Carlinville brings, but has gotten kill shots from sophomores Maddy Greeling and Karlie Green with sophomore setter Ashlyn Ringhausen also turning in a strong season.But before Southwestern can concern itself with a third shot at Carlinville, both the Birds and Cavs must get past tonight's semifinal matches. The title match is at 6 p.m. Thursday with the winner advancing to the Newton Sectional and a semifinal against the St. Elmo Regional winner.Metro East Lutheran is the No. 2 seed at St. Elmo, where Altamont is the top seed. Regional winners from Pana and Casey-Westfield also feed into the sectional at Newton. Effingham St. Anthony is the No. 1 seed at Pana, with Newton No. 1 at Casey.CLASS 1ACalhoun, which romped to a Western Illinois Valley Conference title with a 9-0 record, is the No. 1 seed in its own Calhoun Regional. The Warriors are 25-3-1 and gunning for their third consecutive regional championship.Calhoun, which won regional titles in 1986-87 before going back-to-back in 2011-12, has never produced a regional three-peat. With just one defeat in their last 24 matches, the Warriors are a clear-cut favorite in a field including No. 2 seed Greenfield and No. 3 Carrollton along with Pleasant Hill and Griggsville-Perry.Semifinals in Hardin are tonight with the title match Thursday. The Calhoun Regional champ moves on to next week's Lebanon Sectional.The Bunker Hill Regional survivor also advances to Lebanon. The host Minutemaids are the No. 1 seed at Bunker Hill ahead of Lovejoy, Lebanon, Mount Olive, Brussels and Madison.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) Visit The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) at .thetelegraph.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

Firewall set up to monitor FTZ transactions heralds reform rules

China has set up a firewall to monitor transactions made by capital accounts in Shanghai's pilot free trade zone in real time, increasing hopes the country may announce rules to liberalize interest rates and capital accounts in the zone next month as part of its financial reform efforts to power the economy.儲存The People's Bank of China has set up a firewall that can distinguish accounts set up in the FTZ from those opened outside, and authorities will monitor transactions made by the accounts in real time, Li Xunlei, chief economist of Haitong Securities, told a forum in Shanghai yesterday.Hopes are high that the third plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee to be held next month will unveil reforms needed for China's economy.The reform plan, which includes liberalizing interest rates and capital accounts mini storagen the zone, was "probably the most ambitious" economic initiatives China has ever taken, Credit Suisse said.Meanwhile, Nomura said it was a "step in the right direction" but pointed out that the government must have the will in implementing the reforms.The Development Research Center affiliated with the State Council has set out eight key areas for reform — finance, taxation, land, state assets, social welfare, innovation, foreign investment and governance, the China News Service reported over the weekend.The proposal for policy changes covers aspects from reducing administrative approvals, breaking monopolies, lowering barriers to entry in the financial industry, to setting up a deposit-insurance system. It also involves making the yuan a reserve currency in some markets and setting up funds to invest and manage state assets.self storage

Last yard is the longest yard for Rams

Source: St.mini storage Louis Post-DispatchOct. 29--The Rams knocked and knocked and knocked some more on the door. In the process they knocked the stuffing out of NFC West powerhouse Seattle.But they just couldn't find the end zone, right down to a last-ditch effort on a fourth-and-goal play from the Seattle 1. As time expired, Kellen Clemens' fade pattern to a well-covered Brian Quick fell incomplete in the left corner of the end zone.So a game the Rams probably deserved to win ended in a 14-9 loss Monday night at the Edward Jones Dome.REPORT CARD: HIGH MARKS FOR DEFENSEThe Rams reached the Seattle 15, the Seattle 10 and the Seattle 3 previously but went zero for four in the red zone."We call it the 'money zone' for a reason," Rams left guard Chris Williams said. "That's where the money's at. You've got to go down there and be effective. Those hurt."But all the Rams could get for those efforts were three Greg Zuerlein field goals and that incomplete pass to Quick. So despite outgaining Seattle 339 yards to 135, and having the ball nearly twice as long (38 minutes, 9 seconds to 21:51), the Rams lost their second straight, falling to 3-5.Seattle (7-1) has the best record in the NFC. There were 55,966 tickets distributed for a game that about 45,000 boisterous fans attended -- including a few thousand Seattle fans -- what with the Cardinals playing Game 5 of the World Series nearby."I'm proud of our guys," Rams coach Jeff Fisher said. "We explained to them what we had to do. ... We got down to the last play of the game, didn't make it happen. I feel bad for them but they'll bounce back."In a way, you could say the evening was a case of typical Rams buzzard luck. A sure interception turned into an 80-yard touchdown by Golden Tate late in the third quarter."'Jenks' just fell down," Fisher said, referring to cornerback Janoris Jenkins.On the play, Jenkins was in perfect position for an interception on an underthrown ball down the left sideline by Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson, but lost his balance. Tate made the catch and ran unhindered to the end zone, having enough time to wave "bye-bye" to pursuing Rams safety Rodney McLeod. That drew a taunting penalty that was enforced on the ensuing kickoff.And then there was Zuerlein, who had made his first 14 field- goal tries of the season when his 27-yard kick narrowed Seattle's lead to 14-9 early in the fourth quarter. He barely missed on 50-yarder -- wide right -- that would have narrowed Seattle's lead to 14-12 with 8 1/2 minutes left in the game.Had that kick been good, the Rams would have needed only a chip-shot field at the end to pull out a dramatic upset over the heavily favored Seahawks.The Rams kept the Marshawn Lynch and the vaunted Seattle running game in check all night, limiting Lynch to only 23 yards on eight carries and the Seahawks overall to 44 carries on 15 yarself storages, or 2.9 yards a carry."That was their choice," Fisher said of Lynch's limited workload. "We got off the field on third down, and as a result they didn't have a lot of opportunities, a lot of plays. There's nothing wrong with their running game, by the way. OK? They can run the football."The Seahawks entered the game ranked second in the NFL in rushing offfense, with Lynch ranked second among league rushers with 578 yards.Clemens, replacing the injured Sam Bradford, completed 15 of 31 passes for 158 yards and threw two interceptions. He battled and scrapped, and scrambled out of trouble on a couple of occasions. But in the end, the Rams fell a yard short."We needed 97 yards (on the last drive) -- we got 96," Clemens said. "In this business unfortunately, your grade scale is pass or fail. ... It's a business of wins and losses."As has been the case since their loss Sept. 26 to San Francisco, two and three tight end sets were the order of the day for the Rams' offense. The extra beef up front opened some holes against Seattle's sixth-ranked rushing defense, with Zac Stacy the primary beneficiary. He carried 26 times for 134 yards.The Rams got on the board first, thanks to a short field and the steady leg of Zuerlein, whose 33-yard field goal with 4:37 to go in the first quarter gave the Rams a 3-0 lead. The Rams took over at the Seattle 46 on the field goal drive.Clemens kept the drive alive by scrambling into the open, then firing a 26-yard pass to Austin Pettis on a third-and-9 from the Seahawks' 45.The Rams had another drive in the making late in the first quarter, but Clemens threw an interception down the left sideline on a play where it looked like tight end Jared Cook got confused and stopped running his route.Linebacker Bruce Irvin, dropping into coverage, intercepted the ball at the Seattle 21.But with the Rams' defense breathing fire, the Seahawks couldn't do much with the ball.When not stuffing the running game, the Rams were all over Wilson. He was sacked seven times, with defensive ends Robert Quinn and Chris Long getting three apiece.Even though they were outgained (131-38) and outplayed in the first half, Seattle scored the game's first touchdown. On a first-and-20 play from the Rams 44, Clemens threw high and behind Pettis down the field. Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman grabbed the errant pass and raced 38 yards, to the Rams' 26.With the aid of not one, not two, but three penalties on the same play -- all against the Rams -- the Seahawks had a first-and-goal situation from the 1. Wilson was stopped twice on keepers, but then on third down, he rifled a TD pass to Tate on a play in which the Rams' secondary didn't look like it was lined up in time.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

崔世安會見王國強 重視推動中醫藥發展

【特訊】行政長官崔世安昨日在禮賓府會見國家衛生和計劃生育委員會副主任、國家中醫藥管理局局長王國強,mini storage就本澳中醫藥的發展及中醫藥科技產業園的建設交換意見。行政長官感謝國家相關部委長期支持澳門特區的衛生醫療建設,希望國家衛生和計劃生育委員會與特區衛生部門繼續保持緊密溝通和合作,並希望國家中醫藥管理局繼續支持本澳中醫藥往後的發展,以及橫琴中醫藥科技產業園的建設。他介紹了近年在中醫藥方面的逐步拓展,包括澳門科技大學培養中醫藥人才,澳門大學從事中醫藥研究,兩間大學聯合設立中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室。政府重視多方向推動中醫藥的發展,一方面是作為培養人才,另方面是作為促進特區self storage遠多元化發展。王國強表示,應邀來澳出席世界衛生組織關於實施全球傳統醫藥戰略2014-2023的高層會議,以及兩岸四地中醫藥院校長論壇,與各地代表就傳統醫藥、中醫藥進行互動交流。對於澳門中醫藥方面的發展及中醫藥科技產業園的建設,他表達了國家對此的支持。他關心到澳門中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室要更好支援中醫藥產業化的發展,以及在加強中醫藥學術教育方面發揮力量。對於未來中醫藥科技產業園的發展方面,他希望澳門藉此契機,可以逐步建立獲國際認可的中醫藥質量認證和標準化指標,為中醫藥的發展發揮力量。行政會秘書長柯嵐及國家中醫藥管理局國際合作司(港澳台辦公室)司長王笑頻參加會見。迷你倉


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  28日,文件倉西班牙媒體爆料,稱美國一個月監聽西班牙電話記錄數千萬次。報道公佈幾個小時後,西班牙外交部召見美國駐西班牙大使,要求對有關美國監控西班牙電話通訊的報道作出解釋。  另據美國《華爾街日報》28日報道,白宮曾叫停國家安全局監聽德國總理安格拉·默克爾等監聽項目,但美國國安局沒有立即落實。同一天,美國官員透露,總統貝拉克·奧巴馬正考慮終止針對盟國領導人的監聽活動。  西媒爆料  美一個月監聽6000萬次通話  美國的監聽丑聞在歐洲持續擴大。西班牙《世界報》28日刊文,稱美國國安局僅一個月就在西班牙監聽超過6000萬次通話。文章說,美國國安局記錄下電話的撥打方、接聽方以及通話時長等信息。  文章還附上一幅題為《西班牙——過去30天》的柱狀圖,圖片顯示了2012年12月10日至2013年1月8日間西班牙每天遭監聽的通話量。僅2012年12月11日一天,國安局在西班牙追蹤超過350萬次通話,為單月最多的一天。  另外,《世界報》報道,國安局還從網頁記錄、電子郵件、社交網站、微博客網站等源頭系統化收集數字信息。  文章由美籍記者、專欄作家格倫·格林沃爾德與人合寫,資料據稱來自斯諾登。  《世界報》爆料後數小時,西班牙外交部召見美國大使詹姆斯·科斯托,要求美方提供詳細信息。科斯托在隨後發表的一份單獨聲明中繼續為監聽活動辯解,稱一些項目為保護美國人的利益和盟友的利益發揮了"重要作用"。  歐洲議會一個代表團28日前往華盛頓,就"監聽門"向美國討說法。法新社報道,代表團可能有意暫停一個歐盟與美國間共享銀行數據的協議。  白宮8月就已經叫停  監聽項目了?  《華爾街日報》援引一些美國官員的話報道,在今年8月的年中內部審查中,國安局向奧巴馬匯報了監聽項目,其中針對一些"優先目標"擴大情報搜集的計劃獲得奧巴馬批准。  在這次內部審查中,美國國安局匯報,監聽大約35名外國領導人的電話。白宮隨後叫停針對幾名領導人的監聽活動,包括默克爾。但按爆料官員的說法,一些項目被叫停後國安局並沒有立即落實。  美國國會參議院情報委員會主席黛安娜·範斯坦28日卻說,鑒於美國國家安全局沒有就針對其他國家領導人的監聽活動作正式匯報,這一委員會將對美情報機構的存倉有監視項目展開"全面審查"。  範斯坦在一份聲明中說,情報部門向她匯報過有關監聽的部分事宜,比如就收集通話記錄獲得的法庭文件等。但是,包括她在內的參議院情報委員會成員卻不知道情報人員的監聽對象已經擴大到盟友國家的領導人。  白宮考慮終止監聽  但沒最終決定  28日,美國官員透露,奧巴馬正考慮終止針對盟國領導人的監聽活動。  按照範斯坦的說法,白宮官員已經告訴她,針對盟國領導人的類似監聽活動"不會繼續"。  不過,一名不願公開姓名的美國官員告訴美聯社記者,範斯坦的聲明"不准確",白宮正在考慮終止這類監聽,但還沒有作最終決定。  這名官員強調,白宮已經修改了情報部門的部分監聽規定,眼下考慮作更多修改,包括終止監聽盟國領導人。  白宮發言人傑伊·卡尼在當天的白宮例行記者會上說,隨著美國情報收集能力的提升,當局認識到有必要就情報的收集和使用方式增加"限制",這意味著美國今後的情報工作在監管和透明度上會有新措施。  "我們需要保證,收集情報完全出于安全需求,而不是因為我們能做就去做,"卡尼說。  美決定解密文件證"合法"  為盟友關係"療傷"  針對"監聽門"引發的國內外指責聲,美國國家情報總監詹姆斯·克拉珀28日宣佈解密數十份絕密文件,以證明國安局收集民�電話記錄的行為屬於"依法辦事"。  美聯社報道,當天解密的文件主要圍繞美國《愛國者法》關於允許情報機構收集電話記錄的第215條規定。  一份標注2009年2月的文件顯示,美國國安局對�議院情報委員會承認,其中一個情報項目收集了"太多"通話數據,但是"問題已經解決";另一份標注為2009年的時任國家反恐中心主任邁克爾·萊特宣誓證詞顯示,對美國民�通話記錄的情報收集活動幫助檢方成功指控2009年紐約地鐵未遂爆炸案恐怖嫌疑人納吉布拉·扎齊。  克拉珀說,當局決定解密這些文件,緣于總統奧巴馬作出過指示,希望公開盡可能多的有關機密信息,讓公�瞭解美國情報機構如何根據《外國情報監控法案》實施監控。  美聯社解讀,美國政府正借助各部門可利用資源證明監聽項目的重要性,以減少外界指責和壓力,避免這些情報收集能力不受額外限制。不過,一些人權組織認為,美國情報機構對無辜人士的信息收集已經觸犯憲法。儲存


南方日報訊 (記者/盧慧 通訊員/李郁英)羅浮山又要熱鬧了。11月15日至17日,文件倉"2013廣東道教文化節暨第七屆惠州國際(休閒養生)旅遊節系列活動"(以下簡稱"惠州國際旅遊節")將在惠州市博羅縣羅浮山舉行,此次活動也是2013廣東國際旅遊文化節的分會場。惠州國際旅遊節的主題是"道教養生、美麗惠州、福地羅浮",主要活動包括羅浮山風景區遊客中心�用儀式、廣東道教學院籌建辦揭牌儀式、道教書畫攝影展暨《山水釀惠州》宣傳冊首發儀式、祈福法會、愛心中醫義診、山呼海應看惠州——全國百名攝影家和粵港澳主流媒體及旅行商惠州採風踩線等系列活動。在昨日召開的新聞發佈會上,惠州市委常委、統戰部長楊燦培預計,本屆惠州國際旅遊節參加人數將達數千人。目前,各項籌備工作正緊鑼密鼓進行,活動�動儀式等各項活動已基本就緒,並成立安全保障組,確保活動期間參觀者的人身安全、食品安全、醫療服務。■焦點羅浮山有何舉辦優勢?省民族宗教委副主任溫衛平:道教文化濃厚歷史悠久一是羅浮山是中國道教十大名山之一,是中國道教十大洞天之第七大洞天,七十二福地之三十四福地,有重要地位;二是羅浮山是廣東道教的重要發源地,東晉年間著名的道教理論家、藥學家、化學家葛洪在羅浮山修行煉丹、著書立說、授徒講學,自始開創了嶺南道教流派;三是羅浮山擁有道教名觀,像沖虛古觀、九天觀、黃龍古觀、酥醪觀這些古觀具有1600多年的歷史,羅浮山是集宗教文化、旅遊觀光為一體的國家重要名勝風景區;四是2010年以"和諧道教祈福亞運"為主題的首屆道教文化節在羅浮山成功舉辦,惠州羅浮存倉具有承辦大型系列活動,特別是道教文化活動的經驗。活動有哪些道教元素?省道教協會會長賴保榮:祈福法會祈願國泰民安一是活動�動儀式和祈福法會,祈福法會是道教特有的儀式,以祈禱國泰民安、世界和平和人民幸福安康;二是安排為期一天的道教文化與生態文明研討會;三是愛心中醫義診活動,廣東省中醫院、惠州市中醫院、博羅縣中醫院將在活動期間聯合安排中醫專家義診;四是舉辦道教文化書畫展,展出十位書畫家的作品,其中不乏道教文化元素。活動有哪些道教元素?省道教協會會長賴保榮:祈福法會祈願國泰民安省道教學院籌備如何?省民族宗教委副主任溫衛平:選址道教養生研究院將籌建的廣東省道教學院是宗教院校,主要培養宗教教職人員,屬於特殊教育體系,主要面向道教界有道教信仰的信徒。廣東省道教學院計劃辦成三年制大專,每期招生30人左右,三年畢業以後再招第二期。目前,學校選址在羅浮山沖虛觀附近的道教養生研究院,占地數千平方米,國家宗教局將對學校進行實地考察。省道教學院籌備如何?省民族宗教委副主任溫衛平:選址道教養生研究院如何體現休閒養生文化?惠州市旅遊局長黃細花:旅遊結合養生,走國際"範兒"羅浮山以中藥文化、養生文化著稱,希望通過節會將旅遊與養生文化緊密結合,將養生文化發揚光大,助力羅浮山景區創5A的進程。節會期間,將出版《山水釀惠州》宣傳冊,通過美食推介惠州客家養生文化。此外,系列活動中,休閒養生文化將大走國際線路,俄羅斯、泰國等國旅行商將對休閒養生旅遊線路進行採風踩線。如何體現休閒養生文化?惠州市旅遊局長黃細花:旅遊結合養生,走國際"範兒"儲存

TRAFFIC WOES: Monday fatality continues spate of wrecks

Source: Odessa American, TexasOct.存倉 29--The 19-year-old driver of a Hyundai Tiburon died in a wreck on Interstate 20 near Moss Avenue -- one of a series of major accidents Monday that continued a dangerous weekend trend on the roadways of Odessa-Midland.The wreck on Interstate 20 and Moss Avenue happened at 8:05 a.m., according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. A trooper on the scene said four people were taken to the hospital but reported later that just one suffered an injury, which was non- life threatening.The DPS reported that the Hyundai was driving eastbound on the interstate when it went into a sideways skid for an unknown reason, crossed into the westbound lanes and collided with a westbound Ford pickup.The driver and sole occupant of the Hyundai died at the scene, the DPS reported. The DPS later identified the driver as 19-year-old Abel Castro of Soccorro and reported he had not been wearing a seatbelt. The four occupants of the pickup were taken to Medical Center Hospital, but the DPS later reported the driver of the pickup suffered injuries, which were non-life threatening. The DPS identified him as 19-year-old Juan Jose Aldana of Odessa and reported he was wearing a seatbelt.Traffic after the wreck was diverted from I-20 to the north service road.About an hour and a half later Monday morning, a truck traveling northbound on FM 1788 attempted to turn left on Highway 191 and rolled, according to a release from the City of Midland. The driver, whose name was not released, reportedly received minor injuries and refused treatment at the scene.But his haul of diesel and gasoline leaked out of the truck, requiring a Hazmat crew to plug the leak. As a result, FM 1788 was blocked for several hours.Troopers with the DPS, meanwhile, searched Monday for a man believed to 儲存e the driver of a Kia Optima who troopers say fled a crash scene late Friday night in Gardendale, which sent seven people to the hospital, two of them critically injured.That wreck happened at about 10:15 p.m. Friday, when a Kia Optima driving eastbound on Highway 158 rear-ended an eastbound Lincoln Navigator near Dogwood Avenue in Gardendale, according to the DPS. The Navigator then reportedly swerved into the westbound land, colliding with a westbound Chevrolet Suburban that rolled onto its passenger side. The DPS did not identify the seven victims by press time on Monday, four of whom came from the Navigator and three from the Suburban.But spokeswoman Trooper Elena Viramontes said troopers were searching for white male with the first name pronounced "Cody," driving a gray Kia Optima with the following license plate number: DF6G804. Anyone with information about the vehicle or driver is asked to call the Midland or Odessa DPS offices.Also on Friday, a 34-year-old Midland motorcyclist died in a wreck at about 5:10 p.m. on Highway 191, according to the City of Midland. Spokesperson Sara Higgins stated in a news release that the motorcyclist, Erik Kator, was driving eastbound in the left lane when a Dodge pickup merged into the lane. Kator tried to evade the pickup, Higgins wrote, but left the roadway and crashed in the median.Kator, who was wearing a helmet, was taken to Midland Memorial Hospital, where he died soon after, Higgins reported. The investigation was ongoing Monday night.Follow Odessa American on twitter @OdessaAmerican, like us on Facebook at Odessa American or call 432-333-7714 for the main newsroom line.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

Music marketing turning to unconventional means

Source: Tulsa World, Okla.自存倉Oct. 29--It's not enough to just release an album these days. It has to be a production.The Internet has helped create a guerrilla marketing machine, making the old method -- release an EP, then full album, tour, repeat -- seem outdated. This year has seen several bands take an unconventional approach to building hype and dominating social media and music coverage while tightly controlling the message.Most recently is the indie rock group Arcade Fire, which has used its odd nature to create intrigue around its fantastic new sound.In August, strange graffiti with the word "reflektor" began to appear in cities around the world.Soon, the Grammy Award-winning Arcade Fire released a photo of the same symbol, stating that it was the name of its new album and the name of the first single off that album.The first single, created using a computer and a cell phone camera, was released in an interactive music video on Sept. 9. Another "conventional" video with the band in giant plastic heads was released at the same time.I saw the music video and was totally hooked. Arcade Fire's first three albums were fantastic indie rock, with a Grammy for Album of the Year for "The Suburbs," a big step for an indie rock band. The single "Reflektor" is a dark and pulsing song with backing vocals from David Bowie and make for seven minutes of exciting music.When the album started to leak on the Internet in low-quality form, the band jumped ahead of it and put the whole album on YouTube last week.Already, hype for the album has reached a fever pitch even before its release Tuesday. Music magazines and websites are fawning over the album, with Rolling Stone releasing a track-by-track review and comparing it to music legends and calling the album a turning point.All that work was done before you could even buy it.The release of "Reflektor" isn't just an event. It became an experience.Arcade Fire is part of a trend in promoting albums and even movies with guerrilla marketing tactics. Rapper Kanye West released a new album in June, with no singles released and a few public performances, relying on music and mass media to spread the word. Electronic dance group Daft Punk played a two-minute teaser trailer at the Coachella Music Festival for "Random Access Memories," released earlier this year, followed by teases on "Saturday Night Live." The single "Get Lucky" dominated music charts and was stuck in everyone's head well before the full album was released. It has more than 132 million plays on the music-streaming service Spotify as of Monday.Garth Brooks sent a cryptic and confusing email to fans earlier this month that said "it has begun." What has begun? A new album? A new tour? 迷你倉id Brooks just embark on a quest to throw the ring into Mordor?Brooks did announce Monday on his website that a television special is set to air Nov. 29, a live performance of his Las Vegas show. But is that the announcement, or is that just the beginning? No word from official sources, which is just what they want.The trend seems to be to release snippets at a time, giving fans a little taste and hooking them, but leaving them wanting so much more. Just like a drug dealer.And it has worked. Daft Punk's "Random Access Memories" debuted at No. 1 in their native France, the United Kingdom and the United States, making it the duo's first No. 1 album in each of the countries after two decades of making music.I have probably listened to the single "Reflektor" dozens of times and listened to the full streaming album at least twice. Because I know more about what I'm getting into, I could see myself buying the album when it comes out.Several websites have been offering a streaming version of certain albums before the official released. It feels like cheating a bit, getting to hear it before it's on sale. But, as a marketing tactic, it can be a cheap way for the band to connect with fans and build more hype for the release.After all, the goal musicians have is to get people to actually purchase music, not seek out illegally downloaded copies. By controlling the information, hyping the product to an extreme degree and giving fans a free preview, artists may be able to boost those sales.Of course, it also helps if the new music is good.Make mine a doubleBuilding hype for a band to a fever pitch is one thing. Keeping that going after the album has released is another.But for hardcore fans, there will always be more to want.Enter the deluxe edition. These days, they are frequently not offered in boxes, but the deluxe edition still increases the satisfaction for the super fan but at a healthy cost.Fans of Toby Keith who wanted more than just "Drinks After Work" can get so with his new album bundle. Released earlier this month with his latest album, fans can get not only the deluxe album version, but a T-shirt, hip flask, pint glass, coasters and a beer bucket. I see a theme here.Of course, these items can't be purchased and delivered digitally, which is usually enough to satisfy the casual listener. The more devoted Keith fan can make that affiliation known in this special way.These promotions have never been intended for just anyone, but there is a market for them no matter the price.Jerry Wofford 918-581-8346jerry.wofford@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage


self storage 本報訊記者劉小微報道10月22日,安華農業保險股份有限公司與吉林農業大學全面戰略合作簽約儀式暨安華農業保險學院揭牌儀式在長春市舉行。雙方確定了共同協商制定人才培養方案、聯合培養雙師型隊伍、聯合共建專業實訓教學基地等�多合作內容。據吉林農業大學經濟管理學院相關負責人介紹,安華公司與吉林農大的合作早在數年前就已經開始。2008年,安華公司在吉林農大建立在崗培訓基地,至2012年,雙方合作已發展為安華公司為吉林農大提供具有豐富實踐經驗的講師隊伍。在此基礎上,雙方一致認為,有必要繼續擴大合作範圍。迷你倉


【本報訊】小學女教師林慧思街頭爆粗辱警,mini storage引發支持和反對林的陣營於本年八月初在旺角行人專用區集會,一名退休警員涉嫌在集會期間向參加者及攝影記者施襲,他昨在在觀塘法院否認三項普通襲擊罪,案件押後至十二月九日再訊,期間獲准繼續以五千元擔保。被告楊志偉(五十八歲),為退休警員,被控於今年八月四日在旺角西洋儲存南街近奶路臣街交界襲擊尹家聲及羅國輝。控方指,案發時旺角行人專用區正舉行集會,事主尹家聲在台上做手勢時,遭被告從後拉扯T恤,攝影記者羅國輝見狀上前拍攝,遭被告兩番推跌地上。控方續稱,案中共有六名證人,包括兩名事主和在場記者,警方亦拍到案發情況,被告在警誡下否認施襲。案件編號:KTCC 5602/13迷你倉

MP Saud detained on charges of incitement to murder

Source: Jordan Times, AmmanOct.儲存 29--AMMAN -- Criminal Court Prosecutor Afif Khawaldeh on Monday decided to detain Deputy Yihya Saud for 14 days on charges of incitement to murder, and offending Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour and another MP.The decision came as part of an ongoing investigation into a shooting that took place under the Dome of Parliament last month.Deputy Talal Sharif (Amman, 1st District) fired at least two bullets from his AK47 at his colleague MP Qusai Dmeisi (Zarqa, 4th District) during an argument as the Lower House was about to start a session.The bullets did not hit Dmeisi, but the Lower House decided to dismiss Sharif, which effectively lifted his immunity to allow judicial authorities to investigate the case.He is still in custody, and has been charged with attempted murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and resisting security forces, Agence France-Presse reported on Monday."Prosecutors found evidence that Saud incited Sharif to shoot at Dmeisi," AFP quoted a judicial official as saying.During Lower House discussions over amendments to the 2013 State Budget Law in the last extraordinary session of Parliament in early September, Dmeisi and Saud (Amman, 2nd District) engaged in a scuffle after Dmeisi tried to prevent Saud from launching accusations at the prime minister.Saud criticised the premier, interrupting him and accusing him of constantly "lying" about government policies, which provoked Dmeisi, who said that he was against anyone who criticises Ensour.Dmeisi attempted to lunge at Saud, but was prevented by several other deputies.After the meeting resumed, Dmeisi apologised to the Lower House for his actions.The shooting took place a few days later.Investigators have found a connection between the two incidents, according to parliamentary sources.Saud's charges also include slandering official entities such as the Cabinet and Parliament.If convicted, Saud faces dismissal from the Lower House and more than two years in prison as per Article 迷你倉87 of the Criminal Code.But later on Monday, Lower House Speaker Saad Hayel Srour issued a statement calling for halting the measures taken by the prosecutor against Saud based on Article 151 of the House's Rules of Procedure.In a statement carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, Srour said the Lower House did not lodge any official complaints against the Amman MP, adding that the House is the only entity with the authority to take punitive measures against one of its members if he/she offends another colleague or violates the rules under the Dome.The speaker cited Article 87 of the Constitution, which grants MPs the right to speak freely in Parliament within the boundaries set by the House's Rules of Procedure.Petra also quoted Ensour as saying that he did not press charges against Saud and has no plans to lodge any complaints against the MP.The statement was taken from an official letter that the premier sent to Justice Minister Bassam Talhouni in relation to the criminal prosecutor's letter detailing the decision to detain Saud on charges that include offending the prime minister.Saud has a history of assaulting other colleagues.In May, he attacked his colleague Deputy Motaz Abu Rumman (Shabab Al Wifaq list) as Ensour was trying to address the Lower House on electricity prices.Abu Rumman had urged Saud not to interrupt the premier, which led to an argument and a scuffle between the two MPs.Last year, during a session of the 16th Parliament, Saud also assaulted Deputy Jamil Nimri, hurling his shoe at him over remarks made to online news outlets.Local news website Ammon reported late on Monday that tens of the MP's supporters from the Hai Tafaileh area held a sit-in in downtown Amman to protest against his detention.Saud sent them a letter urging them to maintain a peaceful approach in their protest, Ammon said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

2013年10月28日 星期一


○新報記者王曉琳文年末臨近,儲存無論是正在籌劃年假安排的"奔奔族",還是打算趁聖誕、跨年或春節出游的"逍遙派",到了年底就該犒勞一下自己。出門旅遊未必要"高大上"(高端大氣上檔次),有時另類的"白富美"一回也不賴。白艾爾伯塔冰天雪地白雪皚皚,雪花紛飛,對於戶外愛好者而言,冬季出游少不了各種滑雪、溜冰等冰雪活動。這個冬天,加拿大艾伯塔省旅遊局精心設計了加拿大絢麗極光愛之旅、加拿大落基山城堡冰雕愛之旅、加拿大浪漫火車冰原大道愛之旅、加拿大落基山銀色繽紛愛之旅等4條推介旅遊線路,涵蓋了12項在艾伯塔省不容錯過的活動,包括:滑雪(單板/雙板)、雪上大腳鞋&直升機雪鞋漫步、冰走峽谷、浪漫城堡、狗拉雪橇、絢麗北極光、馬拉雪橇、雪上飛碟、溫泉水療、冰雕節&馬拉雪橇、購物&美食以及冬季運動(如冰球、冰壺及滑冰)。其中,絢麗極光愛之旅帶領遊客親眼目睹神秘壯觀的北極光、遊覽卡爾加里市;落基山城堡冰雕愛之旅將前往賈斯珀小鎮;浪漫火車冰原大道愛之旅適合滑雪達人,可在艾伯塔省賈斯珀國家公園的高山滑雪勝地滑雪、乘坐狗拉雪橇,盡情欣賞令人驚豔的自然美景;落基山銀色繽紛愛之旅則將帶領遊客體驗班夫溫泉的魅力。值得一提的是,位於加拿大艾伯塔省賈斯珀國家公園中�所期待的"冰川天空步道"已于近期圓滿落成,並將在2014年5月開門迎客。屆時,遊客可踏上懸于高空280米的透明步道,飽覽落基山脈的壯麗景色。顯微"境":"魅力艾伯塔,非凡體驗"冬季網絡活動日前拉開帷幕,參與者可透過加拿大艾伯塔省旅遊局的官方微博及微信分享旅遊體驗,並在"12種推薦體驗"中選擇一項與好友分享,即有機會贏取蘋果iPhone5手機、三星4S手機等逾百份獎品。富空中套房設施豐富10月28日,新加坡航空公司�用A380執行上海往返新加坡航線。據介紹,這是繼2007年新航�用A380執飛悉尼航線以及其後的巴黎、紐約、法蘭克福等地後,首次落地中國內地。為了讓旅客更舒適地享受旅程,每架新航A380還配置有12個新航套房,在萬里高空中營造了完全專屬的私密寧靜空間。套房內的設施更是全面豐富,應有盡有,不僅配備全球首創的獨立式全尺寸平躺睡床、柔軟的床墊,並提供紀梵希設計的豪華羽絨被和睡枕,另外還有名廚的空中美食酒肆服務、尊享餐食預定、精彩的空中娛樂互動體驗等。新航�用A380執飛新滬航線之際,攜程旗下頂級旅遊品牌HHtravel鴻鵠逸游發佈"A380新航套房·環游世界"系列產品。這是國內高端環球游產品中首個配備A3 80新航套房的產品,涵蓋大洋洲、歐洲、北美洲、南美洲、亞洲五大洲,跨洲際航線全部搭乘A380新航套房和頭等艙,造訪悉尼、巴黎、巴塞羅那、紐約、里約熱內 盧等全球最具代表性的城市,包含22天、35天等行程選擇。其間,遊客可以親臨20 14巴西狂歡節,飽覽世界三大瀑布之一的伊瓜蘇大瀑布盛景,攀爬世界最大鐵橋———悉尼港灣大橋,搭乘直升機飛越紐約曼哈頓天際線,在巴黎埃菲爾鐵塔品嘗米其林饗宴,欣賞里約基督雕像、紐約自由女神像、巴塞羅那聖家堂等世界地標……此外,全程所入住的酒店也赫赫有名,包括巴黎、紐約、比佛mini storage四季酒店,悉尼香格里拉酒店,東京半島酒店,輕井澤虹夕諾雅頂級度假村,伊瓜蘇卡達拉斯酒店等。與此同時,印度尼西亞鷹航空公司的全新波音777-300ER客機亦于近日登陸中信泰富廣場中庭,向公�展示首度亮相中國市場的頭等艙產品。11月7日起,鷹航將�用全新波音777-300ER客機執飛上海至雅加達的每日直達航班。這一機型也是目前鷹航機隊中的最新成員。據悉,印尼鷹航的波音777-300ER客機總共擁有314張 舒適座椅,其中包括8席頭等艙套房和38個公務艙座椅以及268張經濟艙座椅。其中,頭等艙套房配有可瞬間變為睡床的人體力學躺椅、觸摸式座位控制系統等。新推出的獨家飛行娛樂系統配備有23.5英寸的LCD屏幕,涵蓋電影及實況電視、音樂、兒童世界、機上購物、遊戲等娛樂。通過印尼鷹航的強大技術支持和松下全球通訊系統而形成的"飛行連接",即使在高達40000英尺的高空,乘客依舊可以上網沖浪,瀏覽網頁、聊天或者郵件辦公。顯微"境":據瞭解,將于2014年2月�程的"A380新航套房·環游世界22天"一團限量10席,產品售價39.5萬元,包含南極之旅的35天產品售價57.5萬元,昨天已正式開賣。美酒店商場變身T 台正當上海時裝周精彩呈現之時,全球各大2014春夏時裝周也已華麗登場。每年兩季的時裝周充斥著名人、設計師、頂尖趨勢的發佈、時裝秀、街拍和派對。而這股時尚旋風刮至酒店、商場又是另一番光景。紐約四家W酒店成了紐約時裝周相關的活動舉辦地;巴黎W酒店距離迷人的地標性建築卡尼爾歌劇院近在咫尺,聚集了時裝周上的重要人物……2014SS各大知名時裝周舉行期間,全球數家W酒店,也成為明星頻繁出沒地。順著潮流風尚,四季酒店集團與紐約高端生活方式類時尚品牌蔻馳Coach共同合作,為賓客推出特別惠享禮遇。12月20日前,凡入住四季酒店亞太區的上海、北京、澳門、廣州、杭州、馬爾代夫等地的共13家酒店體驗"尊享更多"套餐的賓客,除了可以享受每日雙人早餐、雙人水療護理、免費wifi上網等服務之外,更可在退房時獲贈價值500元人民幣的Coach尊享禮券(僅限中國大陸使用)。一直走在時尚尖端的歐洲九大精品購物村也在本季推出一系列特別活動。除了將有更多新鮮品牌入駐購物村,並提供低至建議零售價四折甚至更多的優惠外,旗下米蘭附近的菲登扎購物村、慕尼黑附近的因戈爾施塔特購物村、巴塞羅那附近的羅卡購物村等,近期還推出"ATouchofChic"秋季活動,由TheUniqverseStudio創 作的羊毛藝術裝置也將配合獨特創意活動將各大購物村裝點一新。顯微"境":近日,香港新鴻基地產旗下商場(wtcmore世貿中心商場,新太陽廣場,新世紀廣場,mikiki,apm,將軍澳中心,東港城,新都會廣場,荃灣廣場,元朗廣場,Vcity,新城市廣場,大埔超級城,上水廣場和上水新都廣場)與銀聯攜手推出雙重優惠大禮:即日起至11月15日期間,消費滿3000港元,可獲贈100港元新地商場現金禮券及天際100香港觀景台"買2送1"門票優惠券各一張。另在逾200 個商戶享有銀聯消費,輕鬆折扣待遇。self storage

遏制投資飢渴 告別數量型趕超

□本報記者 顧鑫四川等地提出的"四萬億"投資計劃引起市場關注。分析人士認為,存倉中西部地區發展水平相對落後,可以投資的空間很大,其投資計劃未必一定不合理,但短期的脈衝式投資,一方面面臨資金來源約束,恐難以順利實施;另一方面投資拉動所帶來的短期高增長可能引起對調結構必要性、迫切性的誤判。同時,為吸引投資所提供的招商引資條件則可能扭曲資源配置,降低資源使用效率。隨著中國經濟發展進入"第二季",中西部不能僅僅著眼于對東部地區的數量型趕超,而應遏制投資飢渴,更加重視提高增長質量,讓有限的資源發揮出更大效益。當前,中國經濟發展進入以提質增效為特徵的"第二季",經濟告別高增長成為市場共識,個別地方"四萬億"投資計劃的提出顯得有些另類。從各地實際情況看,對於數量型高增長的路徑依賴並沒有真正擺脫。自2004年以來,各地就出現了增長速度之和明顯高于全國的現象,這種情況在今年上半年顯著擴大,中西部地區的表現尤為明顯,"穩中求進"有演變為"穩中求競"的苗頭,結構性風險可能正在進一步積累。在當前加杠杆空間不斷收窄、房地產周期逐步見頂、人口日趨老齡化的背景下,過去幾十年間我國面臨的高投資、高增長、低通脹局面已經改變。有的地區提出"四萬億"投資計劃即使存在一定合理性,也不能認為具有十分的可行性,至少在資金方面就可能會面臨一些約束,能否順利實施需要打一個問號。從資金供給看,人口日趨老齡化、傳統工業化接近尾聲等因素導致我國長期居高不下的儲蓄率趨於下降,資本投入加大對於通脹的影響會更為顯著。從資金成本看,我國正處於利率市場化進程中,國際經驗均表明利率市場化將提升廣譜資金價格,銀行的負儲存成本將明顯上升,實體經濟使用資金的成本將會水漲船高。從地方財力看,房地產周期逐步見頂將影響土地出讓收入,較高的地方債壓力將影響繼續加杠杆空間,政府投資類項目的實施將受到掣肘。(下轉A02版)(上接A01版)有關地方政府在回應外界的說法時也表示政府缺錢,但好項目不缺錢。項目的實施主要依靠民間投資,尤其是產業類項目主要採取市場化手段來解決資金問題。但新的擔憂隨之而來,當前地方政府具有較強的資源配置能力,在招商引資過程中有時甚至不計成本,所謂不缺錢的好項目可能確實符合當地比較優勢,也不排除附帶了比較多的優惠條件來吸引資金。近年來,對投資本應更為謹慎的民間投資在一些不合理的補貼政策刺激下也在進入產能過剩領域,這種投資行為的投機化並不真正有利於地方經濟發展。遏制投資飢渴會帶來經濟減速,但考慮到過去增長中存在的水分,這並不可怕。傳統工業化時代已經過去,中國經濟升級版需要的是新型工業化和有克制的GDP增速,發展的同時應注重生態保護、汙染治理和可持續發展。短期的投資刺激帶來的只是一時的狂歡,難以真正解決發展問題,之後恐怕是更加漫長和痛苦的調整期。中西部地區相比于東部有著自身的要素稟賦優勢,如勞動力更為廉價,土地、礦產等資源更為豐富,但是資源並不會無限供給,而是會越來越稀缺。因此,在配置資源時應當科學規劃、充分論證、合理布局,減少政府干預,充分發揮市場的作用,把資源配置到效率高的地方,只有這樣才能吸引到真正有競爭力的項目,培育出自身的競爭優勢。不妨將視野放得更開闊一些,一些地區的自然與原生態、旅遊與文化等資源不正是比較優勢嗎?從長期來看,資源保護某種程度上也是生產力。迷你倉